< Psalms 126 >

1 A song for pilgrims going up to Jerusalem. When the Lord brought his people back from captivity to Zion, it was as if we were dreaming!
Pesem preizvrstna. Ko je peljal Gospod množico vjetnikov Sijonskih nazaj, bili smo kakor katerim se sanja.
2 We laughed so much, we sang for joy. The other nations said, “The Lord has done wonderful things for these people.”
Tedaj so se smeha napolnila usta naša, in jezik naš s petjem; tedaj se je reklo med narodi: Veličastne reči dela Gospod z njimi!
3 The Lord certainly has done wonderful things for us. How happy we were!
Veličastne reči dela Gospod z nami, veseli smo.
4 Please return and help us again, Lord. Renew us like streams of water that renew the Negev desert.
Pelji nazaj, Gospod, množico vjetnikov naših, kakor presilne vode v suho deželo.
5 Those who sow in tears will reap with shouts of joy!
Kateri so sejali sè solzami, žanjejo naj s petjem.
6 Those who weep as they go out to sow their seed will be singing in celebration when they carry the harvest home.
Kateri je pridobljeno seme noseč hodil neprestano jokaje, vrne se naj s petjem domóv noseč snope svoje.

< Psalms 126 >