< Psalms 55 >

1 For the music director. With stringed instruments. A psalm (maskil) of David. God, please hear my prayer; don't ignore my cry for help!
Anumzamoka naza huogu'ma nunamuma nehuana antahi amnea osunka, kagesa antenka nunamuni'a antahinamio.
2 Please listen, and give me an answer. I'm terribly troubled by my problems! I'm frantic!
Muse hugantoanki, nunamuni'a antahinaminka kenona hunanto. Na'ankure hazenke zamo'a nazeri haviza hige'na kragira nerue.
3 For my enemies are screaming at me; the wicked are intimidating me. They rain down suffering on me, angrily assaulting me in their hatred.
Ha' vahe'nimo'za kezati'za rankege hunenantage'za, kefo avu'ava'ma nehaza vahe'mo'za knazana nami'za nazeri haviza nehu'za, tusi zamarimpa ahenenantaze.
4 My heart thumps in agony! Terrified, I feel I'm about to die!
E'ina'ma hazageno'a tumonimo'a faki faki nehige'na, fri'zankura tusi koro nehue.
5 I'm in a panic, trembling with fear; feelings of horror wash over me.
Tusi nagogo nefegeno koro zamo'ene nahirahimo'enena nahenefrie.
6 I tell myself, If only God would give me wings like a dove so I could fly away and be at peace!
Maho namamofoma hiaza hunora nagekona huntenege'na, hare'na knare'ma hu'nea kumatega mani fruma hu'na umanuresina knare hisine.
7 I would fly far away to escape, and stay in the wilderness. (Selah)
Nagra hare'na afete'are ka'ma kokampi umanuresine.
8 I would hurry to a place to hide, out of the wind, safe from the raging storm.
Ununkomo'ene zasi komo'ma hifintira, nagra ame hu'na fre'na afete ome fraki'na umanuresine.
9 Confuse them, Lord! Muddle what they're saying, for I see violence and conflict in the city.
Ra Anumzamoka ha' vahe'nimozama retroma nehaza antahintahia eri savri hunka eri haviza huo. Na'ankure vahe'ma azeri haviza hu avu'avazane, mani fru osu avu'avaza rankumapina negoe.
10 They patrol the city walls day and night, and wickedness and trouble are within the city.
Hanine zagenena ku'ma keginare vano nehu'za kegava nehazanagi, tamage huno ha'zamo'ene kefo avu'ava zamo'a kuma agu'afina avite'ne.
11 The ones causing destruction are inside the city; frauds and cheats are always on the streets.
Maka zama eri haviza hu'zamo ama ana kuma amu'nompina megeno, vahe'ma knama amino azeri haviza nehuno, revatgama hu avu'avazamo'a ana kumara atreno novie.
12 The problem is that it's not an enemy who mocks me—I could stand that. It's not someone who hates me who insults me—I could avoid them.
Ha' vahe'nimozama huhaviza hunantazasina, nagra ana zankura nagesa ontahuresine. Hagi ha' vahe'nimo'zama ha'ma eme hunantazaresina nagra frakuresine.
13 No, it's you, a man just like me, my best friend who I know so well!
Hianagi mago avamente'ma manino'a ne'moka anara nehane. Kagra nagri'enema tagrotenka vanoma nehankena, kagena antahina hu'noa navate ronenimoka anara nehane.
14 Our friendship was so close. We used to have great talks together as we walked with everyone to the house of God.
Korapara kagranena knare huta magopi nemanita, tusi'a vahe'ma Anumzamofo mono nontegama nevazafima magokama nevu'ane.
15 May death come quickly to them; may they go down into the grave alive, because evil finds its home in them. (Sheol h7585)
Ha' vahe'ni'aramina atregeno antri hanazaza huno fri'zamo'a zmavatera ne-enkeno, matimo'a zamavu aga zmasgahu nakarino. Na'ankure kefo zamavu'zmava zamo'a zamagu'afina nonkino me'ne. (Sheol h7585)
16 As for me, I cry out to God, and the Lord will save me.
Hianagi Anumzamofonku kea hanugeno, Ra Anumzamo'a nagu'vazigahie.
17 I weep and groan morning, noon, and night, and he listens to me.
Knazani'afima mani'nena nanterane, feru'ene kenage'enena krafagea nehugeno, Ra Anumzamo'a antahi nenamie.
18 He rescues me, keeping me safe and sound from my attackers, because there are so many against me.
Ra ha'pintira nahokeno ete nagu'vazine. Na'ankure rama'a ha' vahe maninazafinti naza huno navare'ne.
19 God who has ruled from the beginning will hear me and answer them. (Selah) For they refuse to change and don't respect God.
Anumzana Agra kini mani vava huno ne-ea kini ne'mo krafage'ni'a antahino zamazeri haviza hugahie. Na'ankure nagri ha' vahe'mo'za zamavu'zmavara rukrahera osuge, Anumzamofona korora huntegera nosaze.
20 As for my best friend, he attacked his friends who had no quarrel with him; he broke the promises he had made to them.
Ronenimo'a ha'renanteno huhagerafi huvempagema hu'neana ruhanentagie.
21 What he says is as smooth as butter, but inside he plans war; his words are as soothing as oil, but they cut like sharp swords.
Naneke'amo'a batagna huno frufru hu'neanagi, agu'afina ha'ma hu'za me'ne. Naneke'amo'a olivi masavenkna huno frufru hu'neanagi, agu'afina asane bainati kazi me'ne.
22 Throw your burdens onto the Lord and he will take care of you. He will never allow those who live right to fall.
Knazanka'a Ra Anumzamofo azampi antegeno, Agra knazanka'a e'nerino kazeri hanavetino. Agra fatgo zamavu'zmava'ma nehaza vahera zamatrenige'za regarari'za trakara osugahaze.
23 But you, God, will bring down murderers and liars, throwing them into the pit of destruction before they have even lived half their lives. As for me, I will trust in you.
Hianagi Anumzamoka kefo zamavu'zmava'ma nehaza vahera zamavarenka hazenke zamofo kerifi zamatregahane. Hagi vahe'ma zamahe nefri'za vahe'mo'zane krunagema nehaza vahe'mo'zanena kasefa vahe mani'ne'za ko frigahaze. Hianagi nagra Kagriku antahi negamina namentintia nehue.

< Psalms 55 >