< Titus 3 >
1 Remind them to follow what rulers tell them to do, and to obey authorities. They should always be ready to do what is good.
Spomni jih, naj bodo podrejeni kneževinam in oblastem, da se podredijo avtoritetam, da so pripravljeni za vsako dobro delo,
2 They should not speak badly about anyone, and they should not be argumentative. Tell them to show gentleness and kindness to everyone.
da o nobenem človeku ne govorijo hudobno, da niso razgrajači, temveč blagi in izkazujejo vso krotkost do vseh ljudi.
3 For there was a time when we too were foolish and disobedient. We were deceived and slaves to various desires and pleasures. We lived wicked lives full of jealousy, hateful people hating one another.
Kajti tudi mi sami smo bili včasih nespametni, neposlušni, zavedeni in [smo] služili raznim poželenjem ter užitkom in živeli v zlobnosti ter zavisti, osovraženi in [smo] sovražili drug drugega.
4 But when the goodness and love of God our Savior was revealed, he saved us,
Toda potem se je prikazala prijaznost in človekoljubnost Boga, našega Odrešenika,
5 not because of anything good that we've done, but because of his mercy. He did this through the cleansing of rebirth and renewal of the Holy Spirit,
ne z deli pravičnosti, ki smo jih storili, temveč nas je rešil glede na njegovo usmiljenje, s kopeljo prerojenja in obnovitve Svetega Duha;
6 which he poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior.
ki ga je po Jezusu Kristusu, našem Odrešeniku, obilno izlil na nas;
7 Now that we are set right by his grace we have become heirs having the hope of eternal life. (aiōnios )
da naj bi, opravičeni po njegovi milosti, postali dediči glede na upanje večnega življenja. (aiōnios )
8 You can trust what I'm saying, and I want you to emphasize these instructions so that those who trust in God will think seriously about them and continue to do good. They are excellent and helpful for everyone.
To je zvesto govorjenje in te stvari hočem, da nenehno izjavljaš, da bodo tisti, ki verujejo v Boga, lahko pazljivi, da skrbijo za dobra dela. Te stvari so dobre in koristne ljudem.
9 Avoid pointless discussions, and obsessions about ancestry. Don't get into arguments, and avoid fights over the Jewish laws—they're useless and don't help at all.
Toda izogibaj se neumnih vprašanj in rodovnikov in sporov ter pričkanj glede postave; kajti te so nekoristne in prazne.
10 Warn someone who is divisive once, and then again—after that don't pay them any attention,
Človeka, ki je krivoverec, po prvem in drugem svarilu zavrni;
11 realizing that they're perverse and sinful and have condemned themselves.
vedoč, da kdor je takšen, je spodkopan in greši in sam od sebe obsojen.
12 As soon as I send Artemas or Tychicus to you, try and come to me at Nicopolis because I'm planning to spend the winter there.
Ko bom k tebi poslal Artemája ali Tihika si prizadevaj, da prideš k meni v Nikópolo, kajti sklenil sem, da tam prezimim.
13 Do all you can to help Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their way so that they have everything they need.
Zenája, izvedenca v postavi in Apola marljivo pospremi na njuno pot, da jima ne bo ničesar manjkalo.
14 May our people learn the habit of doing good in providing for the daily needs of others. They need to be productive!
In naj se tudi naši naučijo, da obdržijo dobra dela za potrebne zadeve, da ne bodo brez sadu.
15 Everyone here with me sends their greetings. Give our best wishes to those who love us, those who trust in God. May grace be with you all.
Pozdravljajo te vsi, ki so z menoj. Pozdravi tiste, ki nas imajo radi v veri. Milost bodi z vami vsemi. Amen. [To je bilo napisano Titu, prvemu posvečenemu duhovnemu nadzorniku cerkve Krečanov, iz Nikópole v Makedoniji.]