< Psalms 73 >

1 A psalm of Asaph. Truly God is good to Israel, to those whose minds are pure.
Asaf yazƣan küy: — Dǝrwǝⱪǝ Huda Israilƣa, Ⱪǝlbi sap bolƣanlarƣa meⱨribandur;
2 But I was stumbling, my feet were starting to slide,
Lekin ɵzüm bolsam, putlixip yiⱪilip qüxüxkǝ tasla ⱪaldim; Ayaƣlirim teyilip kǝtkili ⱪil ⱪaldi;
3 because I was jealous of self-important people—I saw how well the wicked were doing.
Qünki rǝzillǝrning ronaⱪ tapⱪanliⱪini kɵrüp, Ⱨakawurlarƣa ⱨǝsǝt ⱪildim;
4 They don't ever seem to get sick; they are strong and healthy.
Qünki ular ɵlümidǝ azablar tartmaydu, Əksiqǝ teni mǝzmut wǝ saƣlam turidu.
5 They don't have problems like other people; they don't get hit by disasters like everybody else.
Ular insanƣa has japani kɵrmǝydu, Yaki hǝⱪlǝrdǝk balayi’apǝtkǝ uqrimaydu.
6 They wear their pride like a necklace; they clothe themselves with violence.
Xunga mǝƣrurluⱪ marjandǝk ularƣa esilidu, Zorluⱪ-zomigǝrlik tondǝk ularƣa qaplixidu.
7 Their eyes bulge out because they're so fat; their minds are full of selfish vanity.
Ular sǝmrip kǝtkǝnlikidin kɵzliri tompiyip qiⱪti; Ularning ⱪǝlbidiki hiyalǝtlǝr ⱨǝddidin exip ketidu.
8 They mock people, and speak maliciously; they arrogantly threaten cruelty.
Baxⱪilarni mǝshirǝ ⱪilip zǝⱨǝrlik sɵzlǝydu; Ⱨalini üstün ⱪilip diwinip, doⱪ ⱪilidu.
9 They talk irreverently against heaven above, and defame people here on earth.
Ular aƣzini pǝlǝkkǝ ⱪoyidu, Ularning tilliri yǝr yüzini kezip yüridu.
10 As a result people turn to them and drink in everything they say.
Xunga [Hudaning] hǝlⱪi muxularƣa mayil bolup, Ularning degǝnlirini su iqkǝndǝk ahiriƣiqǝ iqip: —
11 “God won't find out,” they say. “The Most High doesn't even know what's going on!”
«Tǝngri ⱪandaⱪ bilǝlǝytti?», «Ⱨǝmmidin Aliy Bolƣuqida bilim barmu?» — dǝydu.
12 Look at these wicked people! They don't have a care in the world, and they're always making money!
Mana bular rǝzillǝrdur; Ular bu dunyada raⱨǝt-paraƣǝtni kɵridu, Bayliⱪlarni toplaydu.
13 It's been pointless to keep my mind pure and my hands clean.
«Aⱨ, ⱨǝⱪiⱪǝtǝn bikardin-bikar kɵnglümni paklanduruptimǝn, Gunaⱨsiz turup ⱪolumni artuⱪqǝ yuyup kǝptimǝn;
14 I'm cursed with suffering all day long; every morning I'm punished.
Bikarƣa kün boyi japa qekiptimǝn; Xundimu ⱨǝr sǝⱨǝrdǝ [wijdanning] ǝyibigǝ uqrap kǝldim!».
15 If I'd talked like this to others, I would have betrayed your people.
Biraⱪ mǝn: — «Bundaⱪ [desǝm], Bu dǝwrdiki pǝrzǝntliringgǝ asiyliⱪ ⱪilƣan bolmamdimǝn?» — dedim.
16 So I thought about it and tried to understand, but it looked like a lot of hard work to me—
Ularni kallamdin ɵtküzǝy desǝm, Kɵzümgǝ xundaⱪ eƣir kɵründi.
17 until I went into God's Temple. Then I understood what happens to the wicked in the end.
Tǝngrining muⱪǝddǝs jayliriƣa kirgüqǝ xundaⱪ oylidim; Kirgǝndila [yamanlarning] aⱪiwitini qüxǝndim.
18 For you send them on a slippery path; you throw them down to destruction.
Dǝrwǝⱪǝ Sǝn ularni teyilƣaⱪ yǝrlǝrgǝ orunlaxturisǝn, Ularni yiⱪitip parǝ-parǝ ⱪiliwetisǝn.
19 How quickly they're destroyed! They come to a terrifying end.
Ular kɵzni yumup aqⱪuqila xunqǝ parakǝndǝ bolidu, Dǝⱨxǝtlǝr ularni besip yoⱪitidu!
20 Like waking up from a dream, Lord—when you get up you will forget all about them!
Sǝn i Rǝb, qüxtin oyƣanƣandǝk oyƣinip, Ornungdin turup ularning siyaⱪini kɵzgǝ ilmaysǝn.
21 At that time my thoughts were bitter. I felt like I had been stabbed.
Yürǝklirim ⱪaynap, Iqlirim sanjilƣandǝk bolƣan qaƣda,
22 I was stupid and ignorant. I was like a brute beast to you.
Ɵzümni ⱨeqnemǝ bilmǝydiƣan bir ⱨamaⱪǝt, Aldingda bir ⱨaywan ikǝnlikimni bilip yǝttim.
23 Yet I'm always with you; you hold me by the hand.
Ⱨalbuki, mǝn ⱨǝmixǝ Sǝn bilǝn billǝ; Sǝn meni ong ⱪolumdin tutup yɵliding;
24 You tell me what to do; and ultimately you will welcome me in glory.
Ɵz nǝsiⱨǝting bilǝn meni yetǝklǝysǝn, Xan-xǝripngni namayan ⱪilƣandin keyin, Ahirida Sǝn meni ɵzünggǝ ⱪobul ⱪilisǝn.
25 Who is there in heaven for me except you? And I want nothing on earth except you.
Ərxtǝ Sǝndin baxⱪa mening kimim bar? Yǝr yüzidǝ bolsa Sǝndin baxⱪa ⱨeqkimgǝ intizar ǝmǝsmǝn.
26 My body and my mind may fail, but God is the foundation of my life. He is mine forever!
Ətlirim ⱨǝm ⱪǝlbim zǝiplixidu, Lekin Huda ⱪǝlbimdiki ⱪoram tax ⱨǝm mǝnggülük nesiwǝmdur!
27 Those people who are far from God will die. You destroy all those unfaithful to you.
Qünki mana, Sǝndin yiraⱪ turƣanlar ⱨalak bolidu; Wapasizliⱪ ⱪilƣan paⱨixǝ ayaldǝk Sǝndin waz kǝqkǝnlǝrning ⱨǝrbirini yoⱪitisǝn.
28 But I love to stay close to God! I have chosen the Lord God to protect me. I will share all that you have done.
Biraⱪ mǝn üqün, Hudaƣa yeⱪinlixix ǝwzǝldur! Uning barliⱪ ⱪilƣan ixlirini jakarlax üqün, Rǝb Pǝrwǝrdigarni tayanqim ⱪildim.

< Psalms 73 >