< Psalms 28 >

1 A psalm of David. Lord, my rock, I'm calling out to you. Please listen to me! For if you don't respond, I'll be like those who go down into the grave.
Nataon’ i Davida.
2 Listen as I appeal for mercy, as I call for help, as I hold up my hands in prayer towards your holy Temple.
Mihainoa ny feon’ ny fifonako, raha mitaraina aminao aho, raha manandratra ny tanako ho amin’ ny fitoeranao masìna indrindra aho.
3 Don't drag me off with the wicked, with those who do evil, who speak nicely to their neighbors while in their minds they're plotting evil.
Aza atao indray manakipaka amin’ ny ratsy fanahy sy ny mpanao meloka aho, fa ireny dia milaza fihavanana amin’ ny namany, kanjo ratsy no ao am-pony.
4 Give them what they deserve for their evil actions. Pay them back for what they've done. Give them the reward they've earned!
Manomeza azy araka ny asany sy ny faharatsian’ ny ataony; eny, manomeza azy araka ny vitan’ ny tànany, valio izy araka izay iendrehany.
5 For they don't pay any attention to what the Lord does, or to what he created. So he will destroy them—they will never be restored.
Fa tsy mihevitra ny asan’ i Jehovah, na ny vitan’ ny tànany, izy, dia horavan’ i Jehovah izy, fa tsy haoriny.
6 Praise the Lord! For he has heard my appeal for mercy!
Isaorana anie Jehovah, fa efa nihaino ny feon’ ny fifonako Izy.
7 The Lord is my strength and my shield. I trust in him and he helps me. I'm so happy, and I sing my thanks to him.
Jehovah no heriko sy ampingako; izy no nitokian’ ny foko, ka voavonjy aho; dia mifaly ny foko, ka ny hirako no hiderako Azy.
8 The Lord gives strength to his people; he is a safe refuge for the one he has anointed.
Jehovah no heriny, ary Izy no fiarovana mafy hamonjena ny voahosony.
9 Save your people! Bless your “special possession”! Be their shepherd and carry them in your arms forever!
Vonjeo ny olonao, ary tahio ny lovanao; andraso izy, ka tezao mandrakizay.

< Psalms 28 >