< Psalms 44 >

1 For the music director. A psalm (maskil) of the sons of Korah. God, we have heard with our own ears—our forefathers have told us—all you did in their times, long ago.
Ki te tino kaiwhakatangi, ma nga tama a Koraha. He Makiri. E te Atua, kua rongo o matou taringa, kua korerotia ki a matou e o matou matua, nga mahi i mahia e koe i o ratou ra, i nga ra o mua.
2 Through your power you drove out the other nations so you could settle our ancestors there; you defeated the nations and you sent our ancestors to occupy the land.
Nau nga tauiwi i pana ki tou ringa, nau ratou i whakato: nau nga iwi i whiu, a whakamararatia ana ratou.
3 They did not conquer the land using their swords; it was not through their own strength that the victory was won—it was by your strength, your power, and your presence with them, because you loved them.
Ehara hoki i te mea, na ta ratou hoari i whiwhi ai ratou ki te whenua, ehara to ratou takakau i te mea i ora ai ratou: engari na tou matau, na tou takakau hoki, na te marama ano o tou mata, he pai hoki nou ki a ratou.
4 God, you are my King; command victories for Jacob!
E te Atua, ko koe toku Kingi: whakahaua he whakaora mo Hakapa.
5 Only through you can we repel our enemies; only in your name can we defeat our opponents.
Mau ka turaki ai matou i o matou hoariri; ma tou ingoa ka takahia ai e matou te hunga e whakatika ana ki a matou.
6 I do not trust my bow; I do not have confidence in my sword to save me.
E kore hoki ahau e whakawhirinaki ki taku kopere: e kore ano taku hoari e whakaora i ahau.
7 You are the one who saves us from our enemies; you defeat those who hate us.
Nau hoki matou i ora ai i o matou hoariri: nau ano i whakama ai te hunga i kino ki a matou.
8 God, we proudly thank you all day long, and praise your name forever. (Selah)
Ko te Atua ta matou e whakamanamana ai i te roa o te ra: ka whakamoemiti ano matou ki tou ingoa ake ake. (Hera)
9 But now you have rejected and disgraced us; you no longer accompany our armies.
Otira kua panga nei matou e koe, kua meinga kia whakama: kahore hoki koe kia haere tahi me a matou taua.
10 You made us run from our enemies, and those who hate us have taken whatever they wanted.
Kua meinga matou kia hoki whakamuri mai i te hoariri; kei te pahua ano i etahi ma ratou te hunga e kino ana ki a matou.
11 You have handed us over like sheep to be slaughtered; you have scattered us among the other nations.
Kua hoatu matou e koe, ano he hipi e kainga ana: kua marara ki roto ki nga tauiwi.
12 You have sold your own people for next to nothing, making no profit on the sale.
E hokona ana e koe tau iwi, a hore he utu: kahore hoki koe e whiwhi rawa i te utu mo ratou.
13 You have made a mockery of us before our neighbors, we are ridiculed and laughed at by those around us.
E meinga ana matou e koe hei tawainga ma o matou hoa kainga; hei whakahaweatanga, hei whakakatanga mai ma te hunga i tetahi taha, i tetahi taha o matou.
14 You have made us a joke to the other nations; they scornfully shake their heads at us.
E meinga ana matou e koe hei whakatauki ma nga tauiwi; hei rurutanga matenga ma nga iwi.
15 We are humiliated all day long; we hold our heads in shame,
Kei mua tonu i ahau toku whakama; kua taupokina ahau e te pawera o toku mata;
16 because of all the insults from the people mocking us, because our vengeful enemies are right in front of us.
I te reo o te kaitawai, o te kaikohukohu; i te hoariri, i te kairapu utu.
17 All this has happened to us even though we didn't forget you; we haven't been unfaithful to the promises we made to you.
Kua pa katoa tenei ki a matou; heoi kahore matou i wareware ki a koe, kihai ano i teka ki tau kawenata.
18 We have not turned away from you, not in thought, nor in action.
Kahore to matou ngakau i tahuri whakamuri; kihai ano o matou hikoinga i peka ke i tau ara;
19 Even so, you crushed us, and made us into a jackal's den. You have covered us with the darkness of death.
I maru ai matou i a koe i te wahi o nga tarakona; a taupoki rawa ki te atarangi o te mate.
20 If we had forgotten the name of our God, or worshiped other gods,
Mehemea kua wareware matou ki te ingoa o to matou Atua, kua totoro ranei o matou ringa ki te atua ke;
21 wouldn't God have been aware of this, because he knows everyone's thoughts?
E kore ranei tenei e ata tirohia e te Atua? E matau ana hoki ia ki nga mea ngaro o te ngakau.
22 But because of you we are killed all day long; we're considered just sheep to be slaughtered.
Mou nei hoki matou i patua ai i te ra roa nei: kiia iho matou he hipi e patua ana.
23 Lord, wake up! Why are you sleeping? Get up! Don't turn your back on us forever!
E ara, he aha koe ka moe ai, e te Ariki? Whakatika, kaua matou e panga tonutia.
24 Why do you look away from us and take no notice of our suffering and misery?
He aha koe ka huna ai i tou mata? ka wareware ai ki to matou mamae, ki to matou tukinotanga?
25 We lie ruined in the dust, our bodies face down in the dirt.
Kua piko nei hoki to matou wairua ki raro ki te puehu; piri rawa to matou kopu ki te whenua.
26 Stand up! Come and help us! Save us because of your trustworthy love!
E ara, hei awhina i a matou; kia mahara ki tou aroha, a hokona matou.

< Psalms 44 >