< Romans 1 >

1 This letter comes from Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ. I was called to be an apostle by God. God appointed me to announce the good news
Poul, the seruaunt of Jhesu Crist, clepid an apostle, departid in to the gospel of God;
2 that he had previously promised through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures.
which he hadde bihote tofore bi his profetis in holi scripturis of his sone,
3 The good news is about his Son, whose human forefather was David,
which is maad to hym of the seed of Dauid bi the flesch,
4 but who was revealed as God's Son by his resurrection from the dead through the power of the Holy Spirit. He is Jesus Christ our Lord.
and he was bifor ordeyned the sone of God in vertu, bi the spirit of halewyng of the ayenrisyng of deed men, of Jhesu Crist oure Lord,
5 It was through him that I received the privilege of becoming an apostle to call all nations to obedient trust in him.
bi whom we han resseyued grace and the office of apostle, to obeie to the feith in alle folkis for his name,
6 You are also included among those who were called to belong to Jesus Christ.
among whiche ye ben also clepid of Jhesu Crist,
7 I'm writing to all of you in Rome who are loved by God, and called to be his special people. Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!
to alle that ben at Rome, derlyngis of God, and clepid hooli, grace to you, and pees of God oure fadir, and of the Lord Jhesu Crist.
8 Let me begin by saying that I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because the way in which you trust in God is spoken about all over the world.
First Y do thankyngis to my God, bi Jhesu Crist, for alle you, for youre feith is schewid in al the world.
9 I'm always praying for you, as God can confirm—the God I serve with the whole of my being as I share the good news about his Son.
For God is a witnesse to me, to whom Y serue in my spirit, in the gospel of his sone,
10 In my prayers I'm always asking that I might eventually come and see you, if that's what God wants.
that with outen ceessyng Y make mynde of you euere in my preieris, and biseche, if in ony maner sum tyme Y haue a spedi weie in the wille of God to come to you.
11 I really want to visit you and share with you a spiritual blessing to strengthen you.
For Y desire to se you, to parten sumwhat of spiritual grace,
12 In this way we can be encouraged together by each others' trust in God, both your trust and mine.
that ye be confermyd, that is, to be coumfortid togidere in you, bi feith that is bothe youre and myn togidere.
13 I want you to know, my brothers and sisters, I often planned to visit you, but I was kept from coming up till now. I want to see some good spiritual results among you just as I've seen among other people.
And, britheren, Y nyle, that ye vnknowun, that ofte Y purposide to come to you, and Y am lett to this tyme, that Y haue sum fruyt in you, as in othere folkis.
14 For I have an obligation to work for both the civilized and the uncivilized, both the educated and the uneducated.
To Grekis and to barberyns, to wise men and to vnwise men,
15 That's why I'm really keen to come to Rome and share the good news with you.
Y am dettour, so that that is in me is redi to preche the gospel also to you that ben at Rome.
16 I'm certainly not ashamed about the good news, for it's God's power to save everyone who trusts in him—to the Jewish people first, and then to everyone else as well.
For Y schame not the gospel, for it is the vertu of God in to heelthe to ech man that bileueth, to the Jew first, and to the Greke.
17 For in the good news God is revealed as good and right, trustworthy from start to finish. As Scripture says, “Those who are right with God live by trusting him.”
For the riytwisnesse of God is schewid in it, of feith in to feith,
18 God's hostility is revealed from heaven against those who are godless and who are not morally right, those who suppress the truth through the evil that they do.
as it is writun, For a iust man lyueth of feith. For the wraththe of God is schewid fro heuene on al vnpite and wickidnesse of tho men, that withholden the treuthe of God in vnriytwisnes.
19 What can be known about God is obvious, because he has made it very clear to them.
For that thing of God that is knowun, is schewid to hem, for God hath schewid to hem.
20 Ever since the creation of the world, the invisible aspects of God—his eternal power and divinity—are clearly visible in what he has made. Such people have no excuse, (aïdios g126)
For the vnuysible thingis of hym, that ben vndurstondun, ben biholdun of the creature of the world, bi tho thingis that ben maad, yhe, and the euerlastynge vertu of hym and the godhed, so that thei mowe not be excusid. (aïdios g126)
21 because even though they knew God, they did not praise him or thank him, but instead their thinking about God turned into complete foolishness, and darkness filled their empty minds.
For whanne thei hadden knowe God, thei glorifieden hym not as God, nether diden thankyngis; but thei vanyschiden in her thouyts, and the vnwise herte of hem was derkid.
22 Even though they claimed to be wise, they became foolish.
For thei `seiynge that hem silf weren wise, thei weren maad foolis.
23 They exchanged the glory of the immortal God for idols, images of mortal human beings, birds, animals, and reptiles.
And thei chaungiden the glorie of `God vncorruptible in to the licnesse of an ymage of a deedli man, and of briddis, and of foure footid beestis, and of serpentis.
24 So God abandoned them to the evil desires of their depraved minds, and they did shameful, degrading things to each other.
For which thing God bitook hem in to the desiris of her herte, in to vnclennesse, that thei punysche with wrongis her bodies in hem silf.
25 They exchanged God's truth for a lie, worshiping and serving creatures instead of the Creator, who deserves praise forever. Amen. (aiōn g165)
The whiche chaungiden the treuthe of God in to leesyng, and herieden and serueden a creature rathere than to the creatoure, that is blessid in to worldis of worldis. (aiōn g165)
26 That's why God abandoned them to their evil desires. Their women exchanged natural sex for that which is unnatural,
Amen. Therfor God bitook hem in to passiouns of schenschipe. For the wymmen of hem chaungiden the kyndli vss in to that vss that is ayens kynde.
27 and in the same way the men gave up sex with women and burned with lust for each other. Men did indecent things to each other, and as a result they suffered the inevitable consequences of their perversions.
Also the men forsoken the kyndli vss of womman, and brenneden in her desiris togidere, and men in to men wrouyten filthehed, and resseyueden in to hem silf the meede that bihofte of her errour.
28 Since they didn't consider it worthwhile to get to know God, he abandoned them to their worthless, distrustful way of thinking, doing things that should never be done.
And as thei preueden that thei hadden not God in knowyng, God bitook hem in to a repreuable wit, that thei do tho thingis that ben not couenable; that thei ben fulfillid with al wickidnesse,
29 They filled themselves with all that's wrong: evil, greed, hate, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malice, and gossip.
malice, fornycacioun, coueitise, weiwardnesse, ful of enuye, mansleyngis, strijf, gile, yuel wille, preuy bacbiteris, detractouris,
30 They're back-stabbers and God-haters. They're arrogant, proud, and boastful. They devise new ways of sinning. They rebel against their parents.
hateful to God, debateris, proude, and hiy ouer mesure, fynderis of yuele thingis, not obeschynge to fadir and modir,
31 They don't want to understand, they don't keep their promises, they don't show any kindness or compassion.
vnwise, vnmanerli, withouten loue, withouten boond of pees, with outen merci.
32 Even though they realize exactly what God requires, they do things that deserve death. Not only do they do such things themselves, they also support others in doing them.
The whiche whanne thei hadden knowe the riytwisnesse of God, vndirstoden not, that thei that don siche thingis ben worthi the deth, not oneli thei that don tho thingis, but also thei that consenten to the doeris.

< Romans 1 >