< Psalms 146 >

1 Praise the Lord! With my whole being I praise the Lord!
Aleluja! Hvali, duša moja, Gospoda.
2 I will praise the Lord while I live; I will sing praises to my God while I have breath.
Hvalil bodem Gospoda v življenji svojem; prepeval bodem Bogu svojemu, dokler bodem.
3 Don't put your confidence in human leaders—they cannot save you.
Ne imejte zaupanja v prvake, v sina človeškega, pri katerem ni blaginje.
4 Once they breathe no more, they go back to dust. On that very day everything they planned dies with them.
Duh njegov izide, povrne se v zemljo svojo; isti dan minejo misli njegove.
5 Happy are those who have the God of Jacob to help them—their hope is in the Lord their God—
Blagor, komur je na pomoč Bog mogočni Jakobov; katerega nada je v Gospodu, njegovem Bogu,
6 the one who made heaven and earth, and the sea along with everything it contains. He is trustworthy forever.
Kateri je naredil nebesa in zemljo, morje in kar je v njiju, kateri hrani zvestobo vekomaj.
7 He makes sure the oppressed receive justice. He gives food to the hungry. The Lord sets the prisoners free.
Kateri dela pravico zatiranim, hrane daje lačnim, Gospod oprašča jetnike.
8 The Lord makes the blind see. The Lord lifts up those who are bowed down. The Lord loves those who do what is right.
Gospod odpira očí slepim, Gospod vzdiguje potrte, Gospod ljubi pravične.
9 The Lord takes care of strangers among us. He looks after widows and orphans. But he makes life difficult for the wicked.
Gospod brani tujce, siroto in vdovo podpira; pot pa hudobnih razdira.
10 The Lord will reign forever. Zion, he will be your God for all generations. Praise the Lord!
Vladal bode Gospod vekomaj; Bog tvoj, o Sijon, od roda do roda. Aleluja!

< Psalms 146 >