< Zephaniah 2 >

1 Come together, yes, gather together, you worthless nation—
Tamagaze zama omane Juda vahe'mota, tamagra magopi eme eritru hiho, eme eritru hiho.
2 before the decree is issued, before you wither and die like a flower, before the burning anger of the Lord falls on you, before the day of the Lord's anger comes on you.
Anumzamo'ma keagama huramantesiana knamo'ma ome'nesigeno, kagrama kagu'ama rukrahe'ma hanana knamo'ma witi honama zaho'mo ame huno eri hareno viaza huno ovanigeno, Ra Anumzamofo arimpa ahe'zama ome'nesire,
3 Look to the Lord, all you people of the land who are humble and who follow his commands. Look to do what is right; look to live in humility. Perhaps you will be protected on the day of the Lord's anger.
tamavufga eri anteramita nemanita, Ra Anumzamo'ma hihoma hianke'ma amage'ma nentaza vahe'mota Anumzamofonku hakeho. Fatgo avu'ava zana hankavetita nehuta, tamavufga anteramita maniho. Ana'ma hanageno'a Anumzamofo arimpa he'zamo'ma esania knazupa, Agrama kegava huramantesigu'enena ontahi'naze.
4 Gaza will be abandoned, Ashkelon will become desolate, Ashdod will be emptied by noon, Ekron will be ripped up.
Hagi Gaza kumapina vahera omanitfa hanageno Askeloni kumara maka eri havizantfa hanageno, Astoti kumapi vahera kinagama senkeno'a ha' vahe'mo'za e'za eme zamahe panini hanage'za nefresage'za, Ekroni kumapi vahera trazama vati'netreaza hu'za maka zamahe vagaregahaze.
5 What disaster is coming to you Philistines, you sea-people who live along the coast and in the land of Canaan! The Lord has passed judgment on you. I will destroy you—there will be no survivors.
Hageri anke'nama nemaniza Kereti vahe'mota kva hiho. Na'ankure Ra Anumzamo'a Kenani mopafima nemaniza Filistia vahe'mota keaga huramanteno, tamazeri haviza hanigeta maka vahera omanita huza fanane hugahaze hu'ne.
6 Your seacoast will become pastures, with meadows for shepherds and sheep pens for flocks.
Hagi hageri ankenaregama me'nea Filistia vahe mopafina, traza nehagesigeno, sipisipi afu'ma kegavama nehaza vahe'mokizmi nontamimo'ene sipisipi afutamimofo keginamo'ene anampina megahie.
7 It will belong to those who remain of the people of Judah. They will graze their flocks there, and the shepherds will sleep in the abandoned houses of Ashkelon. For the Lord their God will be with them and make them prosperous again.
Juda naga nofipinti vahe'ma osi'ama ofri manisaza vahe'mo'za anampina trazama nenaza afu'zamia kegava hu'za manigahaze. Ana nehu'za hanima hanige'za Askeloni vahe'mokizmi nompi umasesageno Ra Anumzana zamagri Anumzamo'a kegava hunezmanteno, zamazeri knare hugahie. Kumapinti vahe'mo'za atre'za fresageno azumateni'a nontamimpi eri nafa'a hu'za manigahaze. Na'ankure Juda vahe'mokizmi Anumzana Ra Anumzamo so'e avu'ava hune zamanteno, ete zamazeri knare nehanige'za makazampina knare hu'za manigahaze.
8 I have heard the mocking taunts of the Moabites and the scornful derision of the Ammonites who have insulted my people and made threats against their territory.
Hagi Ra Anumzamo'a huno, Moapu vahemo'zane Amoni vahe'mo'zama Nagri vahe'ma huhavizama hunezmante'za kiza zokago kema hunezmante'za, mopazmima zamazeri koro hu'za erinaku'ma nehaza zana Nagra ko antahi'noe.
9 Consequently, as I live, declares the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, the Moabites will become like Sodom, and the Ammonites like Gomorrah. Their land will become a place of weeds and salt pits and ruins forever. Those who remain of my people will plunder them and occupy their land.
Monafi sondia vahe'mofo Ra Anumzamo'a huno, Nagra kasefa hu'na mani'noa Anumzana Israeli vahe'mokizmi Anumzamo'na tamage huanki'na, Moapu vahe'mo'za Sodomu vahe'mo'zama hu'nazaza nehanage'za, Amoni vahera Gomora vahe'ma hu'noaza hu'na ozamatre maka zamazeri haviza hanugeno, anampina ave'ave trazamoke nehanigeno hagema kafiza eri'naza kerimoke'za hugahie. Nagri naga'ma osi'ama manisaza vahe'mo'za, ana vahe'mokizmi fenozana rohu zamare'za e'neriza, mopazmia eri nafa'a hugahaze.
10 This is what they will receive for their pride because they mocked and threatened the people of the Lord Almighty.
Hagi Moapu vahe'mo'zane Amoni vahe'mo'zama zamavufaga rama hu'naza zamofo mizama'a erigahaze. Na'ankure zamagra Monafi sondia vahe'mokizmi Ra Anumzamofo vahera huhaviza hunezamante'za, kiza zokago ke huzamante'nagu anara hugahaze.
11 The Lord will make them terribly afraid as he starves to death all the gods of the land. Every nation will worship the Lord wherever they are—all around the world.
Ra Anumzamo'a maka ama mopafima me'nea havi anumzantamina eri haviza huvaga nereno, vahera zamazeri koro hugahie. Ana hanige'za kokankokama nemaniza vahe'mo'za mopazamire manitere hu'ne'za, Ra Anumzamofona monora huntegahaze.
12 You Ethiopians will be killed by the sword.
Hagi Itiopia vahe'motanena Nagri bainati kazimo tamahe frigahie!
13 The Lord will strike the Assyrians in the north and destroy them. He will make Nineveh desolate, a dry wasteland like the desert.
Ra Anumzamo'a azana rusuteno noti kazigama nemaniza vahera hara hunezamanteno, Asiria vahera zamazeri haviza hugahie. Ana nehuno ugagotama hu'nea Ninive kumara eri haviza hina, vahera omanisigeno ka'ma koka fore hugahie.
14 Herds will lie down in the middle of the city. It will become the home for every kind of wild animal. Eagle owls and screech owls will roost on its columns. Their calls will echo through the windows. Rubble will block the doors, and the cedar woodwork will be exposed.
Hagi ana kumapina trazante afu'tamimo'za e'za anampina eme vano nehanageno, afi zagagafamo'za e'za anampina emanigahaze. Ana nehanage'za komutomo'za nontamimofo azeri hanaveti zafare umani emani hu'ne'za krafa nehanageno, zamagerumo'a zaho'ma eri kafanteti atiramino evu evu hugahie. Faragu vaziramino hihima hania haveramimo, nomofo kafaramina rehiza hugahie. Ana nehanigeno noma vazisgama hu'nea sida zafaramimo'a amate megahie.
15 This is what will happen to this triumphant city that thought it was so secure. “Look at me!” it said proudly to itself. “There is no city as great as me!” But it has become a desolate place—just a home for wild animals. Everyone who passes by will point their finger and laugh in derision.
Ninive ran kumapima nemaniza vahe'mo'za kora tusi muse nehu'za zamavufaga erisga nehu'za, zamagrama antahi'zana mago zana tavatera fore osanigeta knare huta manigahune hu'za antahi'naze. Zamagra hu'za mago kumamo'e huno tagri kuma knara osu'ne hu'za nehaza kumamo'agi menina evuramino haviza hige'za, afi zaga kfamo'za anampi eme nogi'za mani'naze. Ana hazage'za karankama evaza vahe'mo'za ana kuma'ma nege'za, kiza zokago ke hunente'za zamazana ruharakihariki hu'naze.

< Zephaniah 2 >