< Psalms 142 >

1 A maskil of David, when he was in the cave. A prayer. I call out to the Lord for help; pleading with the Lord for mercy.
Abụ maskil nke Devid. Mgbe ọ nọ nʼọgba nkume. Ekpere. Etikuru m Onyenwe anyị mkpu akwa; ewelitara m olu m rịọ Onyenwe anyị ka o meere m ebere.
2 I pour out my complaints before him; I tell him what's troubling me.
Ekwupụtara m ihe na-esogbu m nʼihu ya, gwakwa ya ahụhụ nke m nọ nʼime ya.
3 When I'm totally discouraged, you know the direction I should take. But whichever way I go, people set traps for me.
Mgbe mmụọ m dara mba nʼime m, ọ bụ gị maara ụzọ m. Nʼụzọ ebe m na-esi aga ka ndị mmadụ siiri m ọnya.
4 I look to my right for someone to support me—but no one pays me any attention. There's no safe place for me—no one cares about me at all.
Lee anya nʼaka nri m ma hụ na ọ dịghị onye ọbụla na-eche ihe banyere m. Enweghị m ebe mgbaba. Ọ dịghị onye ọbụla ihe banyere m na-emetụta nʼobi.
5 I cry out to you, Lord, for help, saying, “You are the one who keeps me safe; you are all I need in life.
Ana m etiku gị mkpu akwa, o Onyenwe anyị, na-asị, “Gị bụ ebe mgbaba m, oke m nʼala ndị dị ndụ.”
6 Please listen to my sad cry, for I'm feeling very low. Please save me from those who are after me, for they're too strong for me.
Gee ntị na mkpu akwa m, nʼihi na anọ m nʼọnọdụ ihe isiike; gbapụta m site nʼaka ndị na-achụ m ọsọ, nʼihi na ha siri ike karịa m.
7 Release me from my prison so I can praise you for the person you are! Those who live right will gather round me because you have treated me so well.”
Mee ka m nwere onwe m site nʼụlọ mkpọrọ, ka m nwee ike too aha gị. Mgbe ahụ ndị ezi omume ga-agba m gburugburu nʼihi ịdị mma gị nʼebe m nọ.

< Psalms 142 >