< Revelation 9 >
1 The fifth angel blew his trumpet. I watched a star fall from heaven to earth. He was given the key to the opening of the Abyss. (Abyssos )
tata. h para. m saptamaduutena tuuryyaa. m vaaditaayaa. m gaganaat p. rthivyaa. m nipatita ekastaarako mayaa d. r.s. ta. h, tasmai rasaatalakuupasya ku njikaadaayi| (Abyssos )
2 He opened the entrance to the Abyss, and smoke came up out of the Abyss like the smoke of a huge furnace. The sun and the atmosphere became dark because of the smoke from the Abyss. (Abyssos )
tena rasaatalakuupe mukte mahaagniku. n.dasya dhuuma iva dhuumastasmaat kuupaad udgata. h| tasmaat kuupadhuumaat suuryyaakaa"sau timiraav. rtau| (Abyssos )
3 Locusts came out of the smoke onto the earth, and they were given power like that possessed by scorpions.
tasmaad dhuumaat pata"nge. su p. rthivyaa. m nirgate. su naralokasthav. r"scikavat bala. m tebhyo. adaayi|
4 They were told not to harm the grass or any vegetation or any trees, only those who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads.
apara. m p. rthivyaast. r.naani haridvar. na"saakaadayo v. rk. saa"sca tai rna si. mhitavyaa. h kintu ye. saa. m bhaale. svii"svarasya mudraayaa a"nko naasti kevala. m te maanavaastai rhi. msitavyaa ida. m ta aadi. s.taa. h|
5 They were not allowed to kill, but they could torture these people for five months. The torture was like that of a scorpion when it stings someone.
parantu te. saa. m badhaaya nahi kevala. m pa nca maasaan yaavat yaatanaadaanaaya tebhya. h saamarthyamadaayi| v. r"scikena da. s.tasya maanavasya yaad. r"sii yaatanaa jaayate tairapi taad. r"sii yaatanaa pradiiyate|
6 During that time people will look for death, but won't find it; they will want to die, but death will run away from them!
tasmin samaye maanavaa m. rtyu. m m. rgayi. syante kintu praaptu. m na "sak. syanti, te praa. naan tyaktum abhila. si. syanti kintu m. rtyustebhyo duura. m palaayi. syate|
7 The locusts looked like war-horses. They wore what seemed to be golden crowns on their heads, and their faces looked human.
te. saa. m pata"ngaanaam aakaaro yuddhaartha. m susajjitaanaam a"svaanaam aakaarasya tulya. h, te. saa. m "sira. hsu suvar. nakirii. taaniiva kirii. taani vidyante, mukhama. n.dalaani ca maanu. sikamukhatulyaani,
8 They had long hair like women and had teeth like lions.
ke"saa"sca yo. sitaa. m ke"saanaa. m sad. r"saa. h, dantaa"sca si. mhadantatulyaa. h,
9 Their breastplates looked like they were made of iron, and the noise made by their wings sounded like many horses and chariots racing into battle.
lauhakavacavat te. saa. m kavacaani santi, te. saa. m pak. saa. naa. m "sabdo ra. naaya dhaavataama"svarathaanaa. m samuuhasya "sabdatulya. h|
10 They had tails like scorpions, complete with stingers. They had the power to hurt people for five months with their tails.
v. r"scikaanaamiva te. saa. m laa"nguulaani santi, te. su laa"nguule. su ka. n.takaani vidyante, apara. m pa nca maasaan yaavat maanavaanaa. m hi. msanaaya te saamarthyapraaptaa. h|
11 Ruling over them as their king was the angel of the Abyss who is called Abaddon in Hebrew and Apollyon in Greek. (Abyssos )
te. saa. m raajaa ca rasaatalasya duutastasya naama ibriiyabhaa. sayaa abaddon yuunaaniiyabhaa. sayaa ca apalluyon arthato vinaa"saka iti| (Abyssos )
12 The first Disaster is over, but there are still two more to come.
prathama. h santaapo gatavaan pa"sya ita. h paramapi dvaabhyaa. m santaapaabhyaam upasthaatavya. m|
13 The sixth angel blew his trumpet. I heard a voice come from the horns of the golden altar that stands in front of God
tata.h para.m.sa.s.thaduutena tuuryyaa.m vaaditaayaam ii"svarasyaantike sthitaayaa.h suvar.navedyaa"scatu"scuu.daata.h kasyacid ravo mayaa"sraavi|
14 speaking to the sixth angel that had the trumpet: “Release the four angels that are tied up beside the great River Euphrates.”
sa tuuriidhaari.na.m.sa.s.thaduutam avadat, pharaataakhye mahaanade ye catvaaro duutaa baddhaa.h santi taan mocaya|
15 The four angels who had been kept ready for this particular hour, day, month and year were released to kill one third of humanity.
tatastadda. n.dasya taddinasya tanmaasasya tadvatsarasya ca k. rte niruupitaaste catvaaro duutaa maanavaanaa. m t. rtiiyaa. m"sasya badhaartha. m mocitaa. h|
16 I was told the number of the army of soldiers on horseback: it was 200 million.
aparam a"svaarohisainyaanaa. m sa. mkhyaa mayaa"sraavi, te vi. m"satiko. taya aasan|
17 In my vision I saw the horses and their riders who wore breastplates as red as fire, and dark blue and yellow. The heads of the horses looked like lions, and fire and smoke and sulfur streamed out of their mouths.
mayaa ye. a"svaa a"svaarohi. na"sca d. r.s. taasta etaad. r"saa. h, te. saa. m vahnisvaruupaa. ni niilaprastarasvaruupaa. ni gandhakasvaruupaa. ni ca varmmaa. nyaasan, vaajinaa nca si. mhamuurddhasad. r"saa muurddhaana. h, te. saa. m mukhebhyo vahnidhuumagandhakaa nirgacchanti|
18 One third of humanity was killed by these three plagues, by the fire and smoke and sulfur streaming out of their mouths.
etaistribhi rda. n.dairarthataste. saa. m mukhebhyo nirgacchadbhi rvahnidhuumagandhakai rmaanu. saa. naa. m tutiiyaa. m"so. aghaani|
19 The horses' power was in their tails as well as their mouths, for their tails were like serpents' heads that they used to hurt people.
te. saa. m vaajinaa. m bala. m mukhe. su laa"nguule. su ca sthita. m, yataste. saa. m laa"nguulaani sarpaakaaraa. ni mastakavi"si. s.taani ca taireva te hi. msanti|
20 But the rest of humanity who were not killed by these plagues did not repent of what they were doing. They did not stop worshiping demons and idols of gold, silver, bronze, and stone—which can't see or hear or walk!
aparam ava"si. s.taa ye maanavaa tai rda. n.dai rna hataaste yathaa d. r.s. ti"srava. nagamana"saktihiinaan svar. naraupyapittalaprastarakaa. s.thamayaan vigrahaan bhuutaa. m"sca na puujayi. syanti tathaa svahastaanaa. m kriyaabhya. h svamanaa. msi na paraavarttitavanta. h
21 They did not repent of their murders, their witchcraft, their sexual sins, or their thefts.
svabadhakuhakavyabhicaaracauryyobhyo. api manaa. msi na paraavarttitavanta. h|