< Psalms 78 >

1 A psalm (maskil) of Asaph. Listen to what I have to teach you, my people; hear what I have to say.
Maskil mar Asaf. Chiknauru itu, yaye un joga, winjuru weche mawuok e dhoga.
2 I will tell you wise sayings; I will explain mysteries from the past
Abiro yawo dhoga mondo awuo gi ngeche, ee, abiro hulo gik mopondo ma wuoyo kuom gik mane otimore chon gi lala.
3 that we have heard before and reflected on; stories our forefathers passed down to us.
Gik ma wasewinjo kendo ma wangʼeyo, mane wuonewa onyisowa.
4 We will not keep them from our children; we will tell the next generation about God's marvelous actions—about his power and the amazing things he has done.
Ok wabi pandogi ne nyithindgi; to wabiro hulogi ne tiengʼ mabiro timbe mipako mag Jehova Nyasaye, gi tekone kod gik miwuoro mosetimo.
5 He gave his laws to the descendants of Jacob; his instructions to the people of Israel. He commanded our forefathers to teach them to their children,
Ne ogolo chike ne joka Jakobo kendo noguro chik e piny Israel, chike mane omiyo kwerewa mondo opuonj nyithindgi,
6 so that the next generation—children yet to be born—would understand and grow up to teach their children.
mondo tiengʼ mabiro ongʼegi, koda ka nyithindo mapok onywol, kendo gin bende ginyis nyithindgi.
7 In this way they should place their trust in God and not forget what God has done, and keep his commandments.
Eka mondo mi giket genogi kuom Nyasaye kendo kik wigi wil gi gik mosetimo, to mondo girit chikene.
8 Then they would not be like their forefathers, a stubborn and rebellious generation that was untrustworthy and unfaithful.
Ne ok ginyal chalo gi kweregi; mane tiengʼ ma tokgi tek kendo ma jongʼanyo, ma chunjegi ne ok ochiwore ne Nyasaye kendo ne ok luwe gi adiera.
9 The soldiers of Ephraim, though armed with bows, ran away on the day of battle.
Kata ka jo-Efraim nomanore gi gige lweny, to negiringo lweny.
10 They did not keep God's agreement, and refused to follow his laws.
Ne ok girito singruok mar Nyasaye kendo ne gidagi dak ka giluwo chik Nyasaye.
11 They ignored what he had done, and the amazing things he had shown them—
Wigi nowil gi gik mane osetimo, ranyisi mane osenyisogi.
12 the miracles he had performed for their forefathers near Zoan in Egypt.
Ne otimo honni ka wuonegi neno e gwengʼ mar Zoan, e piny Misri.
13 He split the sea in two and led them through, making the water stand like walls on either side.
Ne omiyo nam opogore diere ariyo mi nomiyo gikadho kendo nomiyo pi ochungʼ molingʼ thi ka ohinga.
14 He led them with a cloud by day, and by night with a light of fire.
Ne otayogi kod bor polo godiechiengʼ kendo giler moa e mach otieno duto.
15 He split open rocks in the desert to give his people plenty to drink, water as deep as the ocean.
Ne otucho lwanda e thim kendo nomiyogi pi mogundho ka nembe;
16 He made streams flow from the stone; water rushing down like rivers!
bende nomiyo aore obubni kawuok e lwanda kama obarore mi pi nomol piny mana ka aora.
17 But they repeatedly sinned against him, rebelling against the Most High in the desert.
To eka pod negidhi mana nyime ka gitimo richo e nyime ka gingʼanyo e thim ne Nyasaye Man Malo Moloyo.
18 They deliberately provoked God by demanding the foods they longed for.
Ne gitemo Nyasaye ka gingʼeyo, kuom kete mondo omigi chiemo mane gigombo.
19 They insulted God by saying, “Can God provide food here in the desert?
Ne giwuoyo marach kuom Nyasaye kagiwacho ni, “Nyasaye bende nyalo chano mesa e nyimwa e thim ka?
20 Yes, he can strike a rock so that water gushes out like flowing rivers, but can he give us bread? Can he supply his people with meat?”
Kane ogoyo lwanda to pi nothinyore oko kendo aore nochako mol mogundho. To chiemo bende domiwa adier? Ringʼo bende onyalo kelo mi opog ne joge adier?”
21 When he heard this, the Lord became very angry, burning like fire against the descendants of Jacob, furious with the people of Israel,
Kane Jehova Nyasaye owinjo gi ite, iye nowangʼ ahinya, mi mach mare notuk kuom joka Jakobo, kendo mirimbe mager nobiro kuom jo-Israel,
22 for they didn't believe in God and didn't trust him to take care of them.
nimar ne ok giyie kuom Nyasaye kata geno kuom resruok mare.
23 Even so he commanded the skies above and the doors of heaven to open,
To eka pod nogolo chik ne kor polo malo kendo noyawo dhoudi mag polo;
24 and he made manna rain down on them to eat, giving them bread from heaven.
ne oolo mana piny ka koth mondo ji ocham, adier, nomiyogi chiemb polo.
25 Human beings ate the bread of angels; he sent them more than enough food.
Ji nochamo makati mar malaike, kendo nooronegi kit chiemo duto mane ginyalo chamo.
26 He sent the east wind blowing across the sky; by his power he drove the south wind.
Ne ogonyo yamb ugwe moa e polo, kendo nogolo yamb milambo gi tekone.
27 He rained down meat on them as plentiful as dust; birds as numerous as sand on a beach.
Nolwaro ringʼo piny kuomgi ka buru, adier, winy mafuyo nolwar kuomgi ka kwoyo manie dho nam.
28 He made them fall right in the middle of their camp, all around where they were living.
Nomiyo winyogo olwar piny nyaka ei kambi mine gilworo hembegi duto koni gi koni.
29 They ate until they were full. He gave them the food they longed for.
Negichiemo mi chiemo otamogi tieko, nimar nomiyogi gima ne chunygi gombo.
30 But before they satisfied their appetite, while the meat was still in their mouths,
To kane pok gitieko chiembgi mar gombono, chutho, ka chiemo ne pod opongʼo dhogi,
31 God became angry with them and he killed their strongest men, striking them down in the prime of life.
mirima mager mar Nyasaye nogore kuomgi, mi nomiyo jogi maroteke otho, kendo nopielo yawuot Israel ma pod tindo piny.
32 Despite all this they went right on sinning. Despite the miracles, they refused to trust him.
To kata obedo ni magi duto nosetimore, pod negidhi mana nyime gitimo richo; pod ne ok giyie kuome, kata obedo ni ne osetimo ranyisi mathoth e diergi.
33 So he snuffed out their futile lives, bringing them to an end in terror.
Omiyo nomiyo ngimagi orumo kaonge ber kendo higni mag-gi nopongʼ gi masiche mabwogo ji.
34 When he began killing them, the rest came back to God in repentance, praying to him.
E kinde moro amora mane Nyasaye okumogie, to ne gimanye mine gilokore ka gidware gi siso.
35 They remembered that God was their rock, that God Most High was their Savior.
Negiparo ni Nyasaye ema ne en lwanda margi, kendo ni Nyasaye Man Malo Moloyo ema ne en Jawargi.
36 They flattered him by what they told him, but they were only lying.
To kata kamano ne gichare achara gi dhogi, ka giwuonde gi lewgi.
37 Deep down they were not sincere, and did not keep the agreement they had with him.
Nimar chunygi ne ok omoko kuome, kendo ne ok gilu singruokne kuom adier.
38 But being compassionate he pardoned their guilt and did not destroy all of them. He often held back his anger—he did not pour out all his fury.
To en, kaka en ngʼama kecho ji, noweyonegi kethogi, kendo ne ok otiekogi. Kinde ka kinde nogengʼo mirimbe kendo ne ok otoyo mirimbe duto kuomgi.
39 He remembered their mortality—that they were like a puff of wind that would not return.
Noparo kaka ne gin mana dhano adhana machalo yamo makalo kendo ok chak duogi.
40 How often they rebelled against him in the wilderness, giving him grief in the desert!
Mano kaka ne gingʼanyone e thim nyadi mangʼeny kendo negimiye chuny lit e piny motwo!
41 Again and again they provoked God, causing pain to the Holy One of Israel.
Ne gitemo Nyasaye kinde mangʼeny, kendo negimiyo Jal Maler mar Israel osin.
42 They did not remember his strength when he rescued them from their oppressors,
Ne ok giparo tekone, kendo ne ok giparo odiechiengʼ mane owarogi e lwet jasigu,
43 performing miracles in Egypt, doing wonderful things on the plain of Zoan.
odiechiengʼ mane onyiso e lela honni mage e piny Misri kane otimo ranyisino e gwengʼ mar Zoan.
44 There he turned their rivers and their streams into blood so that no one could drink from them.
Noloko aoregi remo mi koro ne ok ginyal modho pi moa e aoregi.
45 He sent flies among them to destroy them, and frogs to ruin everything.
Ne ooro bonyo mag lwangʼni mane omwonyogi, gi ogwende mane oketho pinygi.
46 He gave their crops to locusts; everything they worked had for was taken by locusts.
Ne ochiwo chambgi ne ongogo, chambgi mosechiek ne bonyo.
47 He destroyed their vines with hail, and their fig trees with freezing rain.
Ne oketho olembegi mag mzabibu gi pe, kod yiendegi mag ngʼowu gi yamo mangʼich.
48 He handed over their cattle to hail and their flocks to lightning bolts.
Ne ochiwo jambgi ne pe, kendo nomiyo dhogegi polo ogoyo.
49 He poured out on them his fierce anger—rage and hostility and anguish—sending a band of destroying angels against them.
Ne oolo kuomgi mirimbe maliet, kokecho kendo iye owangʼ kendo oger; oganda malaike ma jonek.
50 He sent his unrestrained anger against them; he did not spare them from death, handing them over to the plague.
Ne olosone mirimbe yo maluwo, kendo ne ok okechogi e tho, to ne ojwangʼogi, mondo tho otiekgi.
51 He struck down all the firstborn of Egypt, the first to be conceived in the tents of Ham.
Ne onego kach jo-Misri duto, mana olemo mokwongo chiek mag dhano e hembe mag Ham.
52 But he led out his people like sheep, and guided them like a flock in the wilderness.
To joge to nogolo oko mana ka kweth, kendo notelonegi ka rombe koyoro kodgi thim.
53 He led them to safety, and they were not afraid. He drowned their enemies in the sea.
Ne otayogi maber omiyo ne gionge gi luoro, to wasikgi to ne nam omwonyo.
54 He brought them to the border of his holy land, to this mountainous land that he had conquered for them.
Kamano e kaka ne okelogi nyaka e tongʼ mar pinje maler, nyaka ne gitundo e piny motimo gode, ma lwete ma korachwich nosekawo.
55 He drove out the heathen nations before them. He divided up the land for them to own. He settled the tribes of Israel in their tents.
Ne oriembo ogendini e nyimgi kendo nomiyogi lopgi kaka girkeni margi, mi nomiyo dhout Israel odak e miechgi giwegi.
56 But they provoked God Most High, rebelling against him. They did not follow what he had told them.
To kata kamano ne gitemo Nyasaye, mine gingʼanyone Nyasaye Man Malo Moloyo; ka gidagi rito chikene.
57 Just like their forefathers they turned away from God and were unfaithful to him, as twisted as a defective bow.
Mana kaka wuonegi ne ok giwinje kendo ne ok gin jo-adiera kendo ne gichalo atungʼ mobam ma ok nyal gen.
58 They made him angry with their pagan high places of worship; they made him jealous with their idols.
Ne giwangʼo iye gi kuondegi motingʼore malo, kendo ne gichiewo nyiego mare gi nyisechegi mane giloso.
59 When God heard their worship he became furious and he totally rejected Israel.
Kane Nyasaye owinjogi, iye nowangʼ ahinya, kendo nokwedo jo-Israel chuth.
60 He abandoned his place at Shiloh, the Tabernacle where he lived among the people.
Ne ojwangʼo Hemb Romo mane ni Shilo, mane en hema mane oguro owuon e dier ji.
61 He surrendered the Ark of his power, allowing it to be captured; handing it over into enemy hands.
Nooro Sandug Muma e twech, mi duongʼne maler nodhi e lwet wasigu.
62 He handed over his people to be slaughtered by the sword; he was furious with his chosen people.
Nochiwo joge ne ligangla, kendo nokecho ahinya gi girkeni mare.
63 Their young men were destroyed by fire; their young women had no wedding songs.
Mach notieko yawuotgi matindo, kendo nyigi ne ok owernegi wende kisera;
64 Their priests were killed by the sword; their widows were unable to mourn.
jodologi ne onegi, kendo mondegi ne ywak otamo.
65 Then the Lord woke up as if from sleep, as a warrior sobering up from drinking wine.
Eka Ruoth Nyasaye nochiew ka gima oa e nindo, mana kaka ngʼato chiewo, bangʼ madho divai mangʼeny.
66 He defeated his enemies, striking them on the back, causing them everlasting shame.
Ne oriembo wasike gi goch, kendo nomiyo giyudo wichkuot mosiko.
67 He rejected the descendants of Joseph, and did not choose the tribe of Ephraim.
Ne odagi hembe mag Josef, bende ne ok oyiero dhood joka Efraim,
68 Instead he chose the tribe of Judah, and Mount Zion which he loves.
to dhood joka Juda ema ne oyiero, ee, noyiero mana Got Sayun, mane ohero.
69 There he built his sanctuary, high like the heavens, on earth that he made to last forever.
Ne ogero kare maler mar lemo, ka gode maboyo, kendo mana ka piny mane oguro nyaka chiengʼ.
70 He chose his servant David, taking him from the sheep pens,
Ne oyiero Daudi jatichne, kendo nogole e abich rombe;
71 taking him from caring for the sheep and lambs to be a shepherd to the descendants of Jacob—God's special people, Israel.
nogole e tij rito rombe mokele mondo okwa joge ma nyikwa Jakobo, mondo okwa Israel girkeni mare.
72 Like a shepherd, he took care of them with sincere devotion, leading them with skillful hands.
Kuom mano Daudi nokwayogi gi chuny makare kendo notelonegi, gi lwedo mongʼith.

< Psalms 78 >