< Psalms 62 >

1 For Jeduthun, the music director. A psalm of David. Only in God do I find peace; my salvation comes from him.
Zborovođi. Po Jedutunu. Psalam. Davidov. Samo je u Bogu mir, dušo moja, samo je u njemu spasenje.
2 He is the one who protects me and saves me; he keeps me safe so I will never be in danger.
Samo on je moja hrid i spasenje, utvrda moja: neću se pokolebati.
3 How long are you going to attack me? All of you against one man! To you I'm just a broken wall, a collapsed fence.
Dokle ćete na bijednika nasrtati, obarat' ga svi zajedno, k'o zid ruševan il' ogradu nagnutu?
4 They plan to throw me down from my high position; they love to tell lies. They say nice things to me, but inside they're cursing me. (Selah)
Urotiše se da me s visa mog obore, u laži uživaju; ustima blagoslivlju, a u srcu proklinju.
5 Only in God do I find peace; my hope comes from him.
Samo je u Bogu mir, dušo moja, samo je u njemu nada moja.
6 He is the one who protects me and saves me; he keeps me safe so I will not be in danger.
Samo on je moja hrid i spasenje, utvrda moja: neću se pokolebati.
7 My salvation and my success come from God alone; God is my security and my protection.
U Boga je spasenje moje i slava; Bog mi je hridina silna, utočište.
8 My people, always trust in him. Pour out all your thoughts to him, for he is the one who looks after us. (Selah)
U nj se, narode, uzdaj u svako doba; pred njim srca izlijevajte: Bog je naše utočište!
9 Ordinary people are mere breaths, while leaders are just fakes. Put them all together and weigh them on scales and they wouldn't weigh more than air!
Sinovi su ljudski samo dašak, laž su djeca čovječja: svi da stanu na tezulju, od daha bi lakši bili.
10 Don't trust in money made by extortion or robbery. Don't be proud of your wealth even if you are successful—don't make money what you live for.
U grabež se ne uzdajte nit' se otetim tašto hvalite; umnoži l' se blago, nek' vam srce za nj ne prione.
11 God has already made it clear—I have heard it many times—power belongs to you, God.
Bog rekao jedno, a ja dvoje čuo:
12 You show us trustworthy love. You give back to people in return for what they've done.
“U Boga je snaga! U tebe je, Gospode, dobrota! Ti uzvraćaš svakom po djelima.”

< Psalms 62 >