< Psalms 39 >
1 For Jeduthun, the music director. A psalm of David. I told myself, “I will be careful in what I do, and not sin in what I say. I will keep my mouth shut when the wicked are around.”
われ曩にいへり われ舌をもて罪ををかさざらんために我すべての途をつつしみ惡者のわがまへに在るあひだはわが口に衝をかけんと
2 So I was completely silent—I didn't even say anything good. But the pain inside only got worse.
われ默して唖となり善言すらことばにいださず わが憂なほおこれり
3 My mind burned as if on fire; I had to say what I was thinking:
わが心わがうちに熱し おもひつづくるほどに火もえぬればわれ舌をもていへらく
4 Lord, remind me. How short is my life? How long do I have? Remind me how quickly my life will pass.
ヱホバよ願くはわが終とわが日の數のいくばくなるとを知しめたまへ わが無常をしらしめたまへ
5 Just look at the tiny amount of days you have given me! In your eyes my whole lifetime is like nothing. Our lives here are just a breath… (Selah)
觀よなんぢわがすべての日を一掌にすぎさらしめたまふ わがかいのち主前にてはなきにことならず 實にすべての人は皆その盛時だにもむなしからざるはなし (セラ)
6 Human beings are just shadows walking around. They pointlessly rush through life, trying to pile up possessions without knowing who will get them.
人の世にあるは影にことならず その思ひなやむことはむなしからざるなし その積蓄ふるものはたが手にをさまるをしらず
7 So Lord, what am I looking for? I put my hope in you.
主よわれ今なにをかまたん わが望はなんぢにあり
8 Save me from my rebellion. Don't let me be mocked by fools.
ねがはくは我ぞすべて愆より助けいだしたまへ 愚なるものに誹らるることなからしめたまへ
9 I will stay quiet, I won't say a word, for it's you who has done this to me.
われは默して口をひらかず 此はなんぢの成したまふ者なればなり
10 Please stop hitting me! Your beating has worn me out!
願くはなんぢの責をわれよりはなちたまへ 我なんぢの手にうちこらさるるによりて亡ぶるばかりになりぬ
11 When you discipline us, reprimanding us for our sins, it's like a moth eating up what is precious to us. All of us are just a breath… (Selah)
なんぢ罪をせめて人をこらし その慕ひよろこぶところのものを蠧のくらふがごとく消うせしめたまふ 實にもろもろの人はむなしからざるなし (セラ)
12 Please hear my prayer, Lord! Listen to my cry for help! Don't be deaf to my weeping. Please treat me as your guest, passing through, just like my forefathers.
ああヱホバよねがはくはわが祈をきき わが號呼に耳をかたぶけたまへ わが涙をみて默したまふなかれ われはなんぢに寄る旅客すべてわが列祖のごとく宿れるものなり
13 Please leave me alone so I can be cheerful again, before I am dead and gone.