< Psalms 65 >
1 For the music director. A psalm of David. A song. God, you deserve to be praised, and in Zion we will keep our promises to you.
Ukulinda ngokuthula kuyindumiso kuwe, Nkulunkulu, eZiyoni, lesifungo sizagcwaliswa kuwe.
2 You hear our prayers; everyone comes to you.
Wena ozwa umkhuleko, yonke inyama izakuza kuwe.
3 Even though we're drowning in our sins and our disobedience, you forgive us.
Izinto zobubi zingehlule. Iziphambeko zethu, wena uzenzele inhlawulo yokuthula.
4 Happy are those you choose to keep close to you, those who live in your courts! We are delighted with the blessings we receive in your house, your holy Temple!
Ubusisiwe omkhethayo, omsondezayo ukuthi ahlale emagumeni akho. Sizasutha ngokuhle kwendlu yakho, ithempeli lakho elingcwele.
5 In your goodness you answer us through the wonderful things you do, God of our salvation. You can be trusted by everyone on earth, including those sailing distant oceans.
Ngezinto ezesabekayo uzasiphendula, Nkulunkulu wosindiso lwethu, themba lemikhawulo yonke yomhlaba, lelabakhatshana elwandle.
6 You made the mountains by your power, for you have great strength.
Omisa izintaba ngamandla akhe, ebhince amandla.
7 You calm the raging seas and crashing waves, you silence the noisy shouts of the nations.
Othulisa ukuduma kwezinlwandle, lenhlokomo yamagagasi azo, lokuxokozela kwabantu.
8 Everyone, even those in distant lands, are amazed by the wonderful things you do, from the east to the west they sing for joy.
Labakhileyo emikhawulweni bayesaba iziboniso zakho; wenza kuhlabele kuthokoze ukuphuma kokusa lokokuhlwa.
9 You care for the earth and water it; you make it very productive. God, your river is full of water to grow the grain—this is what you have planned.
Uyahambela umhlaba uwuthelele, uwuvundise kakhulu; umfula kaNkulunkulu ugcwele amanzi; uyabalungisela amabele, lapho uwulungisa ngokunjalo.
10 You fill the ploughed furrows with water, you soften the ridges; you bless the growing crops.
Uyathelela kakhulu imisele yawo, ulalise imigelo yawo, uyithambise ngezihlambo, ubusise ukumila kwawo.
11 You make the high point of the year a wonderful harvest, filling the wagons with good things.
Uyethesa umnyaka ngomqhele wobuhle bakho; lemikhondo yakho ithonta amafutha.
12 The pastures in the wilderness grow lush; the hillsides are clothed in bright flowers.
Ithontela amadlelo eganga, lamaqaqa embethe intokozo.
13 The meadows are covered with flocks of sheep, and the valleys with fields of grain. Everything triumphantly sings for joy.
Amadlelo embethe imihlambi, lezigodi zisitshekelwe ngamabele; kuyajabula kakhulu, njalo kuhlabele.