< Psalms 119 >

1 Aleph Happy are those who do what is right, who follow what the Lord says.
Vakaropafadzwa avo vane nzira isina chaingapomerwa, vanofamba mumurayiro waJehovha.
2 Happy are those who keep his commandments, who sincerely want to follow him.
Vakaropafadzwa avo vanochengeta zvaakatema, vanomutsvaka nomwoyo wavo wose.
3 They don't do what's wrong; they walk in his ways.
Havaiti chinhu chakaipa; vanofamba munzira yake.
4 You have ordered us to follow your instructions carefully.
Imi makaisa zvirevo zvinofanira kuteererwa.
5 May I be reliable in the way I keep your rules!
Haiwa, dai nzira dzangu dzakasimba pakuteerera zvirevo zvenyu!
6 Then I won't be ashamed when I compare what I do to what you have said.
Ipapo handaizonyadziswa pandinorangarira mirayiro yenyu.
7 I will praise you sincerely as I learn from you the right way to live.
Ndichakurumbidzai nomwoyo wakarurama, sezvo ndichidzidza mirayiro yenyu yakarurama.
8 I will observe your laws. Please never give up on me!
Ndichateerera mitemo yenyu; regai kundirasa zvachose.
9 Beth How does a young person remain pure? By following what you say.
Ko, jaya ringanatsa nzira yaro nei? Nokurarama sezvinoreva shoko renyu.
10 I worship you sincerely; please don't let me stray from your commands.
Ndinokutsvakai nomwoyo wangu wose; musandirega ndichitsauka pamirayiro yenyu.
11 I keep what you say in mind so I won't sin against you.
Shoko renyu ndakariviga mumwoyo mangu, kuti ndirege kukutadzirai.
12 Thank you Lord! Teach me what to do!
Imi munofanira kukudzwa, Jehovha; ndidzidzisei mitemo yenyu.
13 I repeat out loud your instructions.
Nemiromo yangu ndichataurazve mirayiro yose inobva pamuromo wenyu.
14 I enjoy your laws more than having plenty of money.
Ndinofarira kutevera zvirevo zvenyu, somunhu anofarira pfuma huru.
15 I will think deeply about your teachings, and reflect on your ways.
Ndinofungisisa zvirevo zvenyu, uye ndinorangarira nzira dzenyu.
16 I will take pleasure in following your directions; I won't forget what you say.
Ndinofarira mitemo yenyu; handingakanganwi shoko renyu.
17 Gimel Be kind to your servant so I can live and follow what you teach.
Itirai muranda wenyu zvakanaka, ndigorarama; ndichateerera shoko renyu.
18 Open my eyes so I may discover wonderful things in your law.
Ndisvinudzei meso angu kuti ndione. Zvinhu zvinoshamisa zviri pamurayiro wenyu.
19 I'm only here for a short time—don't let me miss what you have to say.
Ndiri mutorwa panyika; regai kundivanzira mirayiro yenyu.
20 I'm always so keen to know your instructions.
Mweya wangu wapedzwa nokushuva mitemo yenyu nguva dzose.
21 You reprimand those who are arrogant; those who don't follow your commandments are cursed.
Munotsiura vanozvikudza, avo vakatukwa, uye vanotsauka kubva pamirayiro yenyu.
22 Don't let me be scorned and insulted, for I have kept your laws.
Bvisai kwandiri kushorwa nokuzvidzwa, nokuti ndinochengeta zvirevo zvenyu.
23 Even leaders sit down together and slander me, but I, your servant, will think seriously about your instructions.
Kunyange vatongi vachigara pamwe chete vachindireva, muranda wenyu achafungisisa mitemo yenyu.
24 Your laws make me happy—they are my wise advisors.
Ndinofadzwa nezvirevo zvenyu; ndizvo zvinondipanga mazano.
25 I'm dying here, lying in the dust. Keep me alive as you promised.
Ndakaradzikwa pasi muguruva; chengetedzai upenyu hwangu sezvinoreva shoko renyu.
26 I explained my situation to you, and you answered me. Teach me to follow your directions.
Ndakarevazve nzira dzangu imi mukandipindura; ndidzidzisei mitemo yenyu.
27 Help me understand what your laws mean, and I will meditate on the wonderful things you do.
Itai kuti ndinzwisise zvirevo zvenyu; ipapo ndichafungisisa pamusoro pezvishamiso zvenyu.
28 I'm weeping because I'm so sad; please encourage me as you promised.
Mweya wangu waziya nokusuwa; ndisimbisei sezvinoreva shoko renyu.
29 Stop me fooling myself; kindly teach me your law.
Ndibvisei panzira dzokunyengera; ndinzwirei nyasha kubudikidza nomurayiro wenyu.
30 I have chosen to trust in you. I always pay attention to what you say.
Ndakasarudza nzira yechokwadi; ndakaisa mwoyo wangu pamurayiro wenyu.
31 I hold on to your teachings, Lord. Don't let me be ridiculed.
Haiwa Jehovha, ini ndichabatirira pazvirevo zvenyu; musandirega ndichinyadziswa.
32 I run to follow your commands, for you have expanded my mind!
Ndinomhanya munzira yomurayiro wenyu, nokuti makasunungura mwoyo wangu.
33 He Teach me the meaning of your laws, and I will always keep them.
Ndidzidzisei, imi Jehovha, kutevera mitemo yenyu; ipapo ndichaichengeta kusvikira kumagumo.
34 Help me to understand so I can be totally committed to doing what you want.
Ndipei kunzwisisa, ndigochengeta murayiro wenyu uye ndigouteerera nomwoyo wangu wose.
35 Lead me to follow your commands, for this is what I love to do
Nditungamirirei munzira yemirayiro yenyu, nokuti imomo ndinowana mufaro.
36 Help me to concentrate on what you say rather than on making a profit.
Dzorerai mwoyo wangu pane zvamakatema kwete pakuchiva kwenyama.
37 Don't let me focus on things that are worthless. Help me live in your ways.
Dzorai meso angu pazvinhu zvisina maturo; chengetedzai upenyu hwangu sezvinoreva shoko renyu.
38 Please keep your promise to me, your servant, that you made to those who worship you.
Zadzisai zvamakapikira muranda wenyu, kuti mugotyiwa.
39 Take away the shame I dread, for your law is good.
Bvisai kunyadziswa kwandaitya, nokuti mitemo yenyu yakanaka.
40 I always want to do what you say. Please let me live, for you do what is right.
Ndinoshuva zvirevo zvenyu sei! Chengetedzai upenyu hwangu mukururama kwenyu.
41 Waw Lord, please love me with your trustworthy love; please give me the salvation you promised.
Rudo rwenyu rusingaperi ngaruuye kwandiri, Jehovha, noruponeso rwenyu sezvamakavimbisa;
42 Then I can reply to those who mock me, for I trust what you say.
ipapo ndichapindura vanondishora, nokuti ndinovimba neshoko renyu.
43 Don't ever prevent me from being able to speak your words of truth, for I place my complete confidence in your just judgments.
Regai kubvisa shoko rechokwadi pamuromo pangu, nokuti ndakaisa tariro yangu mumurayiro wenyu.
44 I will continue to follow your teachings, forever and ever.
Ndichagara ndichiteerera murayiro wenyu, nokusingaperi-peri.
45 I shall live in freedom, for I have committed myself to obeying you.
Ndichafamba-famba ndakasununguka, nokuti ndakatsvaka zvirevo zvenyu.
46 I will instruct kings about your laws—I won't be embarrassed.
Ndichataura zvamakatema pamberi pamadzimambo, uye handinganyadziswi,
47 I'm so happy for your instructions. I love them!
nokuti ndinofarira mirayiro yenyu nokuti ndinoida.
48 I lift up my hands in prayer, honoring your commandments. I will think deeply about all you say.
Ndinosimudzira maoko angu kumirayiro yenyu yandinoda, uye ndinofungisisa zvirevo zvenyu.
49 Zayin Remember your promise to me, your servant. It's my only hope.
Rangarirai shoko renyu kumuranda wenyu, nokuti makandipa tariro.
50 This is what brings me encouragement in my misery—your promise keeps me going!
Zvinondinyaradza pakutambura kwangu ndezvizvi: Vimbiso yenyu inochengetedza upenyu hwangu.
51 Arrogant people mock me terribly, but I don't give up on your teachings.
Vanozvikudza vanondiseka vasingaregi, asi ini handitsauki pamurayiro wenyu.
52 I think about the instructions you gave long ago, Lord, and they reassure me.
Ndinorangarira mirayiro yenyu yekare, imi Jehovha, uye ndinonyaradzwa mairi.
53 I am angry with the wicked because they have rejected your law.
Shungu dzinondibata nokuda kwavakaipa, vakasiya murayiro wenyu.
54 Your instructions have been music to my ears wherever I have lived.
Mitemo yenyu ndiro dingindira rorwiyo rwangu pose pandinogara.
55 At night I think about the kind of person you are, Lord, and do what you say.
Haiwa, Jehovha, ndinorangarira zita renyu usiku, uye ndichachengeta murayiro wenyu.
56 For this is how I live my life—by following your principles.
Aya ndiwo anga ari maitiro angu: Ndinoteerera zvirevo zvenyu.
57 Heth Lord, you are mine! I have promised to do as you say.
Haiwa, Jehovha, ndimi mugove wangu; ndakavimbisa kuteerera mashoko enyu.
58 My whole being wants your blessing—please be kind to me, as you have promised!
Ndakatsvaka chiso chenyu nomwoyo wangu wose; ndinzwirei nyasha sezvamakavimbisa.
59 As I think about my life, I turn to follow what you have said.
Ndakacherechedza nzira dzangu ndikadzorera tsoka dzangu kune zvamakatema.
60 I hurry to keep your commandments without delay
Ndichakurumidza uye handinganonoki kuteerera mirayiro yenyu.
61 Even though wicked people try to tie me up, I won't forget your instructions.
Kunyange vakaipa vakandisunga namabote, handizokanganwi murayiro wenyu.
62 I get up in the middle of the night to thank you for your good laws.
Ndinomuka pakati pousiku ndichikuvongai nokuda kwemirayiro yenyu yakarurama.
63 I identify with all those who follow you, those who do what you tell them.
Ndiri shamwari yavose vanokutyai, nokuna vose vanotevera zvirevo zvenyu.
64 Lord, you love everyone on earth; please teach me what to do.
Haiwa Jehovha, nyika izere norudo rwenyu, ndidzidzisei zvirevo zvenyu.
65 Teth Lord, you have been so good to me, your servant, as you have promised.
Makaitira muranda wenyu zvakanaka, imi Jehovha, sezvakafanira shoko renyu.
66 Now teach me wise judgment and discernment because I believe in your instructions.
Ndidzidzisei zivo nokutonga kwakanaka, nokuti ndakatenda mirayiro yenyu.
67 Previously I was suffering, wandering away from you, but now I do what you say.
Pandakanga ndisati ndatambudzika, ndakatsauka, asi zvino ndinoteerera shoko renyu.
68 Since you are good, everything you do is good. Teach me your ways.
Imi makanaka, uye munoita zvakanaka; ndidzidzisei mitemo yenyu.
69 Arrogant people smear my reputation with lies; but I whole-heartedly follow your commands.
Kunyange vanozvikudza vakandipomera nhema, ndinochengeta zvamakatema nomwoyo wangu wose.
70 They are cold and unfeeling, but I love your law.
Mwoyo yavo yakasindimara uye hainzwisisi, asi ndinofarira murayiro wenyu.
71 The suffering I went through was good for me, so I could think about what you have stipulated.
Zvakanga zvakanaka kuti nditambudzike, kuitira kuti ndigodzidza mitemo yenyu.
72 What you tell me to do is worth more to me than much gold and silver.
Murayiro unobva pamuromo wenyu unokosha kwandiri, kupfuura zviuru zvezvimedu zvesirivha negoridhe.
73 Yodh You created me and made me what I am; help me to learn and better understand your commandments.
Maoko enyu akandisika uye akandiumba; ndipei kunzwisisa kuti ndigodzidza mirayiro yenyu.
74 May those who worship you be happy when they see me, for I place my confidence in your word.
Avo vanokutyai ngavafare pavanondiona, nokuti ndakaisa tariro yangu pashoko renyu.
75 Lord, I know that what you decide is right; you brought me down in order to help me because you are trustworthy.
Haiwa Jehovha, ndinoziva kuti mirayiro yenyu yakarurama, uye kuti makanditambudza mukutendeka kwenyu.
76 May your trustworthy love comfort me as your promised me, your servant.
Rudo rwenyu rusingaperi ngarutinyaradze, maererano nechivimbiso chenyu kumuranda wenyu.
77 Be compassionate to me so I may live, for I love your teachings.
Tsitsi dzenyu ngadziuye kwandiri kuti ndirarame, nokuti murayiro wenyu ndiwo mufaro wangu.
78 Bring down those proud people who wronged me with their lies. I will spend time thinking about your instructions.
Vanozvikudza ngavanyadziswe pakundikanganisira ndisina mhaka, asi ini ndichafungisisa zvirevo zvenyu.
79 Let those who follow you turn to me, those who understand your laws.
Vanokutyai ngavadzokere kwandiri, ivo vanonzwisisa zvamakatema.
80 May I be innocent in the way I keep your rules so that I won't be ashamed.
Mwoyo wangu ngaushaye chaungapomerwa pamitemo yenyu, kuti ndirege kunyadziswa.
81 Kaph I'm exhausted waiting for you to save me, but my hope is in your word.
Mweya wangu unoziya nokuda kwekushuva ruponeso rwenyu, asi ndakaisa tariro yangu pashoko renyu.
82 I strain my eyes looking for you to keep your promises, asking “When will you comfort me?”
Meso angu aneta nokutsvaga chivimbiso chenyu; ndinoti, “Muchandinyaradza riniko?”
83 I've become like a wineskin that's been shriveled up by smoke, but I have not forgotten to do as you say.
Kunyange ndakaita sehomwe yewaini ndiri muutsi, handikanganwi mitemo yenyu.
84 How long do I have to wait before you punish my persecutors?
Muranda wenyu acharindira kusvikira riniko? Mucharanga vatambudzi vangu riniko?
85 These arrogant people have dug pits to trap me, these people who don't care anything about your law.
Vanozvikudza vakandicherera makomba, zvinopesana nomurayiro wenyu.
86 All your commands are trustworthy. Help me against these people who persecute me with their lies!
Mirayiro yenyu yose yakavimbika, ndibatsirei, nokuti vanhu vanonditambudza ndisina mhaka.
87 They have almost killed me, but I have not given up on what you say.
Vakanga voda kundibvisa panyika, asi handina kusiya zvamakatema.
88 Since you love me with your trustworthy love, don't let me die, so I can go on following the instructions you have given.
Chengetedzai upenyu hwangu zvakafanira rudo rwenyu, uye ini ndichateerera zvirevo zvomuromo wenyu.
89 Lamedh Your word, Lord, lasts forever. It stands firm in the heavens.
Haiwa Jehovha, shoko renyu rinogara nokusingaperi; rinomira rakasimba kudenga denga.
90 Your faithfulness lasts for all generations, as permanent as the earth you created.
Kutendeka kwenyu kunoramba kuripo kusvikira kuzvizvarwa zvose; makasimbisa nyika uye inogara nokusingaperi.
91 Your judgments stand—they are as true today as ever—for everything serves your will.
Mirayiro yenyu iripo kusvikira iye nhasi, nokuti zvinhu zvose zvinokushumirai.
92 If I didn't love your teachings, my suffering would have killed me.
Dai murayiro wenyu wanga usiri mufaro wangu, ndingadai ndakafira mumatambudziko angu.
93 I will never forget your instructions, for through them you give me life.
Handichazokanganwi zvamakatema, nokuti nazvo makachengetedza upenyu hwangu.
94 I belong to you, so please save me! I am committed to following your rules.
Ndiponesei, nokuti ndiri wenyu; ndakatsvaka zvamakatema.
95 Even though wicked people are waiting to ambush and kill me, I will focus my mind on what you say.
Vakaipa vakarindira kundiparadza, asi ini ndichafunga zvirevo zvenyu.
96 I recognize that human perfection has its limits, but your law is limitless.
Ndinoona kuguma kwezvose zvakakwana, asi mirayiro yenyu haina magumo.
97 Mem I really love your law! I meditate on it all day long.
Haiwa, ndinoda murayiro wenyu sei! Ndinoufungisisa zuva rose.
98 Your commands make me wiser than my enemies, for I'm always thinking about your instructions.
Mirayiro yenyu inoita kuti ndive akachenjera kupfuura vavengi vangu, nokuti inogara neni nguva dzose.
99 In fact I have a better insight than all of my teachers because I spend time concentrating on what you say.
Ndinonzwisisa zvakawanda kupfuura vadzidzisi vangu, nokuti ndinofungisisa pamusoro pezvamakatema.
100 I even understand more than the elders because I follow your directions.
Ndinonzwisisa zvikuru kupfuura vakuru, nokuti ndinoteerera zvirevo zvenyu.
101 I avoid any course of action that leads to evil, because I want to remain faithful to your word.
Ndakadzora tsoka dzangu panzira dzose dzakaipa kuti nditeerere shoko renyu.
102 I have not disregarded your instructions because you yourself taught me what to do.
Handina kubva pamirayiro yenyu, nokuti imi pachenyu makandidzidzisa.
103 Your words taste so sweet to me! They are sweeter than honey to my mouth.
Mashoko enyu anotapira seiko pakuaravira, anotapira kukunda uchi mumukanwa mangu!
104 I gain understanding from what you say, so I hate any way of life that's just a lie.
Ndinowana kunzwisisa kubva pazvirevo zvenyu; naizvozvo ndinovenga nzira dzose dzakaipa.
105 Nun Your word is a lamp that shows me where to walk, it's a light for my path.
Shoko renyu ndiwo mwenje wetsoka dzangu, nechiedza chenzira yangu.
106 I've made a promise, and I will keep it: I will keep your rules that are always right!
Ndakaita mhiko ndikaisimbisa, kuti ndichatevera mirayiro yenyu yakarurama.
107 Lord, I'm really suffering! Please let me live, as you have promised.
Ndakatambudzika kwazvo; chengetedzai upenyu hwangu, imi Jehovha, zvakafanira shoko renyu.
108 Lord, please accept my offerings of praise that I freely give you. Teach me your rules.
Haiwa Jehovha, gamuchirai henyu kurumbidza kwomuromo wangu, mugondidzidzisa mirayiro yenyu.
109 My life is always at risk, but I will not forget your law.
Kunyange ndichiramba ndakabata upenyu hwangu mumaoko angu, handizokanganwi murayiro wenyu.
110 Wicked people have set a trap for me, but I will not stray from your commandments.
Vakaipa vakanditeya nomusungo, asi handina kutsauka pazvirevo zvenyu.
111 I will always hold on to what you say for your words make me really happy,
Zvirevo zvenyu inhaka yangu nokusingaperi; ndizvo mufaro womwoyo wangu.
112 I have made up my mind to follow your instructions to the very end.
Mwoyo wangu wakagarira kuchengeta zvirevo zvenyu, kusvikira kumagumo.
113 Samekh I hate people who are two-faced, but I love your law.
Ndinovenga vanhu vane mwoyo miviri, asi ndinoda murayiro wenyu.
114 You keep me safe and you defend me, your word gives me reason to hope.
Imi muri utiziro hwangu nenhoo yangu; ndakaisa tariro yangu pashoko renyu.
115 Leave me alone, you evil people, and let me keep the commandments of my God.
Ibvai kwandiri, imi vaiti vezvakaipa, kuti ndichengete mirayiro yaMwari wangu!
116 Support me, Lord, as you promised, so I can live. Don't let my hope turn into discouragement.
Nditsigirei sezvamakavimbisa, ipapo ndichararama; musarega tariro yangu ichidzimwa.
117 Support me, so I can be saved and always pay attention to your instructions.
Nditsigirei, ipapo ndicharwirwa; ndicharamba ndine hanya nemitemo yenyu.
118 You reject all those who don't follow your instructions—they're fooling themselves by living a lie.
Munoramba vose vanotsauka pamitemo yenyu, nokuti kunyengera kwavo hakuna maturo.
119 You treat the wicked people on earth as something worthless to be discarded; therefore I love your laws.
Vakaipa vose venyika munovaita sengura; naizvozvo ndinoda zvamakatema.
120 I have goose bumps thinking of you—I'm in awe! I'm scared of your judgments!
Nyama yangu inodedera nokuda kwokukutyai; ndinomira ndichitya mirayiro yenyu.
121 Ayin I have done what's fair and right, so please don't abandon me to my enemies.
Ndakaita zvakarurama nokururamisira; musandisiya mumaoko avadzvinyiriri vangu.
122 Please promise you'll take care of me, your servant. Don't let these arrogant people mistreat me.
Itai kuti muranda wenyu agare zvakanaka; musarega vanozvikudza vachimudzvinyirira.
123 I strain my eyes looking for your salvation, watching for you to fulfill your promise to make everything good.
Meso angu aneta nokutsvaka ruponeso rwenyu, ndichitsvaga vimbiso yenyu yakarurama.
124 Please treat me, your servant, according to your trustworthy love. Teach me what you want me to do.
Itirai muranda wenyu zvinoringana norudo rwenyu, uye ndidzidzisei mitemo yenyu.
125 I am your servant. Please give me discernment so I can understand your instructions.
Ndiri muranda wenyu; ndipeiwo kunzvera kuti ndigonzwisisa zvamakatema.
126 Lord, it's time for you to act, for these people have broken your laws.
Haiwa Jehovha, inguva yenyu yokubata; murayiro wenyu uri kuputswa.
127 This is why I love your commandments more than gold, more than the finest gold.
Nokuti ndinoda mirayiro yenyu kupfuura goridhe, kupfuura goridhe rakanatswa,
128 All of your rules are right in every way, and so I hate any way of life that's just a lie.
uye nokuti ndinoti zvirevo zvenyu zvose zvakarurama, ndinovenga nzira dzose dzakaipa.
129 Pe Your laws are truly wonderful—that's why I keep them!
Zvirevo zvenyu zvinoshamisa; naizvozvo ndinozviteerera.
130 Studying your words brings light so that even the uneducated can understand.
Kuzarurwa kweshoko renyu kunopa chiedza; kunopa kunzwisisa kuna vasina mano.
131 With keen desire I long for what you have to say.
Ndinoshamisa muromo wangu ndigodokwaira, ndichishuva mirayiro yenyu.
132 Please pay attention to me and be kind to me, as you are with those who love you.
Dzokerai kwandiri mugondinzwira ngoni, sezvamunogara muchiita kuna avo vanoda zita renyu.
133 Tell me by your word the way I should go, and don't let any kind of evil control me.
Rayirai nhambwe dzetsoka dzangu zviri maererano neshoko renyu; chivi ngachirege kunditonga.
134 Save me from cruel people so I can follow your instructions.
Ndidzikinurei pakudzvinyirira kwavanhu, kuti ndigoteerera zvirevo zvenyu.
135 Please look favorably on me, your servant, teach me what I should do.
Chiso chenyu ngachipenye pamusoro pomuranda wenyu, uye ndidzidzisei mitemo yenyu.
136 My tears stream down as I weep for those who don't keep your law.
Hova dzemisodzi dzinoerera dzichibva mumeso angu, nokuti murayiro wenyu hausi kuteererwa.
137 Tsadhe Lord, you are right, and what you decide is just!
Haiwa Jehovha, imi makarurama, uye mirayiro yenyu yakarurama.
138 You have given your instructions which are fair and totally trustworthy.
Zvirevo zvenyu zvamakadzika zvakarurama; zvakavimbika kwazvo.
139 My devotion is burning me up inside because my enemies ignore your words.
Kushingaira kwangu kunondipedza, nokuti vavengi vangu havana hanya namashoko enyu.
140 Your promises have been proved true, and that's why I, your servant, love them.
Vimbiso dzenyu dzakaedzwa chose, uye muranda wenyu anodzida.
141 I may be unimportant and looked down on, but I don't forget your commandments.
Kunyange ndakaderedzwa uye ndichizvidzwa hangu, handikanganwi zvirevo zvenyu.
142 Your goodness and justice last forever; and your law is the truth.
Kururama kwenyu kunogara nokusingaperi, uye murayiro wenyu ndowezvokwadi.
143 When I have problems and sadness, your commands make me happy.
Nhamo namatambudziko zviri pamusoro pangu, asi mirayiro yenyu ndiwo mufaro wangu.
144 Your laws are always right; help me to understand what they mean so I can live.
Zvirevo zvenyu zvinogara zvakarurama; ndipeiwo kunzwisisa kuti ndirarame.
145 Qoph My whole being is crying out! Lord, please answer me! I will follow your instructions.
Ndinodana nomwoyo wangu wose; haiwa Jehovha ndipindureiwo, uye ndichateerera mitemo yenyu.
146 I pray to you, asking, “Please save me!” so I can do what you say.
Ndinodanidzira kwamuri, ndiponesei uye ndichachengeta zvamakatema.
147 I get up before dawn, and call out to you for help and put my hope in your word.
Ndinomuka mambakwedza asati asvika ndigochemera kubatsirwa; ndakaisa tariro yangu pashoko renyu.
148 During the night I stay awake, meditating on your word.
Meso angu anogara akasvinura panguva dzose dzousiku, kuti ndifungisise pamusoro pevimbiso dzenyu.
149 Listen to what I have to say, Lord, because of your trustworthy love. Keep me alive, Lord, because you always do what's right.
Inzwai inzwi rangu sezvakafanira rudo rwenyu; haiwa Jehovha, chengetedzai upenyu hwangu zviri maererano nemirayiro yenyu.
150 Evil people come running to attack me—they totally disregard your law.
Vanoita mano akaipa vari pedyo, asi vari kure nomurayiro wenyu.
151 But you, Lord, are close beside me; all your commandments are true.
Asi imi muri pedyo, Jehovha, uye mirayiro yenyu yose ndeyezvokwadi.
152 Long ago I realized that your laws will last forever.
Ndakadzidza pane zvamakatema kare, kuti makazvisimbisa kuti zvigare nokusingaperi.
153 Resh Please look at my suffering and save me! I have not forgotten your teachings.
Tarirai kutambudzika kwangu mugondirwira, nokuti handina kukanganwa murayiro wenyu.
154 Plead my case, and save me as you promised! Let me live!
Miririrai mhosva yangu uye mundidzikinure; chengetedzai upenyu hwangu maererano nevimbiso yenyu.
155 Wicked people can't be saved, because they don't care about what you say.
Ruponeso rwuri kure navakaipa, nokuti havatsvaki mitemo yenyu.
156 Lord, your mercy is so great! Because you are always fair, please let me live!
Haiwa Jehovha, tsitsi dzenyu ihuru; chengetedzai upenyu hwangu maererano nemirayiro yenyu.
157 Despite the many people who persecute and mistreat me, I have not strayed from your laws.
Vavengi vangu navanonditambudza vazhinji, asi handina kutsauka pane zvamakatema.
158 Watching these unfaithful people disgusts me because they take no notice of your word.
Ndinotarira kuna vasingatendi ndichisema, nokuti havateereri shoko renyu.
159 See how much I love your commandments, Lord. Please let me live because of your trustworthy love.
Tarirai madiro andinoita zvirevo zvenyu; haiwa Jehovha, chengetedzai upenyu hwangu, maererano norudo rwenyu.
160 Your word can be summed up in one word: truth! All of your just laws will last forever.
Mashoko enyu ose ndeechokwadi; mirayiro yenyu yose yakarurama ndeyokusingaperi.
161 Shin Leaders persecute me for no reason, but I am in awe only of your word.
Vatongi vanonditambudza ndisina mhaka, asi mwoyo wangu unodedera pashoko renyu.
162 Your word makes me so happy—I'm like someone who discovers immense treasure.
Ndinofarira vimbiso yenyu kufanana nouyo anowana zvakapambwa zvizhinji.
163 I hate and detest lies, but I love your teachings.
Ndinovenga uye ndinosema nhema, asi ndinoda murayiro wenyu.
164 I praise you seven times a day because your laws are good.
Ndinokurumbidzai kanomwe pazuva, nokuda kwemirayiro yenyu yakarurama.
165 Those who love your teachings have wonderful peace and nothing trips them up.
Vanoda murayiro wenyu vano rugare rukuru, uye hakuna chingavagumbusa.
166 Lord, I look forward to your salvation. I keep your commandments.
Haiwa Jehovha, ndakamirira ruponeso rwenyu, uye ndinotevera mirayiro yenyu.
167 I obey your laws and love them very much.
Ndinoteerera zvirevo zvenyu, nokuti ndinozvida zvikuru.
168 I keep your commandments and laws because you see everything I do.
Ndinoteerera zvirevo zvenyu nezvamakatema, nokuti nzira dzangu dzose dzinozivikanwa nemi.
169 Taw Lord, please listen to my sad cry; help me to understand, as you promised.
Dai kuchema kwangu kwasvika pamberi penyu, imi Jehovha; ndipeiwo kunzwisisa maererano neshoko renyu.
170 Please hear what I have to say to you, and save me, as you promised.
Kukumbira kwangu dai kwasvika pamberi penyu; ndirwirei maererano nevimbiso yenyu.
171 Let me pour out my words of praise, for you teach me what to do.
Miromo yangu dai yafashukira nerumbidzo, nokuti munondidzidzisa mitemo yenyu.
172 I will sing about your word, for all your commandments are right.
Rurimi rwangu dai rwaimba nezveshoko renyu, nokuti mirayiro yenyu yose yakarurama.
173 Please be ready to help me, for I have chosen to follow your instructions.
Ruoko rwenyu dai rwagadzirira kundibatsira, nokuti ndakasarudza zvirevo zvenyu.
174 I long for your salvation, Lord; your teachings make me happy.
Haiwa Jehovha, ndinoshuva ruponeso rwenyu, uye murayiro wenyu ndiwo mufaro wangu.
175 May I live my life in praise to you, and may your instructions help me.
Regai ndirarame kuti ndigokurumbidzai, uye dai mirayiro yenyu yandibatsira.
176 I have wandered away like a lost sheep, so please come looking for me, for I have not forgotten your commandments.
Ndakatsauka segwai rakarasika. Tsvakai muranda wenyu, nokuti handina kukanganwa mirayiro yenyu.

< Psalms 119 >