< Romans 5 >
1 Now that we have been made right by God by trusting in him, we have peace with him through our Lord Jesus Christ.
vi"svaasena sapu. nyiik. rtaa vayam ii"svare. na saarddha. m prabhu. naasmaaka. m yii"sukhrii. s.tena melana. m praaptaa. h|
2 It's through Jesus, trusting in him, that we've gained access to this position of grace where we now stand, looking forward with happiness and confidence to sharing in God's glory.
apara. m vaya. m yasmin anugrahaa"sraye ti. s.thaamastanmadhya. m vi"svaasamaarge. na tenaivaaniitaa vayam ii"svariiyavibhavapraaptipratyaa"sayaa samaanandaama. h|
3 Not only this—we also remain confident when problems come, because we know that experiencing problems develops spiritual stamina.
tat kevala. m nahi kintu kle"sabhoge. apyaanandaamo yata. h kle"saad dhairyya. m jaayata iti vaya. m jaaniima. h,
4 Spiritual stamina in turn develops a mature character, and this mature character results in confident hope.
dhairyyaacca pariik. sitatva. m jaayate, pariik. sitatvaat pratyaa"saa jaayate,
5 Since we have this hope we're never disappointed, for God's love has been poured into us through the Holy Spirit he's given us.
pratyaa"saato vrii. ditatva. m na jaayate, yasmaad asmabhya. m dattena pavitre. naatmanaasmaakam anta. hkara. naanii"svarasya premavaari. naa siktaani|
6 When we were completely helpless, at just the right time Christ died for us ungodly people.
asmaasu nirupaaye. su satsu khrii. s.ta upayukte samaye paapinaa. m nimitta. m sviiyaan pra. naan atyajat|
7 Who would die for anybody else, even someone who does what's right? (Though perhaps somebody would be brave enough to die for someone really good.)
hitakaari. no janasya k. rte kopi pra. naan tyaktu. m saahasa. m karttu. m "saknoti, kintu dhaarmmikasya k. rte praaye. na kopi praa. naan na tyajati|
8 But God demonstrates his love for us in that Christ died for us while we were still sinners.
kintvasmaasu paapi. su satsvapi nimittamasmaaka. m khrii. s.ta. h svapraa. naan tyaktavaan, tata ii"svarosmaan prati nija. m paramapremaa. na. m dar"sitavaan|
9 Now that we are made right by his death, we can be absolutely sure we'll be saved by him from the coming judgment.
ataeva tasya raktapaatena sapu. nyiik. rtaa vaya. m nitaanta. m tena kopaad uddhaari. syaamahe|
10 While we were his enemies, God made us his friends through the death of his Son, and so we can be absolutely sure that he will save us through the life of his Son.
phalato vaya. m yadaa ripava aasma tade"svarasya putrasya mara. nena tena saarddha. m yadyasmaaka. m melana. m jaata. m tarhi melanapraaptaa. h santo. ava"sya. m tasya jiivanena rak. saa. m lapsyaamahe|
11 In addition to this we now celebrate what God has done through our Lord Jesus Christ to reconcile us and make us his friends.
tat kevala. m nahi kintu yena melanam alabhaamahi tenaasmaaka. m prabhu. naa yii"sukhrii. s.tena saampratam ii"svare samaanandaama"sca|
12 For through one man sin entered the world, and sin led to death. In this way death came to everyone, for everyone sinned.
tathaa sati, ekena maanu. se. na paapa. m paapena ca mara. na. m jagatii. m praavi"sat apara. m sarvve. saa. m paapitvaat sarvve maanu. saa m. rte rnighnaa abhavat|
13 Even before the law was given, sin was in the world, however it wasn't counted as sin because there was no law.
yato vyavasthaadaanasamaya. m yaavat jagati paapam aasiit kintu yatra vyavasthaa na vidyate tatra paapasyaapi ga. nanaa na vidyate|
14 But death still ruled from Adam until Moses, even over those who didn't sin in the same way as Adam did. Now Adam prefigured the one to come.
tathaapyaadamaa yaad. r"sa. m paapa. m k. rta. m taad. r"sa. m paapa. m yai rnaakaari aadamam aarabhya muusaa. m yaavat te. saamapyupari m. rtyuu raajatvam akarot sa aadam bhaavyaadamo nidar"sanamevaaste|
15 But the gift of Jesus is not like the sin of Adam. Though many people died because of one man's sin, God's grace is so much greater and has been shared with so many through his gracious gift in the person of Jesus Christ.
kintu paapakarmma. no yaad. r"so bhaavastaad. rg daanakarmma. no bhaavo na bhavati yata ekasya janasyaaparaadhena yadi bahuunaa. m mara. nam agha. tata tathaapii"svaraanugrahastadanugrahamuulaka. m daana ncaikena janenaarthaad yii"sunaa khrii. s.tena bahu. su baahulyaatibaahulyena phalati|
16 The result of the gift is not like that of the sin. The result of Adam's sin was judgment and condemnation, but the gift sets us right with God, despite our many sins.
aparam ekasya janasya paapakarmma yaad. rk phalayukta. m daanakarmma taad. rk na bhavati yato vicaarakarmmaika. m paapam aarabhya da. n.dajanaka. m babhuuva, kintu daanakarmma bahupaapaanyaarabhya pu. nyajanaka. m babhuuva|
17 As a result of one man's sin, death ruled because of him. But God's grace is so much greater and his gift sets us right, for everyone who receives it will rule in life through the person of Jesus Christ!
yata ekasya janasya paapakarmmatastenaikena yadi mara. nasya raajatva. m jaata. m tarhi ye janaa anugrahasya baahulya. m pu. nyadaana nca praapnuvanti ta ekena janena, arthaat yii"sukhrii. s.tena, jiivane raajatvam ava"sya. m kari. syanti|
18 Just as one sin brought condemnation on everyone, in the same way one right act gave everyone the opportunity to live right.
eko. aparaadho yadvat sarvvamaanavaanaa. m da. n.dagaamii maargo. abhavat tadvad eka. m pu. nyadaana. m sarvvamaanavaanaa. m jiivanayuktapu. nyagaamii maarga eva|
19 Just as through one man's disobedience many became sinners, in the same way through one man's obedience many are made right with God.
aparam ekasya janasyaaj naala"nghanaad yathaa bahavo. aparaadhino jaataastadvad ekasyaaj naacara. naad bahava. h sapu. nyiik. rtaa bhavanti|
20 When the law was introduced, sin became even more obvious. But while sin became much more obvious, grace became even more obvious!
adhikantu vyavasthaagamanaad aparaadhasya baahulya. m jaata. m kintu yatra paapasya baahulya. m tatraiva tasmaad anugrahasya baahulyam abhavat|
21 Just as sin ruled us and brought us death, now grace rules by making us right with God, bringing us eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (aiōnios )
tena m. rtyunaa yadvat paapasya raajatvam abhavat tadvad asmaaka. m prabhuyii"sukhrii. s.tadvaaraanantajiivanadaayipu. nyenaanugrahasya raajatva. m bhavati| (aiōnios )