< Song of Solomon 8 >

1 How I wish you were like a brother to me, one who nursed at my mother's breasts! Then if I met you on the street I could kiss you and no one would tell me off.
O, a sịkwarị na ị bụ nwanne m nwoke; nke otu nne mụrụ mụ na ya m gaara esutu gị ọnụ mgbe anyị zutere nʼokporoụzọ ma ọ dịkwaghị onye ọbụla ga-eleda m anya.
2 Then I could take you home to my mother's house, where she used to teach me. I would give you spiced wine to drink from the juice of my pomegranate.
Agaara m akpọrọ gị baa nʼụlọ nne m, ka ị nọdụ nʼebe ahụ, nʼụlọ onye ziri m ihe. Agaara m enye gị mmanya e tinyere ihe na-esi isi ụtọ, mmanya ụtọ nke pomegranet.
3 He supports my head with his left hand, and holds me close with his right.
Aka ekpe ya dị nʼokpuru isi m, aka nri ya na-ejikụ m.
4 Women of Jerusalem, swear to me that you won't disturb our love until the right time.
Unu ụmụ agbọghọ Jerusalem, ana m agba unu iyi, unu agaghị akpọte maọbụ mee ka ịhụnanya teta tupu ruo mgbe ọ masịrị ya.
5 Who is this coming in from the wilderness holding her love close to her? Woman: I woke you up under the apple tree where your mother conceived you, and where she gave birth to you.
Onye bụ onye a si nʼọzara na-abịa, onye na-adabere nʼahụ onye ọ hụrụ nʼanya. Onye a hụrụ nʼanya Nʼokpuru osisi apụl ka m kpọtere gị; nʼebe ahụ ka nne gị tụrụ ime gị; nʼebe ahụ ka ọ nọ mụọ gị.
6 Stamp my name as a seal on your heart, like a seal on your arm, for love is strong as death, passion as unyielding as the grave—its arrows flash like fire, a blazing flame of the Lord. (Sheol h7585)
Tụkwasị m dịka mgbaaka ihe a kara nʼobi, dịka mgbaaka ihe a kara nʼaka gị nʼihi na ịhụnanya dị ike dịka ọnwụ, ekworo ya dịkwa ike dịka ala mmụọ. Ọ na-enwupụtakwa dịka ọkụ na-ere ere, dịka ọkụ nke dị ukwu. (Sheol h7585)
7 Floods of water cannot extinguish love; rivers cannot submerge it. If a man offered everything he owned in order to buy love he would be completely rejected.
Ọtụtụ mmiri apụghị imenyụ ịhụnanya, osimiri niile enwekwaghị ike iri ya. Ọ bụrụ na mmadụ ga-enye akụ niile nke ụlọ ya nʼihi ịhụnanya, a ga-eleda ya anya nke ukwuu.
8 We have a younger sister whose breasts are still small. What shall we do for our sister when someone asks to marry her?
Anyị nwekwara otu nwanne nwanyị nta ma ọ kpụbeghị ara. Gịnị ka anyị ga-emere nwanne anyị nwanyị, nʼụbọchị a ga-abịa ịlụ ya?
9 If she is a wall, we will build a silver tower on it. But if she is a door, we will bar the way with cedar planks.
Ọ bụrụ na ọ bụ mgbidi, anyị ga-ewukwasị ụlọ elu ọlaọcha nʼelu ya; ma ọ bụrụ na ọ bụ ọnụ ụzọ, anyị ga-eji ibo e ji osisi sida wuo mechie ya, ichebe ya.
10 I am a wall, and my breasts are like towers. So when he looks at me he's happy!
Abụ m mgbidi, ara m abụọ guzokwa dịka ụlọ elu. Otu a ka m siri dị nʼanya ya dịka onye na-ewetara ya afọ ojuju.
11 Solomon had a vineyard at Baal-hamon which he leased to tenant farmers. Each of them paid him one thousand silver coins for the fruit it produced.
Solomọn nwere ubi vaịnị na Baal-Hamon, o nyefere ubi vaịnị ya nʼaka ndị ọrụ nlekọta. Onye ọbụla nʼime ha ga-eweta puku shekel ọlaọcha maka mkpụrụ ọ na-amịta.
12 But I own my vineyard, it is mine alone. One thousand silver coins are for you, Solomon, and two hundred for those who look after it.
Ma ubi vaịnị m bụ nke aka m. Ana m enye ya onye m chọrọ inye. Puku ọlaọcha bụ nke Solomọn, ndị ọrụ ubi ga-enwetakwa narị ọlaọcha abụọ.
13 My darling, sitting there in the gardens with companions listening to you—please talk to me!
Gị onye bi nʼubi a gbara ogige, gị na ndị enyi gị, kwere ka m nụ olu gị.
14 Come quickly, my love! Be like a gazelle or a young deer on the mountains of spices.
Soro m ka anyị pụọ, onye m hụrụ nʼanya, bịakwute m dịka mgbada, maọbụ dịka nwa ele na-awụgharị nʼelu ugwu ebe ụda dị iche iche na-esi isi ụtọ jupụtara.

< Song of Solomon 8 >