< Ruth 3 >
1 A little later Naomi said to Ruth, “My daughter, don't you think I should find you a husband and a good home?
2 Don't ignore the fact that Boaz, whose women you worked with, is closely related to us. Now tonight he will be busy winnowing grain on the threshing floor.
夫汝が偕にありし婢等を有る彼ボアズは我等の知己なるにあらずや 視よ彼は今夜 禾塲にて大麥を簸る
3 Have a bath, put on some perfume, wear your best clothes, and go down to the threshing floor—but don't let him recognize you. Once he's finished eating and drinking,
4 watch where he goes to lie down. Then go and uncover his feet and lie down. Then he will tell you what to do.”
而て彼が臥す時に汝その臥す所を見とめおき入てその脚を掀開りて其處に臥せよ 彼なんぢの爲べきことを汝につげんと
5 “I'll do everything you told me,” said Ruth.
6 She went down to the threshing floor and did what her mother-in-law had told her to do.
7 After Boaz had finished eating and drinking, and was feeling contented, he went and lay down beside the grain pile. Ruth quietly approached him, uncovered his feet, and lay down.
偖ボアズは食飮をなしてその心をたのしませ往て麥を積る所の傍に臥す 是に於て彼潜にゆきその足を掀開て其處に臥す
8 Around midnight Boaz suddenly woke up. Bending forward he was surprised to see a woman lying at his feet.
9 “Who are you?” he asked. “I'm Ruth, your servant,” she replied. “Please spread the corner of your cloak over me, for you are my family redeemer.”
汝は誰なるやといふに婦こたへて我は汝の婢ルツなり 汝の裾をもて婢を覆ひたまへ 汝は贖業者なればなり
10 “May the Lord bless you, my daughter,” he said. “You are showing even more loyalty and love to the family than before. You haven't gone looking for a younger man, of whatever social status.
ボアズいひけるは女子よねがはくはヱホバの恩典なんぢにいたれ 汝の後の誠實は前のよりも勝る 其は汝貧きと富とを論ず少き人に從ふことをせざればなり
11 So don't worry, my daughter. I will do everything you ask—everyone in town knows you are a woman of good character.
されば女子よ懼るなかれ 汝が言ふところの事は皆われ汝のためになすべし 其はわが邑の人皆なんぢの賢き女なるをしればなり
12 However, even though I'm one of your family redeemers, there's one who is more closely related than I am.
13 Stay here tonight, and in the morning if he wants to redeem you, then fine, let him do it. But if he doesn't, then I promise you in the name of the living Lord, I will redeem you. Lie down here until morning.”
今夜は此に住宿れ 朝におよびて彼もし汝のために贖ふならば善し彼に贖はしめよ 然ど彼もし汝のために贖ふことを好まずばヱホバは活く我汝のために贖はん 朝まで此に臥せよと
14 So Ruth lay at his feet until morning. Then she got up before it was light enough to recognize anyone because Boaz had told her, “No one must know that a woman came here to the threshing floor.”
ルツ朝までその足の方に臥て誰彼の辨がたき頃に起あがる ボアズ此女の禾塲に來りしことを人にしらしむべからずといへり
15 He also told her, “Bring me the cloak you're wearing and hold it out.” So she held it out and he poured out six measures of barley into it. He helped her put it on her back and she went back to town.
而していひけるは汝の著る袿衣を將きたりて其を開げよと 即ち開げければ大麥六升を量りて之に負せたり 斯して彼邑にいたりぬ
16 Ruth went to her mother-in-law, who asked her, “How did it go for you, my daughter?” So Ruth told her everything that Boaz had done for her.
爰にルツその姑の許に至るに姑いふ 女子よ如何ありしやと 彼すなはち其人の己になしたる事をことごとく之につげて
17 “And he also gave me these six measures of barley,” she added. “He told me, ‘You mustn't go home to your mother-in-law empty-handed.’”
18 Naomi said to Ruth, “Wait patiently, my daughter, until you find out how it all works out. Boaz won't rest until he has it settled today.”
姑いひけるは女子よ坐して待ち事の如何になりゆくかを見よ 彼人今日その事を爲終ずば安んぜざるべければなり