< Psalms 50 >
1 A psalm of Asaph. The Lord, the Almighty God, speaks! He summons everyone on earth, from the east to the west.
Psalm Asafu; Bog mogočni, Bog Gospod govori in kliče zemljo od vzhoda solnčnega do zahoda.
2 God shines out of Mount Zion, perfect in beauty.
Sè Sijona, najvišje lepote, proseva Bog.
3 Our God arrives, and does not stay quiet. Fire flames before him, burning everything up; a violent storm rages around him.
(Pridi, naš Bog, in ne delaj se gluhega); ogenj razsaja pred njim, in silno viharno je okrog njega.
4 He summons the heavens above and the earth to witness the judgment of his people.
Nebesa kliče od zgoraj, in zemljo, da sodi ljudstvo svoje:
5 “Bring me those who trust in me—those who confirmed the agreement with me through sacrifice.”
Zberite mi jih, katerim sem delil milost, kateri so storili zavezo z menoj po daritvi.
6 The heavens declare his decisions are right, for God himself is the judge. (Selah)
Ko so nebesa oznanjala pravico njegovo, da je Bog sodnik,
7 “My people, listen to what I have to say. I am bringing charges against you, Israel. I am God, your God!
Čuj, ljudstvo moje, in govoril bodem, Izrael, in na pričo te klical; Bog, Bog naj bodem tvoj.
8 I'm not complaining about your sacrifices or burnt offerings that you offer all the time.
Ne zavoljo daritev tvojih te bodem svaril, da naj bodejo žgalne daritve tvoje vedno pred menoj.
9 I do not require bulls from your barns or goats from your pens,
Ne sprejmem iz hiše tvoje junca, kozličev iz tvojih ograj.
10 for I own all the animals of the forest, and the cattle on a thousand hills belong to me.
Ker moja je vsaka gozdna zver, živali v gorah tisoč,
11 I know every bird of the mountains; all living things in the fields are mine.
Vse tiče gorske poznam, in živali poljske so v moji oblasti.
12 If I were hungry, I wouldn't tell you, for the earth and everything in it are mine.
Ko bi bil gladen, ne rekel bi tebi; ker moja je zemlja vesoljna in njena obilost.
13 Do I eat the flesh of bulls or drink the blood of goats?
Ali živim o mesu krepkih juncev, ali pijem kozlov kri?
14 Give an offering of thanks to God; keep the promises you made to the Most High,
Hvalo daruj Bogu, in najvišjemu opravljaj obljube svoje.
15 and call on me when you're in trouble. I will rescue you, and you will thank me.”
In kliči me o času stiske; rešil te bodem, da me čestiš.
16 But to the wicked God says, “What's the point of mechanically repeating my laws or making empty promises about obeying the agreement?
Krivičnemu pa pravi Bog: Kaj da naštevaš zapovedi moje in jemlješ zavezo mojo v svoja usta?
17 You hate my discipline, and you toss my words away, leaving them behind you.
Ker ti sovražiš poštenje, in besede moje si vrgel zá se.
18 When you see people stealing, you admire them; you associate with adulterers.
Kakor hitro vidiš tatú, sprijazniš se z njim; in s prešestniki je delež tvoj.
19 With your mouth you say evil things; you use your tongue to spread lies.
Usta svoja rabiš za húdo, in z jezikom svojim spletaš zvijačo.
20 You sit there and speak against your brother, slandering your own mother's son.
Sedé obrekuješ svojega brata, sina matere svoje sramotiš.
21 I kept quiet when you did these things. You thought I was someone just like you. But now I confront you, and bring my charges against you.
Ko si to počel, delal sem se gluhega; zato meniš, da sem prav tebi podoben: svarim te in govorim ti v óči.
22 Think again, you people who dismiss God, or I will tear you apart, and no-one will be able to save you.
Pázite vendar na to vi, ki zábite Boga, da ne zgrabim in ga ne bode, da bi rešil.
23 But those who give an offering of thanks honor me, and to those who follow the right I will show them the salvation of God.”
Kdor daruje hvalo, česti me, in kdor uravnava pot, storil bodem, da uživa blaginjo Božjo.