< Psalms 26 >

1 A psalm of David. Confirm that I'm innocent, Lord, for I have acted with integrity, and I have trusted in the Lord without fail.
ヱホバよねがはくはわれを鞫きたまへわれわが完全によりてあゆみたり 然のみならず我たゆたはずヱホバに依賴めり
2 Examine me, Lord, test me; investigate my thoughts and intentions.
ヱホバよわれを糺しまた試みたまへ わが腎とこころとを錬きよめたまへ
3 For I always remember your trustworthy love, and I follow your truth.
そは汝のいつくしみわが眼前にあり 我はなんぢの眞理によりてあゆめり
4 I don't join in with liars and I don't associate with hypocrites.
われは虚しき人とともに座らざりき 惡をいつはりかざる者とともにはゆかじ
5 I refuse to get together with those who do evil, and I won't involve myself with the wicked.
6 I wash my hands to show my innocence. I come to worship at your altar, Lord,
われ手をあらひて罪なきをあらはす ヱホバよ斯てなんぢの祭壇をめぐり
7 singing my thanks, telling of all the wonderful things you have done.
感謝のこゑを聞えしめ すべてなんぢの奇しき事をのべつたへん
8 Lord, I love your house, the place where you live in your glory.
9 Please don't sweep me away along with sinners. Don't include me with those who commit murder,
願くはわがたましひを罪人とともに わが生命を血をながす者とともに取收めたまふなかれ
10 whose hands carry out their evil schemes and grab hold of bribes.
かかる人の手にはあしきくはだてあり その右の手は賄賂にてみつ
11 For I don't do that—I act with integrity. Save me and be gracious to me!
12 I stand for what's right, and I will praise the Lord when we meet together to worship him.
わがあしは平坦なるところにたつ われもろもろの會のなかにてヱホバを讃まつらん

< Psalms 26 >