< Psalms 52 >
1 For the music director. A psalm (maskil) of David, concerning the time when Doeg the Edomite went to Saul and told him, “David has gone to the home of Ahimelech.” You great man, why do you boast about the evil things you've done? God's trustworthy love lasts all day long.
Ki te tino kaiwhakatangi. He Makiri; na Rawiri, i a Roeke Eromi i haere, i whakaatu ki a Haora, i mea ki a ia, Kua tae a Rawiri ki te whare o Ahimereke. He aha koe ka whakapakari ai ki te kino, e te tangata nui? He pumau tonu te atawhai o te Atua.
2 You plot to make people suffer; your words cut like a sharp razor, you liar!
E whakatakoto ana tou arero i nga mea nanakia, e mahi hianga ana, ano he heu koi.
3 You love evil more than good, and telling lies more than speaking the truth. (Selah)
E arohaina rawatia ana e koe te kino i te pai, te teka i te korero tika. (Hera)
4 You love slanderous words that destroy others, you liar!
E te arero hianga, e arohaina ana e koe nga kupu horomiti katoa.
5 But God will strike you down so hard you'll never get up. He will grab hold of you and drag you from your tent. He will tear you out of the land of the living. (Selah)
Ka whakangaro hoki te Atua i a koe ake tonu atu; ka tangohia atu koe e ia, ka takiritia atu i tou nohoanga, ka hutia atu hoki koe i te whenua o te ora. (Hera)
6 Those who do right will see all this. They will be astonished and laugh, saying,
E kite hoki te hunga tika, a ka wehi; ka kata hoki ki a ia, ka mea,
7 “See what happens to those who don't go to God for help but instead rely on their great wealth and strength—which only brings their destruction!”
Inana, ko te tangata tenei kihai nei i waiho e ia te Atua hei kaha mona; otiia, whakawhirinaki ana ki te tini o ana taonga, whakapakari ana i runga i tana mahi kino.
8 But I'm like an olive tree growing strongly in God's house. I trust in God's unfailing love forever and ever.
Ko ahau ia, e rite ana ki te oriwa matomato i roto i te whare o te Atua: ka whakawhirinaki ahau ki te mahi tohu a te Atua ake ake.
9 I will praise you forever, God, for all you have done. In the presence of your trustworthy people, I will place my hope in the kind of person you are, for you are good.
Ka whakamoemiti tonu ahau ki a koe, nau hoki tenei i mea: ka tumanako ano ki tou ingoa; he mea pai hoki, ki te aroaro o tau hunga tapu.