< Psalms 80 >

1 For the music director. A psalm of Asaph. To the tune “Lilies of the Covenant.” Please hear us, Shepherd of Israel, you who lead the descendants of Joseph like a flock. You who sit on your throne above the cherubim, shine out
«Nilupǝrlǝr» degǝn aⱨangda; bir guwaⱨliⱪ; Asaf yazƣan küy: — Ⱪulaⱪ salƣaysǝn, i Israilning padiqisi, Yüsüpni ⱪoy padisidǝk beⱪip yetǝkligüqi; I kerublar otturisida Olturƣuqi, Nurlanƣaysǝn!
2 in the presence of Ephraim, Benjamin, and Manasseh. Gather together your power and come to save us!
Əfraim, Binyamin, Manassǝⱨlǝrning aldida ⱪudritingni ⱪozƣiƣaysǝn, Bizlǝrni ⱪutⱪuzƣili kǝlgǝysǝn!
3 God, please restore us! Let your face shine on us so we can be saved.
I Huda, bizni Ɵz yeningƣa ⱪayturƣaysǝn! Jamalingning nurini qaqⱪaysǝn, xunda biz ⱪutⱪuzulimiz!
4 Lord God Almighty, how long will you be angry with the prayers of your people?
I Pǝrwǝrdigar, samawiy ⱪoxunlarning Sǝrdari bolƣan Huda, Hǝlⱪingning dualiriƣa bolƣan ƣǝziping ⱪaqanƣiqǝ yalⱪunlap turidu?
5 You fed them with the bread of tears, and gave them a full bowl of tears to drink.
Sǝn kɵz yaxlirini ularƣa ozuⱪ ornida ⱪilding, Kɵz yaxlirini ⱪaqa-ⱪaqilap ularƣa iqküzdung.
6 You turn us into victims our neighbors fight over; our enemies mock us.
Bizni ⱪoxnilirimizƣa talaxⱪa ⱪoydung; Düxmǝnlirimiz bizni mǝshirǝ ⱪilixidu.
7 God Almighty, please restore us! Let your face shine on us so we can be saved!
I samawiy ⱪoxunlarning Sǝrdari bolƣan Huda, Bizni Ɵz yeningƣa ⱪayturƣaysǝn! Jamalingning nurini qaqⱪaysǝn, xunda biz ⱪutⱪuzulimiz!
8 You carried us out of Egypt like a vine. You drove out the heathen nations, and then you planted the vine.
Sǝn Misirdin bir tüp üzüm kɵqitini elip kǝlding; Yat ǝllǝrni ⱨǝydiwetip, orniƣa uni tikting.
9 You prepared the ground for the vine. It took root and filled the land.
Uning aldida yǝrni kǝng aqting; U qongⱪur yiltiz tartip, pütün zeminƣa yeyildi.
10 The mountains were covered by its shade; its branches covered the great cedars.
Uning sayisi taƣlarni ⱪaplidi; Ƣolliri ⱪudrǝtlik kedir dǝrǝhliridǝk ɵsti;
11 It sent its branches as far west as the Mediterranean Sea, and its shoots as far east as the Euphrates River.
U xahlirini dengizƣiqǝ, Pilǝklirini [Əfrat] dǝryasi boyliriƣiqǝ uzartti.
12 So why have you broken down the walls that protect it so that everyone who passes by can steal its fruit?
Sǝn nemixⱪa uning ⱪaxalirini buzup, Mewisini ɵtüp ketiwatⱪanlarning üzüp elixiƣa yol ⱪoydung?
13 Wild pigs from the forest eat it, wild animals feed on it.
Mana ormanliⱪtiki yawa tongguzlar uni yeriwatidu, Daladiki ⱨaywanatlar uningdin ozuⱪlinidu.
14 God Almighty, please return to us! Look down from heaven and see what's happening to us! Come and care for this vine
I samawiy ⱪoxunlarning Sǝrdari bolƣan Huda, Sǝndin ɵtünimizki, Yenimizƣa ⱪaytⱪaysǝn! Ərxtin ⱨalimizƣa nǝzǝr salƣaysǝn, Kelip bu üzüm telidin hǝwǝr alƣaysǝn!
15 that you planted yourself, this son that you brought up yourself.
Yǝni ong ⱪolung tikkǝn bu yiltizdin, Ɵzüng üqün mǝzmut yetixtürgǝn bu oƣlungdin hǝwǝr alƣaysǝn!
16 We, your vine, have been chopped down and burned. May those who did this die when you glare at them.
Mana u otta kɵydürüldi, Kesiwetildi; Yüzüngdiki tǝnbiⱨiy ⱪarixingni kɵrüp ular ⱨalak bolmaⱪta;
17 Protect the man who stands beside you; strengthen the son you have chosen.
Ⱪolungni ong ⱪolungdiki adǝmgǝ, Yǝni Ɵzüng üqün mǝzmut yetixtürgǝn Insan oƣliƣa ⱪondurƣaysǝn;
18 Then we will not turn away from you. Revive us so we can pray to you.
Xundaⱪ ⱪilƣanda biz Sǝndin ⱨǝrgiz qekinmǝymiz; Bizni yengiliƣaysǝn, xunda biz namingni qaⱪirip Sanga iltija ⱪilimiz.
19 Lord God Almighty, please restore us! Let your face shine on us so we can be saved.
I Pǝrwǝrdigar, samawiy ⱪoxunlarning Sǝrdari bolƣan Huda, Bizni Ɵz yeningƣa ⱪayturƣaysǝn! Jamalingning nurini qaqⱪaysǝn, xunda biz ⱪutⱪuzulimiz!

< Psalms 80 >