< Psalms 22 >

1 For the music director. To the tune “Doe of the Dawn.” A psalm of David. My God, my God, why have you abandoned me? Why are you so far away when I groan, asking for help?
A I Kot, ai Kot da me komui likidmalie kin ia la? I likelikwir, a sauas pa i me doo.
2 My God, every day I cry out to you, but you don't answer; at night too, but I get no rest.
Ai Kot, nin ran i kin likwir, a kom sota kin sapeng, o ni pong i pil sota kin nenenla.
3 Yet you are holy, and the praises of Israel are your throne.
Ari so, komui ta me saraui, komui me kotikot pan kaul en kaping en Israel.
4 Our forefathers trusted in you; they trusted and you rescued them.
Sam at akan liki komui, o ni ar liki, kom kotin sauasa irail er.
5 They cried out to you for help, and they were saved. They trusted in you and were not defeated.
Irail likwir ong komui, rap dorelar, re liki komui, rap sota namenokala.
6 But I'm a worm, not a man, scorned and despised by everyone.
A ngai dueta kamatol amen, a kaidin ol amen, me aramas akan kin lalaue o mamaleki.
7 People who see me mock me. They laugh at me and shake their heads, saying,
Karos me kilang ia, kin lalaue, ia, sara pasang au arail o tuetuäl mong arail:
8 “He trusts in the Lord—well then, let the Lord save him! If the Lord is such a friend, then let the Lord rescue him!”
A kin liki Ieowa, i en dorela i, o kamaioda i, pwe a kin kupura i.
9 However, you brought me safely through birth, and led me to trust in you at my mother's breasts.
Pwe komui kotin kaipwi ia sang nan kaped en in ai; komui ta, me i liki sang ni ansaun ai mi ni maramaran in ai.
10 I was entrusted to you from birth; from the time I was born you have been my God.
Sang nan kaped en in ai i lokidokilang komui; komui ta ai Kot sang ni ansaun ai mi pon kopan in ai.
11 Do not be distant from me, because trouble is close by and no one else can help.
Kom der kotin doo sang ia, pwe ansaun kalokolok korendor, ap solar sauas pa i.
12 Enemies surround me like a herd of bulls; strong bulls from Bashan have encircled me.
Kau ol kalaimun kan kapil ia penaer, o kau ol en Pasan kele ia pena.
13 Like roaring lions tearing at their prey they open their mouths wide against me.
Irail sara dong ia dueta laien weriwer o laualo amen.
14 I feel like I'm being poured out like water. I'm falling apart as if all my bones have become loose. My mind feels like it's wax melting inside me.
Ngai wudokilar dueta pil, ai kokon akan karos muei pasanger, o mongiong i pei pasanger nan kaped i dueta wi.
15 My strength has dried up like a piece of broken pottery. My tongue is stuck to the roof of my mouth. You're burying me as if I'm already dead.
Ai kelail ngalangal lar dueta diper en dal eu, o lo i pasadang pan ngatangat ai, o komui kin wia kin ia me melar amen.
16 Evil men surround me like a pack of dogs. They have pierced my hands and feet.
Pwe kidi kan kapil ia pena, o pwin aramas sued eu kele ia pena, irail kapore pasang pa i o nä i kat.
17 I'm so thin I can count all my bones. People stare at me and gloat.
I kak wadok kokon ai kan karos; a irail kin kilekilang ap peren kida.
18 They divide my clothing among them; they roll dice for my clothes.
Re kin nek pasang ai likau kan nan pung arail, o re doropweki ai likau pup.
19 But you, Lord, don't be far away from me! You are my strength—hurry, come and help me!
A komui Maing ender doo sang ia! Ai kel madangdo o sauasa ia!
20 Save me from death by the sword! Save my life—the only one I have—from the dogs!
Dorela maur i sang kodlas, pwe me ta ieu, o sang nan kel en kidi!
21 Rescue me from the mouth of the lion and from the wild bulls!
Sauasa ia sang nan au en laien, o dore ia la sang ose en man laualo!
22 I will tell my people all the wonderful things you have done; I will praise you in the congregation.
I pan padaki ong ri ai kan duen mar omui, o i pan kapinga komui nan momodisou.
23 Praise the Lord, all who worship him! Honor him, every descendant of Jacob! Be in awe of him, every descendant of Israel!
Kapinga Ieowa komail me masak i, o kadaudok en Iakop en kalinganada i, o wan Israel karos masak i.
24 For he has not ridiculed or scorned the suffering of the poor; he has not turned away from them, he has listened to their cries for help.
Pwe a sota kotin mamaleki de suedeki me luet akan; o a sota kotin karirila silang i sang irail; o ni a likwir ong i, a kotin erekier.
25 You are the subject of my praise in the great assembly. I will fulfill my promises before those who worship you.
I pan kapinga komui nan momodisou kalaimun; i pan kapwaiada ai inau mon ir me lan i.
26 The poor shall eat, and they shall be satisfied. All who come to the Lord will praise him—may you all live forever!
Me luet akan en manga o medila, o me idok Ieowa, pan kapinga i; ngen omail pan memaureta kokolata.
27 Everyone in the whole world will repent and return to the Lord; all the nations will worship before you.
Ni imwin sap karos re pan tamanda Ieowa, ap wuki ong i, o di en men liki karos pan kaudoki ong i.
28 For kingly power belongs to the Lord; he is the one who rules over the nations.
Pwe wein Ieowa, o a kotin kaunda men liki kan.
29 All who prosper come to feast and worship. Bow down before him, all those destined for the grave—for none can keep themselves alive.
Me wi kan karos nin sappa pan mangamanga o kelepuki; karos, me pan wiala pwel o sota kak kolekol maur ar, pan pongi i.
30 Our descendants will serve him; they will tell the next generation about the Lord.
Kadaudok eu mia, me pan papa i, re pan padaki ong seri o seri en seri kan duen Ieowa.
31 They will come and tell those yet to be born how good the Lord is, and all that he has done!
Re pan pwarado o padaki ong aramas akan, me pan ipwidi mur duen a pung, o duen me a kotin wiadar.

< Psalms 22 >