< Psalms 73 >

1 A psalm of Asaph. Truly God is good to Israel, to those whose minds are pure.
Toe soaen’ Añahare t’Israele naho o malio añ’arofoo.
2 But I was stumbling, my feet were starting to slide,
Aa naho izaho, didý tsy ho nipolatitse o tombokoo; ho nidorasitse o liakoo.
3 because I was jealous of self-important people—I saw how well the wicked were doing.
Ie nitsikirike o mpievoñevoñeo, naho nitreako ty havokara’ o lo-tserekeo,
4 They don't ever seem to get sick; they are strong and healthy.
Ie tsy manaintaiñe te mihomake, jangañe ka ty sandri’ iareo.
5 They don't have problems like other people; they don't get hit by disasters like everybody else.
Tsy ampoheke manahake ondatio; mbore tsy tokoen-draha manahake ondaty ila’eo.
6 They wear their pride like a necklace; they clothe themselves with violence.
Aa le miravake fiebotseborañe am-bozo’eo; manaroñ’ iareo hoe sikiñe o hasiahañe mandoviakeo.
7 Their eyes bulge out because they're so fat; their minds are full of selfish vanity.
Mampiboti­ritse o fihaino’eo ty solike, etsake naho tampe-­draha-irieñe ty tro’e.
8 They mock people, and speak maliciously; they arrogantly threaten cruelty.
Manivetive iereo, mikinia famorekekeañ’ an-karatiañe.
9 They talk irreverently against heaven above, and defame people here on earth.
Fa najado’ iareo hiatreatre o likerañeo o falie’ iareoo, mikariokariok’ an-tane atoy o famele’ iareoo.
10 As a result people turn to them and drink in everything they say.
Aa le mimpoly atoy ondati’eo, naho genohe’ iereo i rano era’ey.
11 “God won't find out,” they say. “The Most High doesn't even know what's going on!”
Le hoe iereo: Aia te haharofoanan’ Añahare? mahilala hao i Andindimoneñey?
12 Look at these wicked people! They don't have a care in the world, and they're always making money!
Inay ie, o lo-tserekeo— ie mierañerañe manombo vara avao.
13 It's been pointless to keep my mind pure and my hands clean.
Toe tsy vente’e ty nañalioveko ty troko; naho nanasa tañañe an-kalio-tahiñe.
14 I'm cursed with suffering all day long; every morning I'm punished.
Nalovilovy lomoñandro iraho; vaho nililoveñe boa-maraiñe.
15 If I'd talked like this to others, I would have betrayed your people.
Lehe ataoko te, zao ty ho volañeko; hete! tsy ho nahity amo tariran’ ana’oo.
16 So I thought about it and tried to understand, but it looked like a lot of hard work to me—
Fa ie nitsakoreako, haharendreke o raha zao, le nihamokorañe o masokoo,
17 until I went into God's Temple. Then I understood what happens to the wicked in the end.
Ampara’ te niziliheko an-toen’Añahare miavake ao; vaho nahaisake ty figadoña’ iareo.
18 For you send them on a slippery path; you throw them down to destruction.
Toe apo’o an-tane malama iereo; ampikorovohe’o mb’an-karotsahañe ao.
19 How quickly they're destroyed! They come to a terrifying end.
Hoke! akore ty fiantoa’ iareo anianike, Fa binotsa’ ty firevendreveñañe.
20 Like waking up from a dream, Lord—when you get up you will forget all about them!
Hoe nofy t’ie tsekake; ry Talè, ie mivañon-dRehe le ho heje’o vintañ’ iareo.
21 At that time my thoughts were bitter. I felt like I had been stabbed.
Fa nikokentrekokentreñe ty troko naho niteveke ty an-tsapavoako ao,
22 I was stupid and ignorant. I was like a brute beast to you.
Akore ty hanèko naho ty habahimoako, hoe biby añatrefa’o eo.
23 Yet I'm always with you; you hold me by the hand.
Fe mpiama’o nainai’e iraho; rinambe’o ty tañako havana,
24 You tell me what to do; and ultimately you will welcome me in glory.
Hiaoloa’o ami’ty fanoroa’o, vaho ho rambese’o mb’añ’engeñe mb’eo.
25 Who is there in heaven for me except you? And I want nothing on earth except you.
Ia ro ahiko an-dikerañe ao, naho tsy Ihe? le tsy amam-pisalalàko an-tane atoy naho tsy Ihe.
26 My body and my mind may fail, but God is the foundation of my life. He is mine forever!
Milesa ty nofoko naho o ovakoo, fa i Andrianañahare ro haozaran- troko naho ty anjarako nainai’e.
27 Those people who are far from God will die. You destroy all those unfaithful to you.
Toe hihomake ze lavits’ Azo; songa aitoa’o ze miamboho ama’o hañarapiloa’e.
28 But I love to stay close to God! I have chosen the Lord God to protect me. I will share all that you have done.
Fe soa ho ahy ty fañarineako aman’Añahare, fipalirako t’i Iehovà Talè, hataliliko iaby o tolon-draha’oo.

< Psalms 73 >