< Psalms 34 >

1 A psalm of David concerning the time he pretended to be mad in front of Abimelech who then sent him away. I will always bless the Lord; my mouth will continually praise him.
Davidov. Kada se David pravio ludim pred Abimelekom, a on ALEF Blagoslivljat ću Jahvu u svako doba, njegova će mi hvala biti svagda na ustima!
2 From the bottom of my heart I am proud of the Lord; those who are humble will hear and be happy.
BET Nek' se Jahvom duša moja hvali: nek' čuju ponizni i nek' se raduju!
3 Glorify God with me; together let's honor his reputation.
GIMEL Veličajte sa mnom Jahvu, uzvisujmo ime njegovo zajedno!
4 I asked the Lord for help, and he answered me. He set me free from all my fears.
DALETTražio sam Jahvu, i on me usliša, izbavi me od straha svakoga.
5 The faces of those who look to him will shine with joy; they will never be downcast with shame.
HE U njega gledajte i razveselite se, da se ne postide lica vaša.
6 This poor man cried out, and the Lord heard me, and saved me from all my troubles.
ZAJIN Eto, jadnik vapi, a Jahve ga čuje, izbavlja ga iz svih tjeskoba.
7 The angel of the Lord stands guard over all those who honor him, keeping them safe.
HET Anđeo Jahvin tabor podiže oko njegovih štovalaca da ih spasi.
8 Taste, and you will see that the Lord is good! How happy are those who trust in his protection!
TET Kušajte i vidite kako dobar je Jahve: blago čovjeku koji se njemu utječe!
9 Show your reverence for the Lord, you who are his holy people, for those who respect him have everything they need.
JOD Bojte se Jahve, vi sveti njegovi: ne trpe oskudice koji ga se boje.
10 Lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who trust in the Lord have all that is good.
KAF Osiromašiše mogućnici i gladuju, a koji traže Jahvu ne trpe oskudice.
11 Children, listen to me! I will teach you how to respect the Lord.
LAMED Dođite, djeco, i poslušajte me, učit ću vas strahu Gospodnjem.
12 Who of you wants to live a long and happy life?
MEM O čovječe, ljubiš li život? Želiš li dane mnoge uživati dobra?
13 Then don't let your tongue speak evil, or your lips tell lies.
NUN Jezik svoj oda zla suspreži i usne od riječi prijevarnih!
14 Reject what is evil, do what is good. Look for peace, and work to make it a reality.
SAMEK Zla se kloni, a čini dobro, traži mir i za njim idi!
15 The Lord watches over those who do right, and he hears when they cry for help.
PE Oči Jahvine gledaju pravedne, uši mu slušaju vapaje njihove.
16 The Lord sets himself against those who do evil. He will wipe out even the memory of them from the earth.
AJIN Lice se Jahvino okreće protiv zločinaca da im spomen zatre na zemlji.
17 But when his people call out for help, he hears them and rescues them from all their troubles.
SADE Pravednici zazivaju, i Jahve ih čuje, izbavlja ih iz svih tjeskoba.
18 The Lord is close beside those who are broken-hearted; he saves those whose spirits are crushed.
KOF Blizu je Jahve onima koji su skršena srca, a klonule duše spasava.
19 Those who do right have many problems, but the Lord solves all of them.
REŠ Mnoge nevolje ima pravednik, ali ga Jahve od svih izbavlja.
20 He keeps them safe—not a single one of their bones will be broken.
ŠIN On čuva sve kosti njegove: ni jedna mu se neće slomiti.
21 Evil kills the wicked. Those who hate good people will suffer for their wrongdoing.
TAU Opakost bezbošca ubija, platit će koji mrze pravednika.
22 The Lord saves the lives of his servants. Those who trust in his protection will not suffer for their wrongdoings.
Jahve izbavlja duše slugu svojih, i neće platiti tko god se njemu utječe.

< Psalms 34 >