< Psalms 59 >
1 For the music director. According to “Do Not Destroy.” A psalm (miktam) of David, concerning the time Saul sent out soldiers to watch David's house in order to kill him. Rescue me from my enemies, God! Protect me from those who are attacking me!
Izbavi me od neprijatelja mojih, Bože moj, i od onijeh, što ustaju na me, zakloni me.
2 Rescue me from these evil people! Save me from these murderers!
Izbavi me od onijeh koji èine bezakonje, i od krvopija saèuvaj me.
3 See how they're lying in wait to kill me! Powerful men are gathered against me, Lord, even though I have not sinned or done anything wrong.
Evo zlo namišljaju duši mojoj, skupljaju se na me silni, bez krivice moje i bez grijeha mojega, Gospode.
4 Even though I'm not guilty they hurry to prepare an attack on me. Please stand up, come and help me, and see what's going on.
Bez krivice moje stjeèu se i oružaju se; ustani za mene, i gledaj.
5 You are God, the Lord Almighty, God of Israel. Stand up, and punish all the nations. Don't have any mercy on these evil traitors. (Selah)
Ti, Gospode, Bože nad vojskama, Bože Izrailjev, probudi se, obiði sve ove narode, nemoj požaliti odmetnika.
6 In the evening they return, snarling like dogs as they roam around the city.
Nek se vrate uveèe, laju kao psi, i idu oko grada.
7 See what evil talk comes pouring out of their mouths! Words sharp as swords, for they say to themselves, “Who can hear us?”
Evo ruže jezikom svojim, maè im je u ustima, jer, vele, ko æe èuti?
8 But you, Lord, you laugh at them; you pour scorn on all the nations.
Ali ti æeš se, Gospode, smijati njima i posramiti sve ove narode.
9 You are my strength! I will look to you, God, for you are the one who protects me.
Oni su jaki, ali ja na tebe pogledam, jer si ti Bog èuvar moj.
10 In his trustworthy love, God will come and save me. He will show me how my enemies are defeated.
Bog, koji me miluje, ide preda mnom, Bog mi daje bez straha da gledam neprijatelje svoje.
11 Don't kill them right away, otherwise my people will quickly forget what you have done. By your power make them stagger around and then fall down, Lord our protection.
Nemoj ih pobiti, da ne bi zaboravio narod moj; raspi ih silom svojom i obori ih, Gospode, branièu naš,
12 Let them be caught out by the evil things they say, the words they proudly speak—brought down by their curses and the lies they tell!
Za grijeh usta njihovijeh, za rijeèi jezika njihova; nek se uhvate u oholosti svojoj za kletvu i laž koju su govorili.
13 Destroy them in your anger! Destroy them completely! Then everyone will know that God rules in Israel!
Raspi u gnjevu, raspi, da ih nema; i neka poznadu da Bog vlada nad Jakovom i do krajeva zemaljskih.
14 In the evening they return, snarling like dogs as they roam around the city.
Nek se vrate uveèe, laju kao psi, i idu oko grada.
15 They wander around, looking for things to eat, and howl when they're not satisfied.
Neka tumaraju tražeæi hrane, i ne nasitivši se neka noæi provode.
16 But I will sing of your strength; in the morning I will sing for joy about your trustworthy love. For you have been my protection; my place of safety in my time of trouble.
A ja æu pjevati silu tvoju, rano ujutru glasiti milost tvoju; jer si mi bio obrana i utoèište u dan nevolje moje.
17 You are my strength, I sing praises to you, for you are the one who protects me—the God who shows me his trustworthy love!
Silo moja! tebi æu pjevati, jer si ti Bog èuvar moj, Bog koji me miluje.