< Psalms 44 >
1 For the music director. A psalm (maskil) of the sons of Korah. God, we have heard with our own ears—our forefathers have told us—all you did in their times, long ago.
in finem filiis Core ad intellectum
2 Through your power you drove out the other nations so you could settle our ancestors there; you defeated the nations and you sent our ancestors to occupy the land.
Deus auribus nostris audivimus patres nostri adnuntiaverunt nobis opus quod operatus es in diebus eorum in diebus antiquis
3 They did not conquer the land using their swords; it was not through their own strength that the victory was won—it was by your strength, your power, and your presence with them, because you loved them.
manus tua gentes disperdit et plantasti eos adflixisti populos et expulisti eos
4 God, you are my King; command victories for Jacob!
nec enim in gladio suo possederunt terram et brachium eorum non salvavit eos sed dextera tua et brachium tuum et inluminatio faciei tuae quoniam conplacuisti in eis
5 Only through you can we repel our enemies; only in your name can we defeat our opponents.
tu es ipse rex meus et Deus meus qui mandas salutes Iacob
6 I do not trust my bow; I do not have confidence in my sword to save me.
in te inimicos nostros ventilabimus cornu et in nomine tuo spernemus insurgentes in nobis
7 You are the one who saves us from our enemies; you defeat those who hate us.
non enim in arcu meo sperabo et gladius meus non salvabit me
8 God, we proudly thank you all day long, and praise your name forever. (Selah)
salvasti enim nos de adfligentibus nos et odientes nos confudisti
9 But now you have rejected and disgraced us; you no longer accompany our armies.
in Deo laudabimur tota die et in nomine tuo confitebimur in saeculum diapsalma
10 You made us run from our enemies, and those who hate us have taken whatever they wanted.
nunc autem reppulisti et confudisti nos et non egredieris in virtutibus nostris
11 You have handed us over like sheep to be slaughtered; you have scattered us among the other nations.
avertisti nos retrorsum post inimicos nostros et qui oderunt nos diripiebant sibi
12 You have sold your own people for next to nothing, making no profit on the sale.
dedisti nos tamquam oves escarum et in gentibus dispersisti nos
13 You have made a mockery of us before our neighbors, we are ridiculed and laughed at by those around us.
vendidisti populum tuum sine pretio et non fuit multitudo in commutationibus nostris
14 You have made us a joke to the other nations; they scornfully shake their heads at us.
posuisti nos obprobrium vicinis nostris subsannationem et derisum his qui in circuitu nostro
15 We are humiliated all day long; we hold our heads in shame,
posuisti nos in similitudinem gentibus commotionem capitis in populis
16 because of all the insults from the people mocking us, because our vengeful enemies are right in front of us.
tota die verecundia mea contra me est et confusio faciei meae cooperuit me
17 All this has happened to us even though we didn't forget you; we haven't been unfaithful to the promises we made to you.
a voce exprobrantis et obloquentis a facie inimici et persequentis
18 We have not turned away from you, not in thought, nor in action.
haec omnia venerunt super nos nec obliti sumus te et inique non egimus in testamento tuo
19 Even so, you crushed us, and made us into a jackal's den. You have covered us with the darkness of death.
et non recessit retrorsum cor nostrum et declinasti semitas nostras a via tua
20 If we had forgotten the name of our God, or worshiped other gods,
quoniam humiliasti nos in loco adflictionis et cooperuit nos umbra mortis
21 wouldn't God have been aware of this, because he knows everyone's thoughts?
si obliti sumus nomen Dei nostri et si expandimus manus nostras ad deum alienum
22 But because of you we are killed all day long; we're considered just sheep to be slaughtered.
nonne Deus requiret ista ipse enim novit abscondita cordis quoniam propter te mortificamur omni die aestimati sumus sicut oves occisionis
23 Lord, wake up! Why are you sleeping? Get up! Don't turn your back on us forever!
exsurge quare dormis Domine exsurge et ne repellas in finem
24 Why do you look away from us and take no notice of our suffering and misery?
quare faciem tuam avertis oblivisceris inopiae nostrae et tribulationis nostrae
25 We lie ruined in the dust, our bodies face down in the dirt.
quoniam humiliata est in pulvere anima nostra conglutinatus est in terra venter noster
26 Stand up! Come and help us! Save us because of your trustworthy love!
exsurge adiuva nos et redime nos propter nomen tuum