< Psalms 69 >

1 For the music director. To the tune “Lilies.” A psalm of David. God, please save me, because the water is up to my neck!
Pou chèf sanba yo. Se pou yo chante l' sou menm lè ak chante ki di: Bèl flè savann blan yo. Se yon sòm David. Delivre m' non, Bondye. Dlo prèt pou neye mwen.
2 I'm sinking deeper into the mud—there's no solid ground for me to stand. I find myself in deep water; floods wash over me.
M'ap desann nan fon yon ma labou. Mwen pa ka pran pye. Mwen nan yon gwo basen byen fon. Dlo prèt pou kouvri tèt mwen.
3 I'm so tired of screaming out for help my throat is totally raw. My eyes are worn out looking for my God to help me.
Mwen bouke rele, mwen pa kapab ankò. Gòj mwen ap fè mwen mal. Je m' yo ap boule m' sitèlman m'ap veye tann sekou Bondye mwen an.
4 Those who hate me for no reason are more than the number of hairs on my head. Many enemies try to destroy me by telling lies. How can I give back what I didn't steal?
Gen yon bann moun ki rayi m' san m' pa fè yo anyen. Yo pi plis pase cheve nan tèt mwen. Gen yon seri moun ki rete konsa yo fè m' lènmi, yo pi fò pase m', y'ap chache touye mwen. Yo fè m' renmèt sa m' pa pran.
5 God, you know how foolish I am! My sins are not hidden from you.
Bondye, mwen pa kapab kache peche m' yo devan ou. Ou konnen jan m' te aji tankou moun fou.
6 Don't let those who trust you be ashamed because of me, Lord God Almighty. Don't let those who follow you be disgraced because of me, God of Israel.
Seyè, Bondye ki gen tout pouvwa a, pa kite m' tounen yon wont pou moun ki mete konfyans yo nan ou. Ou menm ki Bondye pèp Izrayèl la, pa kite m' fè moun k'ap sèvi ou yo wont.
7 For your sake I put up with the insults; my face shows my embarrassment.
Se poutèt ou y'ap joure m' konsa. Wi, se poutèt ou lawont fè m' kache figi m'.
8 I have become a foreigner to my brother Israelites; a stranger to my very own brothers.
Mwen tounen yon etranje pou pwòp frè m' yo, yon moun deyò pou pwòp pitit manman m' yo.
9 My devotion for your house is burning me up inside; the insults of those who insulted you have fallen on me.
Mwen sitèlman renmen kay ou a, sa fè m' santi se tankou yon dife k'ap boule tout anndan mwen. Tout joure y'ap joure ou yo, se tankou si se mwen menm menm yo t'ap joure.
10 I wept and I fasted, but they mocked me;
Mwen nan gwo lapenn, mwen rete san manje. Se poutèt sa wi y'ap joure m' konsa.
11 I mourned in sackcloth, but they laughed at me.
Si m' mete yon rad sak sou mwen pou m' mande ou padon, y'ap pase m' nan rizib.
12 People sitting by the town gate gossip about me. I'm the subject of rude songs sung by drunks.
Yo chita bò pòtay lavil la, y'ap pale sou mwen, bwèsonyè yo ap fè chante sou mwen.
13 But my prayer is to you, Lord, believing this is a good time to respond to me. God, in your wonderful trustworthy love, answer me with your sure salvation.
Men mwen menm, se ou menm m'ap toujou lapriyè. Reponn mwen, Bondye, lè w'a wè l' nesesè, paske ou gen bon kè, paske w'ap toujou pote m' sekou.
14 Please rescue me from the mud—don't let me sink! Save me from those who hate me and from drowning in the deep waters!
Wete m' nan ma labou sa a. Pa kite m' desann pi fon ladan li. Delivre m' anba lènmi m' yo. Wete m' nan gwo basen byen fon an.
15 Don't let the flood waters wash over me. Don't let the deep waters pull me down. Don't let the grave close over me.
Pa kite dlo yo kouvri tèt mwen ankò. Pa kite m' neye nan gwo lantonwa a. Pa kite bouch twou a fèmen sou mwen.
16 Please answer my prayers, Lord, for you are good and love me with your trustworthy love; because of your kindness, please help me.
Reponn mwen, Seyè, paske ou p'ap janm sispann renmen m'. Voye je ou gade mwen, paske ou gen kè sansib.
17 Don't turn away from me, your servant. Please answer me quickly because I'm in trouble.
Pa vire do ou bay sèvitè ou. Prese vin reponn mwen, paske mwen nan gwo traka.
18 Come here and rescue me; set me free from my enemies.
vin jwenn mwen, vin delivre mwen. Wete m' nan men lènmi mwen yo.
19 You—you know my shame, my disgrace, my humiliation. You see everything my enemies are doing.
Ou konnen jan y'ap joure mwen, jan y'ap fè m' wont, jan y'ap trennen m' nan labou. Ou wè tout moun k'ap pèsekite m' yo.
20 Insults have broken my heart—I am so sick there is no cure. I looked for some sympathy, but there was no one! Nobody showed me any compassion.
Yo di m' gwomo jouk yo kraze kouraj mwen. Mwen santi se mouri m'ap mouri. Mwen te kwè ta gen moun ki ta gen pitye pou mwen, men pesonn pa vini. Mwen te kwè ta gen moun ki ta vin konsole m', pesonn pa parèt.
21 Instead they gave me bitter herbs to eat and vinegar to drink.
Yo mete pwazon nan manje mwen. Lè m' mande dlo pou m' bwè, se vinèg yo ban mwen.
22 May the table set before them become a trap for them, a net that catches them, bringing punishment.
Se pou resepsyon y'ap fè yo tounen yon pèlen pou yo. Lè yo konprann zafè yo pi bon, se lè sa a pou malè tonbe sou yo.
23 May their eyes become blind so they cannot see, and may their backs always be bent low in dejection.
Se pou je yo bouche pou yo pa wè menm! Kase ren yo pou yo pa ka kanpe dwat ankò!
24 Pour out your judgment on them; chase them down in your fierce anger.
Mete ou an kòlè sou yo! Fè yo santi jan ou fache sou yo!
25 Let the places where they live be deserted. Let their homes be abandoned.
Se pou kay yo rete san moun. Se pou pa gen yon moun lakay yo ki rete vivan ankò.
26 For they persecute those you have punished, and make it even more painful for those you have disciplined.
Paske yo te pèsekite moun ou t'ap pini an. Y'ap pwonmennen rakonte soufrans moun ou blese a.
27 Punish them for the evil they have done. Don't acquit them.
Kite yo mete sou sa yo fè deja. Se pou ou san pitye pou yo.
28 Blot out their names from the Book of Life. Don't let them be listed with those who do right.
Efase non yo nan liv ki gen non moun ki gen lavi a. Pa mete non yo ak non moun k'ap sèvi ou yo.
29 But I am suffering and in physical pain. God, please save me and keep me safe.
Mwen nan gwo lapenn, m'ap soufri. Bondye, pote m' sekou. Mete m' sou de pye m' ankò.
30 I will praise God's character in song; I will say how incredible he is and how thankful I am.
M'a chante pou Bondye, m'a fè lwanj li. M'a di l' mèsi, m'a fè konnen jan li gen pouvwa.
31 The Lord is happier with this than with offering animals as sacrifices: cattle, or bulls with horns and hooves.
Sa va fè Seyè a plezi pi plis pase si m' ta ofri l' yon bèf, pase si m' ta ba li yon jenn towo bèf ki fin fè kòn.
32 The humble will see this and be happy. May God encourage everyone who comes to him.
Lè malere yo va wè sa, y'a kontan. Se va yon gwo ankourajman pou moun k'ap sèvi Bondye yo.
33 God hears the poor, and he does not ignore his people who are in prison.
Seyè a koute lè pòv yo ap lapriyè nan pye l'. Li pa bliye moun pa l' yo lè yo nan prizon.
34 Praise him heaven and earth, the seas and everything that lives in them!
Se pou syèl la ansanm ak latè a, lanmè a ansanm ak tout sa ki ladan li fè lwanj Bondye.
35 For God will save Zion, and rebuild the cities of Judah. They will live there and own the land.
L'a delivre peyi Siyon. L'a rebati lavil peyi Jida yo. Pèp li va bati kay yo la ankò. Y'a pran tè a pou yo.
36 The descendants of those who follow him will inherit the land, and those who love him will live there.
Pitit pitit sèvitè l' yo va eritye peyi a. Se la moun ki renmen l' yo va viv.

< Psalms 69 >