< 1 Corinthians 12 >

1 Now concerning spirituall giftes, brethren, I would not haue you ignorant.
Ni tu tre nno u Brji Tsratra, mina son ndu yi hama ni toh na.
2 Ye know that ye were Gentiles, and were caried away vnto the dumme Idoles, as ye were led.
Bi toh ndi niwa bina rli he ni bwu'a ba kayi rji hu ba' kpyi u brji meme waa bana tre na, ni bi nkon wa bana nji yi'a.
3 Wherefore, I declare vnto you, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Iesus execrable: also no man can say that Iesus is the Lord, but by the holy Ghost.
Tokimayi mison ndu yi toh ndi indji waa a tre ni Brji u Rjia ani hla, “Yesu a' wa ba tie nyie niwu'a.” Indjio nita bre hla ndi, “Yesu hi baci”, se ni Brji Tsratsra
4 Now there are diuersities of gifts, but the same Spirit.
Inno ba'he' ni nkan kan u Brji'a ri rii.
5 And there are diuersities of administrations, but the same Lord,
Iyo' ba ba he ni nkankanyi, u' Baci a hi ririi,
6 And there are diuersities of operations, but God is the same which worketh all in all.
U ba' nduu' ba' he ninkan kanyi u' Rjia' hi ririi wa ani tie ba wawuu.
7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is giuen to euery man, to profite withall.
Ba nno ko nhaa ikpyi u Brji Tsratsra wa ani tie rju hrass waa ni tie bi ni ndji wawuu.
8 For to one is giuen by the Spirit the word of wisdome: and to an other the word of knowledge, by the same Spirit:
Ni' ri' ba nno rji ni Brji Tsratra ilan u' he toh, niri ilan u he kpran rji ni Brji ririi me.
9 And to another is giuen faith by the same Spirit: and to another the giftes of healing, by the same Spirit:
U ri kponja ni Brji kima, uU ni ri ahi nno u den rji ni Brji ririi kima.
10 And to another the operations of great workes: and to another, prophecie: and to another, the discerning of spirits: and to another, diuersities of tongues: and to another, the interpretation of tongues.
Ni' ri ba nno wu tir kpyi u wa ba nna' u ndji'a, u ni ri ahi totsu. Ni ri ba nno wu he toh bi' brji ba, ni ri ahi ba l'me, uni ri toh hla ba l'me.
11 And all these thinges worketh one and the selfe same Spirit, distributing to euery man seuerally as he will.
Biyi wawu mbawuu bahi ndu u Brji ririi kima, waa ani nno ndji blawo towa a son'a.
12 For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of the body, which is one, though they be many, yet are but one body: euen so is Christ.
Uwa ikpa hi ririyi nda he ni nghma kpa gbubu u wawumbawu na nghma kpa u kpa' ririi, a he tokima me ni kristi.
13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we bee Iewes, or Grecians, whether we be bonde, or free, and haue bene all made to drinke into one Spirit.
Ani Brji ririi ba tie batisma ni wawumbuwu ni mi kpa ririi, ko ndji u Yahudiya ka ahi u Grik, ka ahi gran ka ahi ni tu' maa, u ba ndu ba so ni Brji ririi wawumbawu.
14 For the body also is not one member, but many.
E ikpa' nahi nghma' ririi na, nghma kpa ba gbugbu wu.
15 If the foote would say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body, is it therefore not of the body?
U za nita hla din, “Mina hi wo na, mina nghma kpana, wa to kima na ndu zuwu ndu he nghina kpana.
16 And if the eare would say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body, is it therefore not of the body?
U iton nita hla, “niw mina shishi naa, mina nghma kpana, hla tokima na zu he nghma kpana.
17 If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where were the smellling?
U ikpaa wawuu ndi na shishi, wa'ni ngye ba ndi wa wo? U ikpaa wawuu a ndi na ton, wa ni ngye ba ndi tawo whi?
18 But nowe hath God disposed the members euery one of them in the bodie at his owne pleasure.
To, u Rji a tie nghma kpa ba ni nba ndu mba blawo so sron ma.
19 For if they were all one member, where were the body?
Ukpa a ndi na nghma kpa ririi, u imbru kpa a ndi he mameyi?
20 But now are there many members, yet but one body.
U, to mba, nghma kpa ba gbugbuwu, u kpa ahi ririi.
21 And the eye cannot say vnto the hand, I haue no neede of thee: nor the head againe to the feete, I haue no neede of you.
Shishi na he ni nkon u hla no wo, “Mina tie kpye ri niwu na.” Utu na wani za, mina he kpye u tie niwu na.
22 Yea, much rather those members of the body, which seeme to be more feeble, are necessarie.
Ana he tokima na, niwa nghma kpa wa ba ban ndi ba kuyren, bakims yi ba ngbengblen kpaa,
23 And vpon those members of the body, which wee thinke most vnhonest, put wee more honestie on: and our vncomely parts haue more comelinesse on.
U nghma kpa wa ba ku yren'a bi kimayi ba yaba ni nfu tu'.
24 For our comely partes neede it not: but God hath tempered the body together, and hath giuen the more honour to that part which lacked,
Nghma kpamau bi bia bana wa ba tie kpyeri ni bawu'a na. U Rji a tie kpaa kabi nda nno bi wa ba yaba kpatsria ndu ndindi zan.
25 Lest there should be any diuision in the body: but that the members shoulde haue the same care one for another.
A tie toyi ni ndu son nkankan na he ni mi kpaa na, amma ni ndu nghma kpa ba ndu ba toh tie ni kpamba ni bi son ririi.
26 Therefore if one member suffer, all suffer with it: if one member be had in honour, all the members reioyce with it.
U nghma kpari ni tasi tie ya, nghma kpa ba wawuu ba tie ya, u bata to tie na nghma kpari u mbru ba baka ngri ngame.
27 Now ye are the body of Christ, and members for your part.
Tomba, bihi kpa kristi ndi nghma kpama.
28 And God hath ordained some in the Church: as first Apostles, secondly Prophetes, thirdly teachers, then them that doe miracles: after that, the giftes of healing, helpers, gouernours, diuersitie of tongues.
U Rji a cuni mi coci ni mumla, bi ton ndu ba, u ha, bi totsu, utra bi tsro, uni bi tie kpyi wa ba nna' u ndji'a, niwa ba he nno u den, ni bi zo, u biwa ba nji he kali uni bi l'me.
29 Are all Apostles? are all Prophetes? are all teachers?
Ahi wawumbawu bahi bi ton? Bahi bi Totsu wawuu? Bahi bi tsro wawumbawu? Batie ndu wa banna' u ndji wawumbawuu?
30 Are all doers of miracles? haue all the gifts of healing? doe all speake with tongues? doe all interprete?
Ahi wawumbawu ba he ni nno u den? A wawumbawuu batoh shle l'ma hla?
31 But desire you the best giftes, and I will yet shewe you a more excellent way.
Yo sron mla wa nno bi rligra ma. U ime mi tsro iwa nna ba bi kpa cu'a.

< 1 Corinthians 12 >