< 1 Chronicles 24 >

1 These are also the diuisions of the sonnes of Aaron: The sonnes of Aaron were Nadab, and Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar.
و اين است فرقه هاي بني هارون: پسران هارون، ناداب و اَبِيهُو و اَلِعازار و ايتامار.۱
2 But Nadab and Abihu died before their father, and had no children: therefore Eleazar and Ithamar executed the Priestes office.
و ناداب و اَبِيهُو قبل از پدر خود مُردند و پسري نداشتند، پس اَلِعازار و ايتامار به کهانت پرداختند.۲
3 And Dauid distributed them, euen Zadok of the sonnes of Eleazar, and Ahimelech of the sonnes of Ithamar according to their offices in their ministration.
و داود با صادوق که از بني اَلِعازار بود و اَخِيمَلَک که از بني ايتامار بود،۳
4 And there were found more of the sonnes of Eleazar by the number of men, then of the sonnes of Ithamar. and they deuided them, to wit, among the sonnes of Eleazar, sixteene heads, according to the houshould of their fathers, and among ye sonnes of Ithamar, according to the housholde of their fathers, eight.
و از پسران اَلِعازار مرداني که قابل رياست بودند، زياده از بني ايتامار يافت شدند. پس شانزده رئيس خاندان آبا از بني اَلِعازار و هشت رئيس خاندان آبا از بني ايتامار معين ايشان را بر حسب وکالت ايشان بر خدمت ايشان تقسيم کردند.۴
5 Thus they distributed them by lot the one from the other, and so the rulers of the Sanctuarie and the rulers of the house of God were of the sonnes of Eleazar and of the sonnes of Ithamar.
پس اينان با آنان به حسب قرعه معين شدند زيرا که رؤساي قدس و رؤساي خانه خدا هم از بني اَلِعازار و هم از بني ايتامار بودند.۵
6 And Shemaiah the sonne of Nethaneel the scribe of the Leuites, wrote them before ye King and the princes, and Zadok the Priest, and Ahimelech the sonne of Abiathar, and before ye chiefe fathers of the Priests and of the Leuites, one familie being reserued for Eleazar, and another reserued for Ithamar.
و شَمَعيا ابن نَتَنئيل کاتب که از بني لاوي بود، اسمهاي ايشان را به حضور پادشاه و سروران و صادوق کاهن و اَخِيمَلَک بن ابياتار و رؤساي خاندان آباي کاهنان و لاويان نوشت و يک خاندان آبا به جهت اَلِعازار گرفته شد و يک به جهت ايتامار گرفته شد.۶
7 And the first lot fell to Iehoiarib, and the second to Iedaiah,
و قرعه اول براي يهُوَياريب بيرون آمد و دوم براي يدَعيا،۷
8 The third to Harim, the fourth to Seorim,
و سوم براي حاريم و چهارم براي سعُوريم،۸
9 The fifth to Malchiiah, the sixt to Miiamin,
و پنجم براي مَلکيه و ششم براي مَيامين،۹
10 The seuenth to Hakkoz, the eight to Abiiah,
و هفتم براي هَقُّوص و هشتم براي اَبِيا،۱۰
11 The ninth to Ieshua, the tenth to Shecaniah,
و نهم براي يشُوع و دهم براي شَکُنيا،۱۱
12 The eleuenth to Eliashib, the twelft to Iakim,
و يازدهم براي اَلياشيب و دوازدهم براي ياقيم،۱۲
13 The thirteenth to Huppa, the fouretenth to Ieshebeab,
و سيزدهم براي حُفَّه و چهاردهم براي يشَبآب،۱۳
14 The fiftenth to Bilgah, the sixtenth to Immer,
و پانزدهم براي بِلجَه و شانزدهم براي اِمير،۱۴
15 The seuententh to Hezir, the eightenth to Happizzer,
و هفدهم براي حيزير و هجدهم براي هِفصيص،۱۵
16 The ninetenth to Pethahiah, the twentieth to Iehezekel,
و نوزدهم براي فَتَحيا و بيستم براي يحَزقيئيل،۱۶
17 The one and twentie to Iachin, the two and twentie to Gamul,
و بيست و يکم براي ياکين و بيست و دوم براي جامُول،۱۷
18 The three and twentie to Deliah, the foure and twentie to Maaziah.
و بيست و سوم براي دَلايا و بيست و چهارم براي مَعَزيا.۱۸
19 These were their orders according to their offices, when they entred into the house of the Lord according to their custome vnder the hande of Aaron their father, as the Lord God of Israel had commanded him.
پس اين است وظيفه ها و خدمت هاي ايشان به جهت داخل شدن در خانه خداوند بر حسب قانوني که به واسطه پدر ايشان هارون موافق فرمان يهُوَه خداي اسرائيل به ايشان داده شد.۱۹
20 And of the sonnes of Leui that remained of the sonnes of Amram, was Shubael, of the sonnes of Shubael, Iedeiah,
و اما درباره بقيه بني لاوي، از بني عَمرام شُوبائيل و از بني شوبائيل يحَديا.۲۰
21 Of Rehabiah. euen of the sonnes of Rehabiah, the first Isshiiah,
و اما رَحَبيا. از بني رَحَبيا يشِياي رئيس،۲۱
22 Of Izhari, Shelomoth, of the sonnes of Shelomoth, Iahath,
و از بني يصهار شَلُومُوت و از بني شَلُومُوت يحَت.۲۲
23 And his sonnes Ieriah the first, Amariah the second, Iahaziel the thirde, and Iekameam the fourth,
و از بني حَبرُون يريا و دومين اَمَريا و سومين يحزيئيل و چهارمين يقمَعام.۲۳
24 The sonne of Vzziel was Michah, ye sonne of Michah was Shamir,
از بني عُزّيئيل ميکا و از بني ميکا شامير.۲۴
25 The brother of Michah was Isshiiah, the sonne of Isshiiah, Zechariah,
و برادر ميکا يشِيا و از بني يشِيا زکريا.۲۵
26 The sonnes of Merari, were Mahli and Mushi, the sonne of Iaaziiah was Beno,
و از بني مَراري مَحلي و مُوشِي و پسرِ يعزيابَنُو.۲۶
27 The sonnes of Merari of Iahaziah were Beno, and Shoham, and Zaccur and Ibri.
و از بني مَراري پسران يعزيا بَنُو و شُوهَم و زَکُّور و عِبري.۲۷
28 Of Mahli came Eleazar, which had no sonnes.
و پسر مَحلي اَلِعازار و او را فرزندي نَبُود.۲۸
29 Of Kish. the sonne of Kish was Ierahmeel,
و اما قَيس، از بني قَيس يرَحميئيل،۲۹
30 And the sonnes of Mushi were Mahli, and Eder, and Ierimoth: these were sonnes of the Leuites after the houshold of their fathers.
و از بني مُوشِي مَحلي و عادَر و يريمُوت. اينان بر حسب خاندان آباي ايشان بني لاوي مي باشند.۳۰
31 And these also cast lots with their brethren the sonnes of Aaron before King Dauid, and Zadok and Ahimelech and the chiefe fathers of the Priests, and of the Leuites, euen the chiefe of the families against their yonger brethren.
ايشان نيز مثل برادران خود بني هارون به حضور داود پادشاه و صادوق و اَخِيمَلَک و رؤساي آباي کَهَنَه و لاويان قرعه انداختند يعني خاندانهاي آباي برادر بزرگتر برابر خاندانهاي کوچکتر او بودند.۳۱

< 1 Chronicles 24 >