< Song of Solomon 3 >

1 One night when I was lying in bed, I longed for the one I love. I longed for him, but he was nowhere to be found.
Usiku hwose ndiri pamubhedha wangu ndakatsvaka uyo anodiwa nomwoyo wangu; ndakamutsvaka asi handina kumuwana.
2 So I said to myself, “I will get up now and go through the city, looking in its streets and squares for the one I love.” I looked for him but I didn't find him.
Ndichasimuka zvino ndinofamba-famba muguta, mumigwagwa yaro nomuzvivara zvaro; ndichatsvaka iye anodiwa nomwoyo wangu. Saka ndakamutsvaka asi handina kumuwana.
3 The watchmen found me as they went through the city. “Have you seen the one I love?” I asked them.
Varindi vakandiona pavaiva pabasa ravo rokufamba-famba vachichengetedza guta. “Ko, mamboona here iye anodiwa nomwoyo wangu?”
4 Only a little farther on after I'd passed them I found my love! I held him close and would not let him go until I'd brought him to my mother's house, to the room of the one who conceived me.
Ndichingopfuudzana navo ndakabva ndamuwana, iye anodiwa nomwoyo wangu. Ndakamubata ndikasamuregedza kusvikira ndaenda naye kumba kwamai vangu, kuimba yaavo vakandibereka.
5 Women of Jerusalem, swear to me by the gazelles or the wild deer that you won't disturb our love until the right time.
Vanasikana veJerusarema, ndinokurayirai nemhara kana nenondo dzesango kuti: Musazunguza kana kumutsa rudo kusvikira irwo rwada rwoga.
6 Who is this coming in from the wilderness like a plume of smoke, like a burning sacrifice scented with myrrh and frankincense, with all kinds of imported perfumed powders?
Ndianiko uyo ari kuuya achibva nokurenje seshongwe youtsi ine munhuwi wemura, nezvimwe zvinonhuhwira zvakagadzirwa nezvikuyiwa zvinonhuhwira zvavashambadzi?
7 Look, it's Solomon's sedan chair, accompanied by sixty of Israel's best warriors.
Tarirai! Ndiyo ngoro yaSoromoni, yakachengetedzwa nemhare makumi matanhatu dzamachinda, apamusoro-soro omuIsraeri.
8 All of them are expert swordsmen who have battle experience. They each carry a sword strapped to the thigh, ready for any night-time attacks.
Mumwe nomumwe wavo akabata munondo vose vakarwa hondo, mumwe nomumwe ane munondo parutivi rwake, vakagadzirira kutarisana nezvinotyisa usiku.
9 (Solomon's sedan chair was made for him with wood from Lebanon.
Mambo Soromoni akazvigadzirira ngoro; akaigadzira nemiti yokuRebhanoni.
10 Its posts were covered in silver, and the back was covered in gold. The seat cushion was purple. The interior was lovingly decorated.) Women of Jerusalem,
Mbiru dzacho akadzigadzira nesirivha, pokuzembera musana pakagadzirwa negoridhe. Pokugara pakashongedzwa nejira repepuru, mukati mayo makashongedzwa norudo navanasikana veJerusarema.
11 come out! Look, women of Zion! See King Solomon wearing the crown that his mother placed on his head on his wedding day, his happiest day.
Budai imi vanasikana veZioni, muzoona Mambo Soromoni akapfeka korona, korona yaakapfekedzwa namai vake musi wesvitsa, zuva iro mwoyo wake wakafara.

< Song of Solomon 3 >