< Psalms 83 >

1 A song. A psalm of Asaph. God, please do not stay silent! You can't remain unmoved! God, you must not keep quiet!
Asafning küy-nahxisi: — I Huda, ün qiⱪarmay turuwalma, Jim turuwalma, süküt ⱪilip turuwalma, i Tǝngrim!
2 Can't you hear the roars of your enemies? Can't you see how those who hate you are defiantly lifting up their heads?
Qünki mana, Sening düxmǝnliring dawrang ⱪilmaⱪta, Sanga ɵqmǝnlǝr bax kɵtürmǝktǝ.
3 They invent cunning plans to conspire against your people; they plot against those you treasure.
Ular ⱪuwluⱪ bilǝn Sening hǝlⱪinggǝ suyiⱪǝst ⱪilidu, Sening ⱨimayǝ ⱪilip ⱪǝdirligǝnliring bilǝn ⱪarxilixixni mǝsliⱨǝtlixidu.
4 They say, “Come on! Let's destroy them as a nation so the name ‘Israel’ will be completely forgotten.”
Ular: — «Yürünglar, ularni millǝt ⱪataridin yoⱪ ⱪilayli! Israilning nami ikkinqi tilƣa elinmisun!» — demǝktǝ.
5 They all agree in their conspiracy; they've made a treaty together to attack you—
Ular ⱨǝmnǝpǝs, ⱨǝmdil mǝsliⱨǝtlǝxti; Ular Sanga ⱪarxi ittipaⱪ tüzdi.
6 the people of Edom, the Ishmaelites, Moab, and the Hagirites;
Mana, Edom wǝ Ismaillarning qedirliri, Moab ⱨǝm Ⱨagriylar;
7 the people of Gebal and Ammon and Amalek, Philistia, and the inhabitants of Tyre.
Gǝbal, Ammon, wǝ Amalǝk; Filistiyǝ ⱨǝmdǝ Tur aⱨaliliri,
8 Assyria too has joined them, allied with the descendants of Lot. (Selah)
Asuriyǝmu ularƣa ⱪoxuldi; Ular Lut oƣulliriƣa yar-yɵlǝk bolup kǝlgǝn. (Selaⱨ)
9 Do to them what you did to Midian, what you did to Sisera and Jabin at the Kishon River.
Sǝn Kixon dǝryasida Midiyaniylarƣa, Siseraƣa wǝ Yabinƣa ⱪandaⱪ taⱪabil turƣan bolsang, Ularƣimu xundaⱪ ⱪilƣaysǝn;
10 They were destroyed at Endor and became like manure to fertilize the ground.
Bular Ən-Dor yezisida ⱪirilƣanidi, Yǝr üqün tizǝk-oƣutⱪa aylanƣanidi.
11 Make their leaders like Oreb and Zeeb; all their rulers like Zebah and Zalmunna,
Ularning ǝmirlirini Orǝb wǝ Zeǝbkǝ, Ularning daⱨiylirini Zǝbaⱨ ⱨǝm Zalmunnaƣa ohxax ⱪilƣaysǝn;
12 for they said, “Let's take the pastures of God for ourselves!”
Qünki ular: «Hudaning qimǝn-yaylaⱪlirini ɵzimizgǝ mülük ⱪiliwalayli!» — dǝp eytⱪan.
13 My God, make them like whirling tumbleweeds, chaff blown away by the wind.
I Hudayim, ularni domilinidiƣan ⱪamƣaⱪtǝk, Xamalda uqurulƣan saman kǝbi soruwǝtkǝysǝn.
14 Just like fire that burns the forest, a flame that sets fire to the mountains,
Ot ormanliⱪⱪa tutaxⱪanƣa ohxax, Yalⱪun taƣlarni kɵydürgǝngǝ ohxax,
15 in the same way chase them down with your storm, terrify them with your whirlwind.
Sǝn yǝnǝ ularni borining bilǝn ⱪoƣliƣaysǝn, Ⱪara ⱪuyuning bilǝn wǝⱨimigǝ salƣaysǝn;
16 Shame them in defeat so that they come to you, Lord!
Ularning Sening namingni izdixi üqün, Ularning yüzlirini xǝrm-ⱨaya bilǝn qɵmdürgǝysǝn, i Pǝrwǝrdigar!
17 Make them ashamed, terrify them forever so that they die in disgrace.
Ular nomustin ǝbǝdiy xǝrmǝndǝ bolsun, Jaⱨanƣa rǝswa bolup yoⱪitilsun.
18 Let them understand that you alone, called the Lord, are the Most High who rules over all the earth.
Ular bilsunki, Naming Pǝrwǝrdigar bolƣan Sǝnla pütkül jaⱨandiki Əng Aliy Bolƣuqidursǝn.

< Psalms 83 >