< Psalms 55 >
1 For the music director. With stringed instruments. A psalm (maskil) of David. God, please hear my prayer; don't ignore my cry for help!
Aw Khawsa, kak cykcahnaak ve ngai law lah, qeennaak ka thoeh lawnaak ve kawna a sui kaana koeh awm;
2 Please listen, and give me an answer. I'm terribly troubled by my problems! I'm frantic!
Ngai law nawhtaw hlat law lah. Kawpoek ing ngaih kyinaak ni pe nawh,
3 For my enemies are screaming at me; the wicked are intimidating me. They rain down suffering on me, angrily assaulting me in their hatred.
ka qaal ak awi ingkaw, thlakchekhqi amik dai sihnaak awh ly a lap na awm hqoeng nyng; kak khan awh khuikhanaak pha sak unawh khawso doena ka qaalkhqi ing ni zyi uhy.
4 My heart thumps in agony! Terrified, I feel I'm about to die!
Kak kawlung khuiawh ka lingbyi ve khuikha zawk nawh; thih kqihnaak ing ni sing khoep hawh hy.
5 I'm in a panic, trembling with fear; feelings of horror wash over me.
Kqihnaak ingkaw thynnaak ing nik chung nawh; kqih awmnaak ing ni myk khoep hawh hy.
6 I tell myself, If only God would give me wings like a dove so I could fly away and be at peace!
Cawh, Aw, kqukkqu amyihna kang hla ta lah voei nyng! Ak hla na ding nyng saw awm oeih oeih lah voei nyng –
7 I would fly far away to escape, and stay in the wilderness. (Selah)
Ak hla na cen nyng saw qamkoh awh awm lah voei nyng;
8 I would hurry to a place to hide, out of the wind, safe from the raging storm.
Hlinu ingkaw khawhli ing a phanaak voet ka awmnaak hun na ang tawnna cet lah voei nyng,” ti nyng.
9 Confuse them, Lord! Muddle what they're saying, for I see violence and conflict in the city.
Aw Bawipa, thlak chekhqi ce lungcing haven na ta nawh, ak awih kqawnkhqi awm chum hang sak lah, khawk bau khuiawh awipungnaak ingkaw hqo ang hqitnaak hu nyng.
10 They patrol the city walls day and night, and wickedness and trouble are within the city.
Khawmthan khawdai vawng awhkawng thlang qym uhy; ak khuiawh amak leek ingkaw amak thym poeknaak awm hy.
11 The ones causing destruction are inside the city; frauds and cheats are always on the streets.
Plawcinaak ing khawk bau khuiawh bibi nawh; thekhanaak ingkaw qaai awikhqi lamkhqi awh am poet qoe hy.
12 The problem is that it's not an enemy who mocks me—I could stand that. It's not someone who hates me who insults me—I could avoid them.
Qaal ing ani thekhanaak mantaw, yh thai kawng nyng; qaal ing cem ni thawh sih mai seiawm, thuk taak thai kawng nyng.
13 No, it's you, a man just like me, my best friend who I know so well!
Cehlai, kamah amyihna thlang ak awm, ka pyi, ak zoe khyt ka pyi taw nang ni.
14 Our friendship was so close. We used to have great talks together as we walked with everyone to the house of God.
Khawsa im na thlangkqeng mi ceh haih awh awmhly zeel doena ka pawlneng haih ceni.
15 May death come quickly to them; may they go down into the grave alive, because evil finds its home in them. (Sheol )
Thihnaak ing ka qaalkhqi ve tu qut sang mai nawh; phyi khuina a hqing a saina ceh pyi mai thaw voei uh, kawtih seetnaak ing a mingmih anglakawh awmnaak hun tahy. (Sheol )
16 As for me, I cry out to God, and the Lord will save me.
Cehlai, Khawsa ce khy nyng saw, Bawipa ing ni hul hy.
17 I weep and groan morning, noon, and night, and he listens to me.
Myncang, khawmy ingkaw khawnghyp awh ce ngaih kyi doena khy nyng saw, anih ing kak awi ce za law hy.
18 He rescues me, keeping me safe and sound from my attackers, because there are so many against me.
Ka qaal ce doem soeih bai seiawm, kai anik tukkhqi anglak khui awhkawng a tlawh ang zak kaana ni hul hy.
19 God who has ruled from the beginning will hear me and answer them. (Selah) For they refuse to change and don't respect God.
Kumqui dy boei ngawihdoelh awh ak ngawi, Khawsa ing cekkhqi ce za kawmsaw a tlawh zaak sak khqi kaw. A khawboe amak chawt man thlangkhqi ingkaw Khawsa amak kqih thlangkhqi na awm uhy.
20 As for my best friend, he attacked his friends who had no quarrel with him; he broke the promises he had made to them.
Ka pyi nawn ing a pyi ce tuk nawh; a paipi ce a sawhqat na awm sak nawn paqap hy.
21 What he says is as smooth as butter, but inside he plans war; his words are as soothing as oil, but they cut like sharp swords.
Ak awih kqawn taw sithau amyihna haal hlai saw, ak kawk khuiawh qaal tuknaak doeng awm hy; cehlai zawzikhqi ak phlawng na awm hy.
22 Throw your burdens onto the Lord and he will take care of you. He will never allow those who live right to fall.
Na phyihqih ce Bawipa awh hal lah anih ing tha ni awm sak kaw; ak thlang dyng ce ityk awh awm am tluk sak kaw.
23 But you, God, will bring down murderers and liars, throwing them into the pit of destruction before they have even lived half their lives. As for me, I will trust in you.
Cehlai, Aw Khawsa, nang ing thlak che ce seetnaak lawk-kqawng khuina nuk thla bit kawp ti; thlang thi ak hoetkhqi ingkaw qaai awi ak kqawnkhqi taw a hqingnaak pyng thym awm am hqing kaw. Cehlai kai ingtaw, nang ni ka ni ypnaak.