< Psalms 18 >
1 To the music director. A psalm of David the servant of the Lord, who sang the words of this song to the Lord on the day when the Lord saved him from all his enemies, and from Saul. He sang: I love you, Lord. You are my strength.
Kumqondisi wokuhlabela. ElikaDavida inceku kaThixo Wahlabelela uJehova amazwi alelihubo lapho uJehova wamsindisa esandleni sezitha zakhe zonke lasesandleni sikaSawuli. Wathi: Ngiyakuthanda, Oh Thixo, Mandla ami.
2 The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my Savior. He is my God, my rock who protects me. He shields me from harm, his power protects me, he keeps me safe.
UThixo ulidwala lami, inqaba yami, lomsindisi wami; uNkulunkulu wami ulidwala lami, lapho engiphephela khona, isihlangu sami lophondo lokusindiswa kwami, inqaba yami.
3 I call for help from the Lord who should be praised, and he saves me from those who hate me.
Ngakhuleka kuThixo ofanele ukudunyiswa njalo ngikhululwe ezitheni zami.
4 Ropes of death encircled me, surging waters of destruction flooded over me;
Izibopho zokufa zangihilela; lezikhukhula zokubhubhisa zangikhulela.
5 The grave wound its ropes around me; death set snares for me. (Sheol )
Izibopho zengcwaba zangithandela; imijibila yokufa yangijamela. (Sheol )
6 In my despair I called on the Lord—I cried out to my God for help. He heard my voice from his Temple—my cry for help reached his ears.
Ekukhathazekeni kwami ngakhuleka kuThixo; ngakhala kuNkulunkulu wami ngicela usizo. Walizwa ilizwi lami esethempelini lakhe; ukukhala kwami kwafinyelela kuye, ezindlebeni zakhe.
7 The earth shook to and fro; the foundations of the mountains trembled, shaking because of his anger.
Umhlaba wagedezela wazamazama, izisekelo zezintaba zanyikinyeka; zagedezela ngoba wayethukuthele.
8 Smoke came out of his nostrils, and fire came from his mouth; burning coals blazed before him.
Intuthu yalanquka emakhaleni Akhe umlilo ohangulayo waphuma emlonyeni wakhe, amalahle avuthayo alavuka ephuma kuwo.
9 He parted the heavens and came down, with dark clouds beneath his feet.
Waqhekeza amazulu wehlela phansi; amayezi amnyama ayengaphansi kwezinyawo zakhe
10 Riding on an angel he flew, swooping on the wings of the wind.
Wagada amakherubhi waphapha; wantweza phezu kwamaphiko omoya.
11 He hid himself in darkness, covering himself with black thunderclouds.
Wenza umnyama isembeso sakhe, isigubuzelo esimhanqileyo, amayezi ezulu amnyama asemkhathini.
12 Hailstones and burning coals flew out from his brightness, passing through his thick clouds.
Phakathi kokukhazimula kobukhona bakhe kwaqubuka amayezi, kulesiqhotho lezikhatha zombane.
13 The Lord thundered from heaven; the voice of the Most High sounded among the hailstones and burning coals.
UThixo wakhwaza esezulwini; ilizwi loPhezukonke lanqenqetha.
14 He fired his arrows, scattering his enemies; he routed them with his lightning bolts.
Waciba imitshoko wazihlakaza izitha, ngembane eminengi waziqothula.
15 You roared, Lord, and by the wind from the breath of your nostrils the valleys of the sea were exposed and the foundations of the earth were uncovered.
Izigodi zolwandle zambulwa lezisekelo zomhlaba zavezwa obala ekukhuzeni kwakho Thixo, ngomfutho wokuphefumula kwamakhala akho.
16 He reached down his hand from above and grabbed hold of me. He pulled me out of the deep water.
Welula isandla Sakhe esezulwini wangibamba wangihlenga enzikini yamanzi.
17 He rescued me from my powerful enemies, from those who hated me and who were much stronger than me.
Wangihlenga esitheni sami esilamandla, ezitheni zami ezazingigabhela ngamandla.
18 They came at me at my worst possible moment, but the Lord supported me.
Zangijamela mhla ngisebunzimeni, kodwa uThixo waba yinsika yami.
19 He set me free, he rescued me because he's my friend.
Wangikhupha wangibeka endaweni ebanzi wangihlenga ngoba wayethokoza ngami.
20 The Lord rewarded me because I do what's right; he repaid me because I am innocent.
UThixo ungenzele okulingene ukulunga kwami; wanginika umvuzo ngokufanele ukuhlanzeka kwezandla zami.
21 For I have followed the Lord's ways; I have not sinned by turning away from my God.
Ngoba ngizigcinile izindlela zikaThixo; angenzanga okubi ngokufulathela uNkulunkulu wami.
22 I have kept all his laws in mind; I have not ignored his commandments.
Yonke imithetho yakhe ibiphambi kwami; angizifulathelanga izimiso zakhe.
23 I am blameless in his sight; I keep myself from sinning.
Ngibe ngilokhu ngimsulwa phambi kwakhe njalo ngisixwayile isono.
24 The Lord rewarded me for doing what's right. I am innocent in his sight.
UThixo unginike umvuzo ngokufanele ukulunga kwami, ngokufanele ukuhlanzeka kwezandla zami phambi Kwakhe.
25 You show trust to those who trust; you show integrity to those with integrity,
Kwabathembekileyo lawe uthembekile, kwabamsulwa lawe umsulwa.
26 You show yourself pure to those who are pure, but you show yourself smart to those who are crafty.
Kwabahlanzekileyo uziveza uhlanzekile kodwa kwabangaqondanga uziveza ukhaliphile.
27 You save the humble, but you bring down the proud.
Uyabasindisa abathobekileyo; kodwa uyabehlisela phansi labo abamehlo asesiphundu.
28 You light my lamp! Lord, my God, you light up my darkness!
Wena, Oh Thixo, gcina isibane sami sibhebha; uNkulunkulu wami uguqula umnyama wami ube yikukhanya.
29 With you, I can charge down a troop of soldiers; with you, my God, I can climb a fortress wall.
Ngosizo lwakho ngingaphuma ngimelane lebutho lempi; ngoNkulunkulu wami ngingaweqa umduli.
30 God's way is absolutely right. What the Lord says is trustworthy. He is a shield to all who come to him for protection.
Izindlela zikaNkulunkulu uqobo lwakhe ziphelele; ilizwi likaThixo kalilasici. Ulihawu labo bonke abaphephela kuye.
31 For who is God except the Lord? Who is the rock, except our God?
Ngoba ngubani uNkulunkulu ngaphandle kukaThixo? Njalo ngubani oliDwala ngaphandle kukaNkulunkulu wethu na?
32 God makes me strong and keeps me safe.
NguNkulunkulu ongihlomisa amandla enze indlela yami iphelele.
33 He makes me surefooted like the deer, able to walk the heights in safety.
Wenza inyawo zami zibe njengezempala; ungenza ngime ezingqongweni
34 He teaches me how to fight in battle; he gives me the strength to draw a bronze bow.
Ufundisa izandla zami ukulwa impi; izingalo zami zingaligobisa idandili lethusi.
35 You protect me with the shield of your salvation; you support me with your powerful right hand; your help has made me great.
Wena uyanginika isihlangu sakho sokunqoba, lesandla sakho sokunene siyangiqinisa; uyazehlisela phansi ukuze ungenze ngibe mkhulu.
36 You gave me space in which to walk, and prevented my feet from slipping.
Uqhelisa indlela enginyathela kuyo, ukuze inqagala zami zingapheci.
37 I chased my enemies, and caught up with them. I did not turn around until I had destroyed them.
Ngaxotshana lezitha zami ngazifica; kangiphendukanga ngingakazibhubhisi zonke.
38 I struck them down—they couldn't get up. They fell at my feet.
Ngazichoboza, zazingeke zisavuka; zawela ngaphansi kwezinyawo zami
39 You made me strong for battle; you made those who rose up against me kneel down before me.
Wangihlomisa ngamandla okulwa impi; wenza abaxabana lami bakhothama ezinyaweni zami.
40 You made my enemies run away; I destroyed all my enemies.
Wenza izitha zami zafulathela zabaleka, njalo ngazibhubhisa izitha zami.
41 They cried out for help, but no one came to rescue them. They even called out to the Lord, but he did not answer them.
Bakhala becela uncedo, kodwa wayengekho owayengabalamulela kuThixo, kodwa kaphendulanga.
42 I ground them into dust, like dust in the wind. I threw them out like mud in the street.
Ngabatshaya bacholeka njengothuli luphetshulwa ngumoya; ngabathulula njengodaka ezindleleni.
43 You rescued me from rebellious people; you made me ruler over nations—people I didn't know now serve me.
Ungikhulule ekuhlaselweni yilababantu; usungenze ngaba yinhloko yezizwe; abantu engangingabazi sebebuswa yimi.
44 As soon as they hear of me, they obey; foreigners cringe before me.
Bathi bengizwa nje ngendaba, bangilalele; abezizweni bayatshotshobala phambi kwami.
45 They lose heart, and come trembling in surrender from their strongholds.
Bonke badelile; beza bethuthumela bevela ezinqabeni zabo.
46 The Lord lives! Blessed be my rock! May the God who saves me be praised!
Uthixo uyaphila! Alidunyiswe iDwala lami! Kaphakanyiswe uNkulunkulu uMsindisi wami!
47 God avenges me, he subdues peoples under me,
UnguNkulunkulu ongiphindiselelayo, onqoba izizwe zibe ngaphansi kwami,
48 he rescues me from those who hate me. You keep me safe from those who rebel against me, you save me from violent men.
ongisindisayo ezitheni zami. Wena wangikhuphula ngaphezu kwezitha zami; wangihlenga ebantwini bodlakela.
49 That's why I will praise you among the nations, Lord; I will sing praises about who you are.
Ngakho ngizakudumisa phakathi kwezizwe, Oh Thixo; ngizahlabelela indumiso yebizo lakho.
50 You have saved the king so often, showing your trustworthy love to David, your anointed, and to his descendants forever.
Upha inkosi yakhe ukunqoba okukhulu; utshengisa umusa wakhe ongaphuthiyo kogcotshiweyo wakhe, kuDavida kanye lezizukulwane zakhe kuze kube nininini.