< Psalms 37 >

1 A psalm of David. Don't be upset over wicked people, or be jealous of those who do wrong.
Na Rawiri. Kaua e mamae ki te hunga kino, kaua e hae ki nga kaimahi i te he.
2 For like grass, they will quickly dry up; like plants, they will soon wither away.
No te mea ka hohoro ratou te kotia, te peratia me te tarutaru, a ka memenga me he otaota hou.
3 Trust in the Lord, and do good. Live in the land and feed on faithfulness.
Whakawhirinaki ki a Ihowa, mahia te pai; e noho ki te whenua, a e aru i muri i te pono.
4 Find your happiness in the Lord, and he will give you what you want the most.
Whakaahuareka ki a Ihowa, a ka homai e ia ki a koe ta tou ngakau i hiahia ai.
5 Entrust all that you do to the Lord. Place your confidence in him and he will help you.
Tukua tou ara ki a Ihowa; whakawhirinaki hoki ki a ia, a mana e mahi.
6 He will make your vindication shine like a light, the rightness of your cause like the noonday sun.
Mana hoki e whakaputa tou tika, ano he marama, ou ritenga me te mea ko te ra e tu ana.
7 Be still in God's presence; wait patiently for him. Don't be upset over people who prosper when they carry out their evil schemes.
Okioki ki a Ihowa, tatari marie ki a ia: kei mamae ki te tangata e tere ana i tona ara, ki te tangata e taea ana e ia nga whakaaro kino.
8 Give up your anger! Let go your rage! Don't get mad—it only results in evil!
Kati te riri, whakarerea hoki te arita; kei mamae koe, kei takina kia mahi i te kino.
9 For the wicked will be destroyed, and those who trust in the Lord will take possession of the land.
No te mea ka hatepea atu te hunga kino: ko te hunga ia e tatari ana ki a Ihowa, ka riro i a ratou te whenua.
10 In a little while the wicked will be no more—though you look for them you won't find them.
Kia potopoto ake nei hoki, a ka kore noa iho te hunga kino: ae ra, ka ata tirohia e koe tona wahi, a kore kau noa iho ia.
11 The humble will own the land; they will live there happily, in peace and prosperity.
Na ka riro te whenua i te hunga mahaki; a ka hari ratou i te roa o te ata noho.
12 The wicked plot evil against those who do good, gnashing their teeth at them.
E whakangarahu ana te tangata kino mo te tangata tika: pakiri ana ona niho ki a ia.
13 But the Lord laughs at them, for he sees their coming day of judgment.
Ka kata te Ariki ki a ia, no te mea ka kite ia e tata ana tona ra.
14 The wicked draw their swords, and bend their bows to destroy the poor and needy, to kill those who live right.
Kua unuhia te hoari e te hunga kino, kua piko ta ratou kopere, hei turaki i te ware, i te rawakore, hei kohuru i te hunga e tika ana, i te ara.
15 But the swords of the wicked will slice through their own hearts, and their bows will be broken.
Ka tapoko ta ratou hoari ki o ratou ngakau: a ka whatiia a ratou kopere.
16 It's better to do right and only have a little, than to be wicked and rich.
Engari te wahi iti a te tangata tika i nga taonga o nga tangata kino tokomaha.
17 For the power of the wicked will be broken, but the Lord supports those who do right.
Ka whatiia hoki nga ringa o te hunga kino: u tonu ia i a Ihowa te hunga tika.
18 The Lord knows what is happening to the innocent and grants them an eternal inheritance.
E matau ana a Ihowa ki nga ra o te hunga tika: a ka pumau to ratou kainga ake ake.
19 They will not be humiliated in bad times; even in days of famine they will have plenty to eat.
E kore ratou e whakama i te wa o te he, ka makona ano ratou i nga ra o te hemokai.
20 But the wicked will die. The enemies of the Lord are like the flowers of the field—they will vanish like smoke.
Ka ngaro ia te hunga kino, a ka rite nga hoariri o Ihowa ki te momona o te tarutaru: ka mahea atu ratou; ka mahea atu me he paowa.
21 The wicked borrow, but don't repay; while those who do right give generously.
E tango ana te tangata kino i te taonga tarewa, kahore hoki ana utu: ko te tangata tika ia he aroha tona, he homai.
22 Those who are blessed by God will own the land, but those he curses will die.
Ka riro hoki te whenua i ana e manaaki ai; ka hatepea ano ana e kanga ai.
23 The Lord shows the right path to those who follow him, and is happy with the way they live.
Ka u i a Ihowa nga hikoinga o te tangata tika; e paingia ana hoki e ia tona ara.
24 Though they may trip up, they will not fall to the ground, for the Lord holds their hand.
Ahakoa hinga, e kore e tino takoto rawa; ka u hoki ia i te ringa o Ihowa.
25 Once I was young, and now I've grown old, yet I've never seen those who do right abandoned, nor their children having to beg for bread.
He tamariki ahau i mua, a kua koroheke nei, heoi, kahore ahau i kite i te tangata tika e whakarerea ana, i ona uri hoki e pinono taro ana.
26 They are always kind, and generous with their loans; their children are a blessing.
I te ra roa he atawhai tonu tana, he ohaoha: ka manaakitia hoki ona uri.
27 Reject evil, do what is good, and you will live forever in the land.
Whakarerea te kino, mahia te pai, ka noho tonu ai.
28 For the Lord loves fairness and he will never abandon those who are trustworthy. He will protect them forever. But the children of the wicked will die.
E aroha ana hoki a Ihowa ki te ritenga pai: e kore ano e whakarere i tana hunga tapu; e tiakina tonutia ana ratou ake ake; ka hatepea atu ia nga uri o te hunga kino.
29 Those who do right will own the land and will live there forever.
Ka riro te whenua i te hunga tika, ka nohoia hoki a reira e ratou ake ake.
30 People who do right give good advice, explaining what is fair.
He kupu mohio ta te mangai o te tangata tika; he ritenga pai ta tona arero e korero ai.
31 God's law lives in their minds, so they will not slip from his way.
Kei tona ngakau te ture a tona Atua; e kore e paheke tetahi o ona hikoinga.
32 The wicked lie in wait for those who do good, intending to kill them.
E tau ana te titiro a te tangata kino ki te tangata tika, a e whai ana kia whakamatea ia.
33 But the Lord will not let them fall into the hands of the wicked, and he will not let those who do good be condemned when they are put on trial.
E kore a Ihowa e whakarere i a ia ki tona ringa: e kore ano ia e whakatau he ki a ia ina whakawakia.
34 Trust in the Lord, and stay on his path. He will lift you up and give you the land to own. You will see when the wicked are destroyed.
Taria a Ihowa, kia mau ki tana ara, a ka whakanuia koe e ia, ka whakawhiwhia hoki ki te whenua: e hatepea atu te hunga kino, ka kite koe.
35 I have watched the wicked acting brutally, spreading like a large tree in its native land.
I kite ahau i te tangata kino e kake ana, e tautorotoro ana me te rakau matomato i tona oneone tupu.
36 But when I passed that way the next time, they were gone. I searched for them but couldn't find them.
Heoi, pahure noa ake tetahi, a kore kau noa iho; ae, i rapua ia e ahau, a kihai i kitea.
37 Observe the innocent, look at those who do right! Those who love peace have a future!
Waitohutia te tangata tika, tirohia iho te tangata kore he: no te mea he marie te tukunga iho ki taua tangata.
38 But those who are rebellious will be altogether destroyed; the wicked have no future.
Tena ko te hunga kino, ka ngaro ngatahi atu ratou: te tukunga iho ki te hunga kino, ka hatepea atu ratou.
39 The Lord saves those who live right; he is their protection in times of trouble.
Na Ihowa ia te whakaoranga o te hunga tika: ko ia to ratou pa kaha i te wa o te he.
40 The Lord helps them and rescues them from the wicked. He saves them because they go to him for protection.
Ma Ihowa ratou e awhina, ko ia hoki hei tauarai mo ratou: ko ia hei tauarai mo ratou i te hunga kino, ka whakaorangia ratou e ia, mo ratou ka whakawhirinaki ki a ia.

< Psalms 37 >