< Romans 13 >

1 Everyone should obey government authorities, because no one has the power to rule unless God gives permission. These authorities have been put there by God.
Muntu wihi atule ni kulyo kuutemi nuukoli migulya akwe, nuutemi wihi upumie kung' wi Tunda. Nuutemi wihi uikilwe ni Tunda.
2 Whoever resists the authorities opposes what God has put in place, and those who do so shall find themselves judged accordingly.
Uyu nukugilya uutemi nuanso, ingi ukugilya utemi wang'a Itunda, nao niugilya akukusingiilya ulumulwa wao ienso.
3 For rulers don't frighten those who do right, but those who do wrong. If you don't want to live in fear of the authorities, then do what is right, and you'll have their approval.
kunsoko iatemi singa ikangilyo kuantu niituma nimaza, ingi kuituma mabe. Uloilwe kuluta kugopa ne uutemi? Itume nimaza ukulumbiiligwa.
4 Those in power are God's servants, put there for your own good. If you do wrong, you should be frightened—it's not without reason that authorities have the power to punish! They are God's servants, punishing offenders.
Ingi mitumi wang'wi Tunda kitalako kunsoko amaza, ang'wi ukituma aya nimabe. Ogope, kunsoko shukukenka upanga nitile insonko. Ingi mitumi wang'wi Tunda. Nuipumya utaki kuantu niituma uube.
5 So it's important to do as you're told, not just because of the threat of punishment, but because of what your conscience tells you.
Inonee kutula nikulyo, singa kunsoko autaki, ingi kunsoko nayo nakoli munkolo ako.
6 That's why you have to pay taxes, for the authorities are God's servants taking care of such things.
kukiila iyi ukulipa impia, kunsoko iakola uhumi ufumi ang'wi Tunda awa nia longolekile kituma ulukani ulu.
7 Pay whatever you owe: taxes to the tax authorities, fees to the fee-collectors; give respect to those who should be respected, honor those who should be honored.
Mulipi wihi uyu numudaye, ang'wi mpia mumupe impia, ang'wi ahoela mpia ahoele, nuakogopwa, ogopwe, nuikulyo apegwe ikulyo.
8 Don't owe anybody anything, except love for one another—for those who love their neighbor have kept the law.
Leki kudaigwa kitu kihi numuntu, ingi milowe unyenye kua nyenye. Kunsoko uyu nizumuloilwe umunyakisali wake wamikondanilya imiko.
9 “You must not commit adultery, you must not kill, you must not steal, you must not jealously want things for yourself”—these and the other commandments are summed up in the statement, “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Kunsoko, shukugoolya, shukubulaga, shukia, shukulowa, ang'wi likoli ilago nilulya likaminkanigwe nili, ukumulowa umunya kisali waka anga uewe nuilowa.
10 Love doesn't do wrong to anyone, so love fulfils the law.
Uulowa shamuaalya umunya kisali nua muntu kululo ulowa ingi wuwo ukondaniili wa miko.
11 You should do this because you realize how urgent the time is—that it's high time for you to wake up from your sleep. For salvation is closer to us now than when we first put our trust in God.
kunsonko iyi iti mulingile kina apika imatungo nakuhega, mutulo, kunsoko. Uuguniki witu wa hugeela nangulu kukila imatungo ayo naikuhuie ung'wandyo.
12 The night is nearly over, the day is almost here! So let's get rid of our dark deeds and put on the armor of light.
Utiku walongoleka nu ng'ung'we wahugeela, kuike kumpelo intendo nia kiti, hangi kutugale ishigi ya welu.
13 Let's behave properly, showing that we're people who are living in the light. We shouldn't spend our time going to wild parties and getting drunk, or having affairs and acting immorally, or getting into fights and being jealous.
Hangi kulongoleke muuza, kuzekukoli mu welu, singa muulumbili nuaubi ang'wi ugala magai. Hangi kuleke kulongoleka muugooli a ng'wi nsula nisinga ihumile kugiligwa, hangi singa muwisongeeli nu muwilu.
14 Instead put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and forget about following your sinful desires.
Ingi kumutugale u Kristo hangi kuleke kuika ilyoma kunsoko amuili, kunsula yakwe.

< Romans 13 >