< Psalms 33 >

1 Let those who do good shout for joy—those who live right should praise him!
Əy ⱨǝⱪⱪaniylar, Pǝrwǝrdigar üqün tǝntǝnǝ ⱪilinglar! Mǝdⱨiyilǝx duruslar üqün güzǝl ixtur.
2 Praise the Lord with the lyre, play music to him on the ten-stringed harp.
Rawab bilǝn Pǝrwǝrdigarni mǝdⱨiyilǝnglar; Ontarƣa tǝngkǝx bolup, uningƣa küylǝrni eytinglar.
3 Sing a new song to him; play your instruments well and shout for joy.
Uningƣa atap yengi bir munajat-nahxini eytinglar; Maⱨirliⱪ bilǝn qelip, awazinglarni yuⱪiri yangritinglar.
4 For the word of the Lord is true, and he is trustworthy in everything he does.
Qünki Pǝrwǝrdigarning sɵzi bǝrⱨǝⱪtur; Uning barliⱪ ixliri wǝdilirigǝ sadaⱪǝtliktur.
5 He loves all that is good and right; the earth is full of the Lord's trustworthy love.
U ⱨǝⱪⱪaniyǝt ⱨǝm adalǝtni yahxi kɵrgüqidur; Yǝr-zemin Pǝrwǝrdigarning meⱨribanliⱪi bilǝn tolƣandur.
6 The Lord spoke the word and the heavens were made; his mouth breathed all the stars into existence.
Pǝrwǝrdigarning sɵzi bilǝn asmanlar yaritilƣan, Uning aƣzidiki nǝpǝs bilǝn ularning barliⱪ ⱪoxunlirimuyaritilƣandur;
7 He gathers the waters of the sea together, he keeps the ocean depths in store.
U dengizdiki sularni bir yǝrgǝ yiƣip dɵwilǝydu; U okyanlarni ambarlar iqidǝ saⱪlap turidu;
8 Let all the earth show reverence to the Lord; let all the world's inhabitants be in awe of him.
Pütkül yǝr yüzidikilǝr Pǝrwǝrdigardin ǝymǝnsun; Dunyadiki pütün jan igiliri Uningdin ⱪorⱪup, ⱨɵrmǝtlisun;
9 For he spoke and the world came into existence; he gave the command and it was created.
Qünki Uning bir sɵzi bilǝnla ix püttürülgǝnidi; Uning bir ǝmri bilǝnla degǝnliri bǝrpa ⱪilinƣanidi.
10 The Lord foils the decisions of the nations, he frustrates the plans of the peoples,
Pǝrwǝrdigar ǝllǝrning pilanini tosiwetidu; U ⱪowmlarning hiyallirini bikar ⱪiliwetidu.
11 But the Lord's plan stands forever—what he decides lasts for all generations.
Pǝrwǝrdigarning nǝsiⱨǝti mǝnggügǝ turidu; Ⱪǝlbidiki oyliri dǝwrdin-dǝwrgǝ ixⱪa axurulidu.
12 Happy is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he has chosen as specially belonging to him.
«Pǝrwǝrdigar bizning Hudayimizdur» dǝydiƣan ⱪowm bǝhtliktur! Yǝni Ɵz mirasi boluxⱪa talliƣan hǝlⱪ bǝhtliktur!
13 The Lord looks from heaven and sees the whole of humanity,
Pǝrwǝrdigar ǝrxtin yǝrgǝ nǝzǝr salidu, U pütkül insanlarni kɵrüp turidu.
14 from his throne he watches all those who live on earth.
Turalƣusidin yǝr yüzidikilǝrning ⱨǝmmisigǝ ⱪaraydu;
15 He created their minds, so he knows everything they do.
U ularning ⱨǝrbirining ⱪǝlblirini Yasiƣuqidur; Ularning barliⱪ ixlirini dǝngsǝp qiⱪⱪuqidur.
16 Even the greatest army cannot save a king; the greatest strength cannot save a warrior.
Padixaⱨ bolsa ⱪoxunlirining kɵplüki bilǝn ƣalib bolalmaydu; Palwan ɵzining zor küqi bilǝn ɵzini ⱪutⱪuzalmaydu;
17 Don't deceive yourself: a warhorse can't give you victory—even its incredible strength won't save you.
Tolparƣa tayinip hǝwp-hǝtǝrdin ⱪutⱪuzulux biⱨudiliktur, U zor küqi bilǝn ⱨeqkimni ⱪutⱪuzalmaydu;
18 The Lord watches over those who reverently follow him, those who place their hope in his trustworthy love
Mana, ularning jenini ɵlümdin ⱪutⱪuzux üqün, Ⱪǝⱨǝtqiliktǝ ularni ⱨayat saⱪlax üqün, Pǝrwǝrdigarning kɵzi Ɵzidin ǝyminidiƣanlarning üstidǝ turidu, Ɵzining ɵzgǝrmǝs muⱨǝbbitigǝ ümid baƣliƣanlarning üstidǝ turidu.
19 to save them from death and to keep them alive when famine strikes.
20 We place our confidence in the Lord; he is our help and our defender.
Bizning jenimiz Pǝrwǝrdigarƣa tǝlmüridu; Bizning yardǝmqimiz, Bizning ⱪalⱪinimiz U bolidu.
21 We are so happy about him, for we trust in his holy character.
Xunga Uning bilǝn ⱪǝlbimiz xadlinip ketidu; Qünki Uning muⱪǝddǝs namiƣa tayinip ixǝnduⱪ.
22 Lord, let your trustworthy love rest upon us as we hope in you.
I Pǝrwǝrdigar, biz Sangila ümid baƣliƣinimizdǝk, Sening ɵzgǝrmǝs muⱨǝbbitingmu üstimizdǝ bolƣay!

< Psalms 33 >