< Romans 14 >

1 Accept those who are still struggling to trust in God, and don't get into arguments over personal opinions.
Umwene uvyalienulwiedikho lupepe, mung'eghelehenchage, mulekhaghe ukhung'iegha amasago aga mwene.
2 One person may believe they can eat anything, while another whose trust is weak only eats vegetables.
Umunu yuomo alienulywidiekho, ilya fyoni, hange undekhedekhe ilya eimboga.
3 Those who eat anything must not look down on those who won't, and those who won't eat must not criticize those who do—for God has accepted them both.
Umwene uvieilya alekhaghe ukhumbeda yuywa silya. Hange yuywa silya alekhaghe ukhungiegha yuywa ilya. Ulwa khuva uNguluve amwidikhile.
4 What right do you have to judge someone else's servant? It's their own master who decides whether they are right or wrong. With the Lord's help they will be able to take their stand for right.
Uve veve veni yuve vukhung'iegha umbombi uyuonge? Khumbaha vamwene yuywa umwene ikwiema apange igwa. Mwene, ulwa khuva Untwa iwesya ukhumwimiekha.
5 Some people consider some days more important than others, while others consider each day the same. Everyone should be completely convinced in their own minds.
Umunu yumo ivomba nchincho sajinchinogelanile khila lienchuva. Uyuonge ivona amachuva ghoni ghalihanile. Khila munu alumanyaghe munduhala lwa mwene yuywa.
6 Those who respect a special day do so for the Lord; and those who eat without worrying do so for the Lord since they give thanks to God; while those who avoid eating certain things do so for the Lord, and they also give thanks to God.
Umwene uvieikhuyimiekha ielinchuva, ikhumwiemiekha unkhuludeva, vope uvieilya ilya khunkuludeva. Hange uviesilya, silya khunkuludeva, hange vope ienkhunsana uNguluve.
7 None of us live for ourselves, or die for ourselves.
Ulwa khuva asikhuli umunu munghati ndyufwe uvieitama mumakha ghamwene, hanghe asikhuli uvivomba mumakha aghamwene yuywa.
8 If we live, we live for the Lord, or if we die, we die for the Lord—so whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.
Ulwa khuva inave tutama, tutama khu nkhuludeva, apange tunghafwe, tuliekyuma kya Nkuludeva.
9 This was the reason Christ died and came back to life—so that he could be the Lord of both the dead and the living.
Ulwa khuva uKlisiti afwile hange akhava mwumi, pwu avile inkhuludeva va voni avafwile na vumi voni.
10 So why do you criticize your fellow-believer? Why do you despise your fellow-believer? For all of us will stand before God's throne of judgment.
Uve pwu khekhi, vukhung'iegha ulukhololwo vakho? Aphanghe uve khekhi, mbona vukhumbeda ulukhololwo? Ulwa khuva ufwe twivoni tuleima pavulongolo pakhighoda ikyavukhighi ikya Nguluve.
11 For the Scriptures say, “‘As surely as I am alive,’ the Lord says, ‘Every knee shall bow before me, and every tongue will declare that I am God.’”
Ulwa khuva lisimbiwe, “Nduvinietama,” ienchova unkhuludeva, “Khila lifughamielo lilafughama pawlongolo palyune.”
12 So every one of us will have to explain ourselves to God.
Ulwa khuva ewo, khila munu alahumya indaghielo incha mwene pavulongolo pa Nguluve.
13 Therefore let's not judge each other anymore, but decide to do this instead—we won't put obstacles in the way of fellow-believers, or cause them to fall.
Pwu twielekhelwe ukhuhieghana, huba tukhenche uvuhieghi uwu, umunu alekhaghe ukhuviekha ikhienu ikya khumbiepiencha ulukololwe au eikyakhugwiesya.
14 I'm certain—persuaded by the Lord Jesus—that nothing in itself is ceremonially unclean. But if someone considers it to be unclean, to them it is unclean.
Nilumanyile hanghe undienganiche mwa Yesu Klisiti, ukhuta khisikhuli eikhinu iekhivivi, khumwene ikhienu khiela khivivi.
15 If your fellow-believer is hurt by you over matters of food, then you're no longer behaving in a loving way. Don't destroy someone for whom Christ died by the food you choose to eat.
Ulukhololyo angave nuluviepho niekyakhulya, alulekhile ulughano. Khu kyakhula kyakho ulekhe unkhunanga umunu yuywa uKlisiti afwile khunongwa incha mwene.
16 Don't let the good things you do be misrepresented—
Humbe uvunonu wienyo vulekhe ukhutambuliwa khuvivi.
17 for God's kingdom is not about eating and drinking, but about living right, having peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
Ulwa khuva uludeva lwa Nguluve salwakhulya aphange ukhunywa, pwu wayilweli nu lunonchekhencho nuluhekhelo mwu mepo umbalanche.
18 Anyone who serves Christ in this way pleases God, and is appreciated by others.
Ulwa khuva uveikhumbombela uKlisiti mumbombo incho inkhung'ovosya uNguluve hange iekwidiekhiwa na vanu.
19 So let's pursue the path of peace, and find ways to encourage each other.
Yiengave ewo, munkhonge imbombo inchalunonchencho ni mbombo inchilondiwa ukhwimiekhana.
20 Don't destroy the work of God with arguments over food. Everything is clean—but it would be wrong to eat and offend others.
Khunongwa iyakyakhula ulekhe ukhunanga imbombo ya Nguluve. Lweli fyoni finonu, fiva fivivi khumunu uvieilya nukwihiega.
21 It's better not to eat meat or drink wine or anything else that would cause your fellow-believer to stumble.
Lwiva lunonu ukhulekha ukhulya ienyama nukhunywa uvueghiembie hange nukhuvomba ikhinu khikyo ulukhololyo vakho khikhundemancha.
22 What you personally believe is between you and God. Happy are those who don't condemn themselves for doing what they think is right!
Ulwiedikho lulwa ulienalwo munumbula yakho luve lwakho pavulongolo pha Nguluve. Amebairkiwa umunu uviesikhihigha mumbwumi wa mwene khulimenyu lielyo alilyedikhe.
23 But if you have doubts whether it's right or wrong to eat something, then you shouldn't, because you're not convinced it's right. Whatever isn't based on conviction is sin.
Hange yuywa sidiekhe ikwilamwa, angalye, ahieghiwe ukhuta alie nienongwa, ulwa khuva akhalile pasita kwidikha. Khila mbombo iyievombiwa vulusipali ulwiedikho wiva vutulanongwa.

< Romans 14 >