< Psalms 64 >
1 For the music director. A psalm of David. God, please listen to my complaint. Protect me because my enemies scare me.
Kumutungamiri wokuimba. Pisarema raDhavhidhi. Ndinzweiwo, imi Mwari, pandinotaura chichemo changu; dzivirirai upenyu hwangu pakutyisidzira kwavavengi.
2 Shelter me from the plots of the wicked, from this evil mob.
Ndivanzei pakurangana kwavakaipa, ndibve pazhowezhowe yeungano yavaiti vezvakaipa.
3 What they say cuts like swords; they fire off poisonous words like arrows.
Vanorodza ndimi dzavo seminondo, uye vanonanga namashoko avo semiseve inouraya.
4 They shoot from their hiding places at innocent people—doing this without warning, not afraid of being caught.
Vanopfura vari pakavanda munhu asina mhosva; vanomupfura pakarepo, vasingatyi.
5 They encourage one another to do evil, planning how to secretly trap people, telling themselves, “Nobody will notice.”
Vanokurudzira mumwe nomumwe wavo pakufunga zvakaipa, vanotaura pamusoro pokuteya misungo yavo, uye vanoti, “Ndianiko achaiona?”
6 They plot wicked things. “What a great plan we've created!” they say. There are no limits to the depths to which human minds and thoughts can sink.
Vanorangana kusaruramisira vachiti, “Tafunga zano rakakwana!” Zvirokwazvo mwoyo nomurangariro womunhu zvinonyengera.
7 But God will shoot them with arrows; all of a sudden they will be wounded.
Asi Mwari achavapfura nemiseve; pakarepo vachawira pasi.
8 What they themselves say will trip them up; people who see them will mock them, shaking their heads at them.
Achaita kuti ndimi dzavo dzivashandukire, uye achavaisa pakuparadzwa; vose vanovaona vachavadzungudzira misoro vachivaseka.
9 Then everyone will be frightened. They will say that this is the work of God, and they will think about what he has done.
Marudzi ose avanhu achatya; achaparidza mabasa aMwari, uye achafungisisa zvaakaita.
10 Those who are right with the Lord will be happy in him, they will go to him for protection. Those who live right will praise him.
Vakarurama ngavafare muna Jehovha uye vavande maari; vose vakarurama mumwoyo ngavamurumbidze!