< Song of Solomon 1 >

1 Solomon's song of songs.
Gesami noga: idafa amo Soloumane ea dedei. Uda da amane sia: i,
2 Kiss me, kiss me with your mouth again and again, for your love is sweeter than wine.
“Dia lafi da nonogosu amoga na dedebosa. Dia sasagesu hou da waini hano ea hedai baligisa.
3 I love the way you smell from the perfumed oils you use. You have quite a reputation—it spreads like spilled perfumed oil. It's not surprising that all the young women adore you!
Di da gabusiga: agoane naba. Na da dia dio nabasea, amo dawa: lala. Uda huluane da dima sasagemusa: fawane dawa: lala.
4 Take me by the hand—let's run! (The king has brought me to his bedroom.) Let's be happy together and find pleasure in your love. Your love is far better than wine! Women are right to adore you so!
Na dia oule, ani hobeale masunu. Di nama ouligisu hamone, dia sesei amoga na oule masa. Ani da gilisili hahawane hamomu. Ania da waini hano nanu, sasagesu hou bagade hamobeba: le, asigi dawa: su fisimu. Dafawane! Uda huluane da dima asigiba: le, na da hame hiosa.
5 I'm black, but I'm beautiful, women of Jerusalem, like the tents of Kedar, like the curtains of Solomon.
Dilia Yelusaleme fi uda! Na gadofo da bunumai be na da noga: iwane ba: sa. Na da hafoga: i soge abula diasu Gida sogebiga diala, amo defele bunumai gala, Be na da Soloumane hina bagade diasu giga: gisu abula defele, ida: iwane ba: sa.
6 Don't look down on me because I'm black, because the sun has burned me. My brothers were angry with me and made me look after the vineyards, so I couldn't look after my own vineyard.
Na gadofo da bunumaiba: le, dilia na mae higama. Bai na gadofo da esoga gia: le, bunumai. Lolalali da nama ougiba: le, na waini efe bugiga hawa: hamoma: ne asunasi. Na da nina: da: i ouligimu eso hame ba: i.
7 My love, please tell me where you're taking your flock. Where will you rest them at noon? For why should I have to wear a veil while looking for you among the flocks of your companions?
Na dogolegei! Nama adoma! Di da dia sibi wa: i gisi moma: ne habidili oule masa: bela: ? Ilia da dogoa eso gia: sea, habidili helefima: bela: ? Na da laluba: le sibi ouligisu eno ilia sibi wa: i ganodini, di hogoma: bela: ?” Dunu da amane sia: i,
8 If you really don't know, you who are more beautiful than any other woman, then follow the tracks of my flock, and let your goats graze near the shepherd's tents.
“Di, uda eno ilia noga: idafa ba: su hou baligisu uda! Di da na esalebe sogebi hame dawa: bela: ? Di asili, sibi wa: i amo fa: no bobogema. Dia goudi da gisi moma: ne, gisi sogebi amo sibi ouligisu dunu ilia abula diasu gadenene hogoma.
9 My darling, to me you're like a mare among Pharaoh's horses that pull his chariots,
Na dogolegei! Felou ea sa: liode hiougisu hosi gawali ilia da hosi aseme ba: sea, hanasa, amo defele, dunu da di ba: sea, hanasa.
10 Your beautiful cheeks adorned with ornaments, your neck with strings of jewels.
Dia dialuma hinabo da dia ba: dialebe, noga: i ba: sa. Amola dia dialuma hinabo da dia mugi da: iya dugisi da nina: hamosu igi agoai ba: sa.
11 Let's make you some gold ornaments inlaid with silver.
Be ninia da dia gisa: gima: ne, gouli sia: ine amoga silifa nina: hamoi liligi gala, amo hamomu.” Uda da amane sia: i,
12 As the king lay on his couch, my nard perfume gave off its fragrance.
“Na hina bagade da ea fafai da: iya dialu. Na da gabusiga: manoma legeiba: le, hisi da gabusiga: amoga nabai ba: i.
13 My love is like a pouch of myrrh, lying all night between my breasts.
Na sasagesu dunu da ‘me’ gabusiga: galebe agoane naba. E da na dodo da: iya diala.
14 My love is like a bunch of fragrant henna flowers in the vineyards of Engedi.
Na sasagesu dunu da soge ale ifa mosoi amo da Enegidai moilai waini efe sagai ganodini falegasa, agoane ba: sa.” Dunu da amane sia: i,
15 Look at how very beautiful you are, my darling, how beautiful! Your eyes are as gentle as doves.
“Na dogolegei! Di da noga: idafa ba: sa! Di da nama sasagele ba: beba: le, dia si da nenemei ba: sa.” Uda da amane sia: i,
16 And you, my love, are so handsome—how charming you are! The green grass is our bed,
“Na dogolegei! Di amola da noga: idafa ba: sa! Di da nama hahawane hamosa! Golofoia: i gisi da ania golasu hamomu.
17 with cedar trees as beams for our “house,” and pine trees for the rafters.
‘Dolo’ ifa da ania diasu sa di agoai ba: mu. Amola ‘saibalase’ ifa da ania diasu figisu ganodini fei liligi agoai ba: mu.

< Song of Solomon 1 >