< Psalms 119 >
1 Aleph Happy are those who do what is right, who follow what the Lord says.
Ka hari te hunga he tapatahi nei i te ara, e haere nei i te ture a Ihowa.
2 Happy are those who keep his commandments, who sincerely want to follow him.
Ka hari te hunga e mau ana ki ana whakaaturanga; e whakapaua ana o ratou ngakau ki te rapu i a ia.
3 They don't do what's wrong; they walk in his ways.
Ae, e kore ratou e mahi i te kino; e haere ana ratou i ana ara.
4 You have ordered us to follow your instructions carefully.
Kua oti matou te whakahau ki au akoranga, kia ata puritia e matou.
5 May I be reliable in the way I keep your rules!
Aue, me i whakatikaia toku ara ki te pupuri i au akoranga!
6 Then I won't be ashamed when I compare what I do to what you have said.
Ko reira ahau ka kore ai e whakama: i ahau ka whai whakaaro nei ki au whakahau katoa.
7 I will praise you sincerely as I learn from you the right way to live.
Ka whakamoemiti ahau ki a koe i runga i te ngakau tika, ina ako ahau i au whakaritenga tika.
8 I will observe your laws. Please never give up on me! Beth
Ka puritia e ahau au tikanga: kaua ahau e whakarerea rawatia.
9 How does a young person remain pure? By following what you say.
He aha te mea e ma ai i te taitamariki tona ara? kia rite ki tau kupu tana whakamaharatanga iho.
10 I worship you sincerely; please don't let me stray from your commands.
Kua whakapaua e ahau toku ngakau ki te rapu i a koe: kaua ahau e tukua kia kotiti ke i au whakahau.
11 I keep what you say in mind so I won't sin against you.
Kua whakatakotoria e ahau tau kupu ki roto ki toku ngakau, kei hara ahau ki a koe.
12 Thank you Lord! Teach me what to do!
E Ihowa, ka whakapaingia koe: whakaakona ahau ki au tikanga.
13 I repeat out loud your instructions.
Kua whakapuakina e oku ngutu nga whakaritenga katoa a tou mangai.
14 I enjoy your laws more than having plenty of money.
Ko toku koa i te ara o au whakaaturanga, me te mea mo nga taonga katoa.
15 I will think deeply about your teachings, and reflect on your ways.
Ka whakaaroaro ahau ki au ako, a ka whai mahara ki au huarahi.
16 I will take pleasure in following your directions; I won't forget what you say. Gimel
He oranga ngakau ki ahau au tikanga: e kore ahau e wareware ki tau kupu.
17 Be kind to your servant so I can live and follow what you teach.
Kia atawhai ki tau pononga, kia ora ai ahau; kia puritia ai hoki tau kupu.
18 Open my eyes so I may discover wonderful things in your law.
Whakatirohia oku kanohi kia kite ai ahau i nga mea whakamiharo i roto i tau ture.
19 I'm only here for a short time—don't let me miss what you have to say.
He manene ahau i runga i te whenua: kaua au whakahau e huna ki ahau.
20 I'm always so keen to know your instructions.
Ka ngawha toku wairua i te matenui atu ki au whakaritenga i nga wa katoa.
21 You reprimand those who are arrogant; those who don't follow your commandments are cursed.
Kua riria e koe te hunga whakakake kua oti nei te kanga, e kotiti ke nei i au whakahau.
22 Don't let me be scorned and insulted, for I have kept your laws.
Parea atu i ahau te tawai me te whakahawea: kua mau hoki ahau ki au whakaaturanga.
23 Even leaders sit down together and slander me, but I, your servant, will think seriously about your instructions.
I noho ano hoki nga rangatira ki te korero kino moku: otira e whakaaro ana tau pononga ki au tikanga.
24 Your laws make me happy—they are my wise advisors.
Ko au whakaaturanga ano toku oranga ngakau, oku hoa whakatakoto whakaaro.
25 I'm dying here, lying in the dust. Keep me alive as you promised.
Piri tonu toku wairua ki te puehu; whakahauoratia ahau kia rite ki atu kupu.
26 I explained my situation to you, and you answered me. Teach me to follow your directions.
I whakaaturia e ahau oku ara, a whakahoki kupu ana koe ki ahau: whakaakona ahau ki au tikanga.
27 Help me understand what your laws mean, and I will meditate on the wonderful things you do.
Meinga ahau kia matau ki te ara o au ako: kia whakaaroaro ai ahau ki au mahi whakamiharo.
28 I'm weeping because I'm so sad; please encourage me as you promised.
E maturuturu iho ana toku wairua i te pouri: kia rite ki tau kapu tau whakau ake i ahau.
29 Stop me fooling myself; kindly teach me your law.
Whakamataratia atu i ahau te ara o te teka: kia atawhai mai hoki, a homai tau ture.
30 I have chosen to trust in you. I always pay attention to what you say.
Kua whiriwhiria e ahau te ara o te pono: ka waiho e ahau au whakaritenga ki toku aroaro.
31 I hold on to your teachings, Lord. Don't let me be ridiculed.
Piri tonu ahau ki au whakaaturanga: e Ihowa, kei whakama ahau.
32 I run to follow your commands, for you have expanded my mind! He
Ka oma ahau i te ara o au whakahau, ina whakanuia e koe toku ngakau.
33 Teach me the meaning of your laws, and I will always keep them.
E Ihowa, whakaakona ahau ki te ara o au tikanga: a ka mau i ahau taea noatia te mutunga.
34 Help me to understand so I can be totally committed to doing what you want.
Homai he matauranga ki ahau, a ka mau i ahau tau ture; ka whakapaua toku ngakau ki te pupuri.
35 Lead me to follow your commands, for this is what I love to do
Meinga ahau kia haere i te ara o au whakahau; ko taku hoki tena e whakaahuareka nei.
36 Help me to concentrate on what you say rather than on making a profit.
Whakaangahia toku ngakau ki au whakaaturanga; kaua hoki ki te apo.
37 Don't let me focus on things that are worthless. Help me live in your ways.
Whakatahuritia ketia oku kanohi kei kite i te horihori: whakahauorangia ahau i tau ara.
38 Please keep your promise to me, your servant, that you made to those who worship you.
Whakapumautia tau kupu ki tau pononga, e wehi nei ki a koe.
39 Take away the shame I dread, for your law is good.
Parea atu toku tawainga, e wehi nei ahau: he pai hoki au whakaritenga.
40 I always want to do what you say. Please let me live, for you do what is right. Waw
Nana, kua matenui ahau ki au ako: whakahauorangia ahau i runga i tou tika.
41 Lord, please love me with your trustworthy love; please give me the salvation you promised.
Kia puta ano au mahi tohu ki ahau, e Ihowa: ara tau whakaoranga, kia rite ki tau kupu.
42 Then I can reply to those who mock me, for I trust what you say.
Penei ka whai kupu maku ki toku kaitawai; noku ka whakawhirinaki ki tau kupu.
43 Don't ever prevent me from being able to speak your words of truth, for I place my complete confidence in your just judgments.
Kaua e tangohia rawatia i toku mangai te kupu o te pono: e tumanako nei hoki ahau ki au whakaritenga.
44 I will continue to follow your teachings, forever and ever.
Penei ka puritia e ahau tau ture ake ake.
45 I shall live in freedom, for I have committed myself to obeying you.
A ka haereere noa ahau; kua rapua hoki e ahau au akoranga.
46 I will instruct kings about your laws—I won't be embarrassed.
Ka korerotia ano e ahau au whakaaturanga ki te aroaro o nga kingi, e kore ano e whakama.
47 I'm so happy for your instructions. I love them!
A ka waiho e ahau hei oranga ngakau moku au whakahau e aroha nei ahau.
48 I lift up my hands in prayer, honoring your commandments. I will think deeply about all you say. Zayin
Ka toro atu hoki oku ringa ki au whakahau e aroha nei ahau, ka whakaaroaro ano ki au tikanga.
49 Remember your promise to me, your servant. It's my only hope.
Maharatia te kupu ki tau pononga, no te mea kua meinga ahau e koe kia tumanako atu.
50 This is what brings me encouragement in my misery—your promise keeps me going!
Ko toku oranga ngakau tenei i ahau e tangi nei: na tau kupu nei hoki ahau i whakahauora.
51 Arrogant people mock me terribly, but I don't give up on your teachings.
Nui rawa te whakahi ki ahau o te hunga whakakake: heoi kihai ahau i peka ke i tau ture.
52 I think about the instructions you gave long ago, Lord, and they reassure me.
I mahara ahau ki au whakaritenga, e Ihowa, o tua iho; a marie ana toku ngakau.
53 I am angry with the wicked because they have rejected your law.
Mau pu ahau i te pawera, mo te hunga kino kua whakarere nei i tau ture.
54 Your instructions have been music to my ears wherever I have lived.
Ko au tikanga aku e himene ai i te whare i noho manene ai ahau.
55 At night I think about the kind of person you are, Lord, and do what you say.
I mahara ahau ki tou ingoa i te po, e Ihowa: a puritia ana e ahau tau ture.
56 For this is how I live my life—by following your principles. Heth
I ahau tenei, he mau noku ki au ako.
57 Lord, you are mine! I have promised to do as you say.
Ko Ihowa toku wahi: kua mea nei ahau, ka pupuri ahau i au kupu.
58 My whole being wants your blessing—please be kind to me, as you have promised!
I whakapaua toku ngakau ki te inoi ki a koe kia pai mai: kia rite ki tau kupu tau mahi tohu ki ahau.
59 As I think about my life, I turn to follow what you have said.
I whakaaro ahau ki oku ara: a anga ana oku waewae ki au whakaaturanga.
60 I hurry to keep your commandments without delay
I hohoro ahau, a kihai i whakaroa ki te pupuri i au whakahau.
61 Even though wicked people try to tie me up, I won't forget your instructions.
Karapotia putia ana ahau e nga here a te hunga kino: kihai ia ahau i wareware ki tau ture.
62 I get up in the middle of the night to thank you for your good laws.
I waenganui po ka ara ahau ki te whakawhetai ki a koe mo au whakaritenga tika.
63 I identify with all those who follow you, those who do what you tell them.
He hoa ahau no te hunga katoa e wehi ana i a koe; no te hunga ano e pupuri ana i au ako.
64 Lord, you love everyone on earth; please teach me what to do. Teth
Ki tonu, e Ihowa, te whenua i tau mahi tohu: whakaakona ahau ki au tikanga.
65 Lord, you have been so good to me, your servant, as you have promised.
Pai rawa tau hanga ki tau pononga, e Ihowa; rite tonu ki tau kupu.
66 Now teach me wise judgment and discernment because I believe in your instructions.
Whakaakona ahau ki te ngarahu pai, ki te matauranga: kua whakapono hoki ahau ki au whakahau.
67 Previously I was suffering, wandering away from you, but now I do what you say.
I ahau kiano i whakawhiua, i he ahau: tena ko tenei ka puritia e ahau tau kupu.
68 Since you are good, everything you do is good. Teach me your ways.
He pai koe, he pai hoki au mahi: whakaakona ahau ki au tikanga.
69 Arrogant people smear my reputation with lies; but I whole-heartedly follow your commands.
Kua titoa e te hunga whakakake he teka moku: ka whakapaua toku ngakau ki te pupuri i au ako.
70 They are cold and unfeeling, but I love your law.
He ngako rawa to ratou ngakau, koia ano kei te taupa: ko ahau ia, he oranga ngakau ki ahau tau ture.
71 The suffering I went through was good for me, so I could think about what you have stipulated.
Marie ano ahau kia pehia e te pouri; i ako ai ahau i au tikanga.
72 What you tell me to do is worth more to me than much gold and silver. Yodh
Ko te ture a tou mangai pai ke atu ki ahau i nga mano o te koura, o te hiriwa.
73 You created me and made me what I am; help me to learn and better understand your commandments.
Na ou ringa ahau i hanga, i whakawhaiahua: homai he matauranga ki ahau, kia ako ai ahau ki au whakahau.
74 May those who worship you be happy when they see me, for I place my confidence in your word.
Ka hari te hunga e wehi ana i a koe ina kite i ahau: noku i tumanako ki tau kupu.
75 Lord, I know that what you decide is right; you brought me down in order to help me because you are trustworthy.
E matau ana ahau, e Ihowa, he tika au whakaritenga; a he pono nou i pehia ai toku ngakau e koe.
76 May your trustworthy love comfort me as your promised me, your servant.
Tena ra, waiho tau mahi tohu hei whakamarie moku; kia rite ki tau kupu ki tau pononga.
77 Be compassionate to me so I may live, for I love your teachings.
Kia puta ki ahau au mahi aroha, kia ora ai ahau; ko tau ture hoki toku oranga ngakau.
78 Bring down those proud people who wronged me with their lies. I will spend time thinking about your instructions.
Kia whakama te hunga whakakake; no te mea kahore he take i he ai ta ratou hanga ki ahau; ko ahau ia ka whakaaroaro ki au akoranga.
79 Let those who follow you turn to me, those who understand your laws.
Ko te hunga e wehi ana ki a koe me anga ki ahau, a ka mohio ratou ki au whakaaturanga.
80 May I be innocent in the way I keep your rules so that I won't be ashamed. Kaph
Kia tapatahi toku ngakau ki au tikanga; kei whakama ahau.
81 I'm exhausted waiting for you to save me, but my hope is in your word.
E matenui ana toku wairua ki tau whakaoranga: otiia ka tumanako ahau ki tau kupu.
82 I strain my eyes looking for you to keep your promises, asking “When will you comfort me?”
Matawaia ana oku kanohi, he meatanga ki tau kupu, i ahau e mea ana, Ahea koe whakamarie ai i ahau?
83 I've become like a wineskin that's been shriveled up by smoke, but I have not forgotten to do as you say.
Kua rite nei hoki ahau ki te koki i roto i te paoa: he ahakoa e kore ahau e wareware ki au tikanga.
84 How long do I have to wait before you punish my persecutors?
E hia nga ra o tau pononga? a hea koe whakarite whakawa ai mo te hunga e tukino nei i ahau?
85 These arrogant people have dug pits to trap me, these people who don't care anything about your law.
Kua keri poka te hunga whakakake moku; he mea kahore e rite ki tau ture.
86 All your commands are trustworthy. Help me against these people who persecute me with their lies!
Pono tonu au whakahau katoa: e tukino takekore ana ratou i ahau; awhinatia mai ahau.
87 They have almost killed me, but I have not given up on what you say.
Wahi iti kua moti ahau i a ratou i runga i te whenua: otira kihai i mahue i ahau au akoranga.
88 Since you love me with your trustworthy love, don't let me die, so I can go on following the instructions you have given. Lamedh
Kia rite ki tou aroha tau whakahauora i ahau: a ka puritia e ahau nga whakaaturanga a tou mangai.
89 Your word, Lord, lasts forever. It stands firm in the heavens.
Pumau tonu tau kupu, e Ihowa, ake ake i runga i te rangi.
90 Your faithfulness lasts for all generations, as permanent as the earth you created.
Kei nga whakatupuranga katoa tou pono: whakaungia ana e koe te whenua, a e tu nei ano.
91 Your judgments stand—they are as true today as ever—for everything serves your will.
E tu nei ano inaianei, pera tonu me tau i whakarite ai, he pononga hoki nga mea katoa nau.
92 If I didn't love your teachings, my suffering would have killed me.
Me kaua tau ture hei oranga mo toku ngakau, kua ngaro ahau i reira i toku auetanga.
93 I will never forget your instructions, for through them you give me life.
E kore rawa ahau e wareware ki au ako, he mea whakahauora hoki nau ena i ahau.
94 I belong to you, so please save me! I am committed to following your rules.
Nau ahau, mau ahau e whakaora: kua rapua hoki e ahau au ako.
95 Even though wicked people are waiting to ambush and kill me, I will focus my mind on what you say.
Kua tatari te hunga kino ki ahau kia whakamatea: ka whakaaro ia ahau ki au whakaaturanga.
96 I recognize that human perfection has its limits, but your law is limitless. Mem
Kua kitea e ahau te mutunga o nga mea tino tika katoa: he whanui rawa ia tau whakahau.
97 I really love your law! I meditate on it all day long.
Ano toku aroha ki tau ture! Ko taku tena e whakaaroaro ai i te roa o te ra.
98 Your commands make me wiser than my enemies, for I'm always thinking about your instructions.
Nau i hira ake ai oku whakaaro i o oku hoariri, na au whakahau, e piri tonu nei ki ahau.
99 In fact I have a better insight than all of my teachers because I spend time concentrating on what you say.
Nui atu oku mahara i o oku kaiwhakaako katoa: noku i whakaaroaro tonu ki au whakaaturanga.
100 I even understand more than the elders because I follow your directions.
Tera atu toku mohio i to nga kaumatua, no te mea i pupuri ahau i au ako.
101 I avoid any course of action that leads to evil, because I want to remain faithful to your word.
Kua kaiponuhia mai e ahau oku waewae i nga ara kino katoa, kia pupuri ai ahau i tau kupu.
102 I have not disregarded your instructions because you yourself taught me what to do.
Kihai ahau i titaha i au whakaritenga; nau hoki ahau i ako.
103 Your words taste so sweet to me! They are sweeter than honey to my mouth.
Ano te reka o au kupu ki toku ngao; ae ra, reka atu i te honi ki toku mangai.
104 I gain understanding from what you say, so I hate any way of life that's just a lie. Nun
Na au ako ahau i whai mohio ai: na reira ahau i kino ai ki nga ara teka katoa.
105 Your word is a lamp that shows me where to walk, it's a light for my path.
He rama tau kupu ki oku waewae, he marama ki toku ara.
106 I've made a promise, and I will keep it: I will keep your rules that are always right!
Kua oati ahau, a ka whakamana ano e ahau: kia puritia e ahau au whakaritenga tika.
107 Lord, I'm really suffering! Please let me live, as you have promised.
He nui te mamae o toku ngakau: whakahauorangia ahau, e Ihowa, kia rite ki tau kupu.
108 Lord, please accept my offerings of praise that I freely give you. Teach me your rules.
Manakohia, e Ihowa, nga ohaohatanga a toku mangai, whakaakona hoki ahau ki au whakaritenga.
109 My life is always at risk, but I will not forget your law.
Kei toku ringa tonu toku wairua, heoi kahore ahau e wareware ki tau ture.
110 Wicked people have set a trap for me, but I will not stray from your commandments.
Kua whakatakotoria e te hunga kino he mahanga moku: heoi kahore ahau i peka ke i au ako.
111 I will always hold on to what you say for your words make me really happy,
Ka waiho e ahau au whakaaturanga hei kainga tupu moku ake ake: ko toku koanga ngakau hoki ena.
112 I have made up my mind to follow your instructions to the very end. Samekh
Kua whakaanga e ahau toku ngakau ki te mahi tonu i au tikanga: a te mutunga ra ano.
113 I hate people who are two-faced, but I love your law.
E kino ana ahau ki te hunga whakaaro ruarua; ko tau ture ia taku e aroha ai.
114 You keep me safe and you defend me, your word gives me reason to hope.
Ko toku piringa koe, ko toku whakangungu rakau: e tumanako ana ahau ki tau kupu.
115 Leave me alone, you evil people, and let me keep the commandments of my God.
Mawehe atu i ahau, e te hunga kino; ka whakaritea hoki e ahau nga whakahau a toku Atua.
116 Support me, Lord, as you promised, so I can live. Don't let my hope turn into discouragement.
Kia rite ki tau kupu tau tautoko ake i ahau, kia ora ai ahau: kaua hoki ahau e tukua kia whakama ki taku e tumanako atu nei.
117 Support me, so I can be saved and always pay attention to your instructions.
Tautokona ake ahau, kia ora ai ahau, a ka whai whakaaro tonu ahau ki au tikanga.
118 You reject all those who don't follow your instructions—they're fooling themselves by living a lie.
Kua whakahaweatia e koe te hunga katoa e kotiti ke ana i au tikanga; he horihori hoki to ratou tinihanga.
119 You treat the wicked people on earth as something worthless to be discarded; therefore I love your laws.
Ka whakakahoretia e koe te hunga kino katoa o te whenua, ano he para mata: koia ahau i aroha ai ki au whakaaturanga.
120 I have goose bumps thinking of you—I'm in awe! I'm scared of your judgments! Ayin
Wiri ana oku kikokiko i te wehi ki a koe; e mataku ana hoki ahau ki au whakaritenga.
121 I have done what's fair and right, so please don't abandon me to my enemies.
He whakawa tika, he tika taku mahi: kaua ahau e tukua ki oku kaitukino.
122 Please promise you'll take care of me, your servant. Don't let these arrogant people mistreat me.
Ko koe hei tuara mo tau pononga mo te pai: kei tukinotia ahau e te hunga whakakake.
123 I strain my eyes looking for your salvation, watching for you to fulfill your promise to make everything good.
Matawaia ana oku kanohi i te meatanga ki tau whakaora, ki te kupu hoki o tau tika.
124 Please treat me, your servant, according to your trustworthy love. Teach me what you want me to do.
Kia rite ki tou aroha tau mahi ki tau pononga: whakaakona hoki ahau ki au tikanga.
125 I am your servant. Please give me discernment so I can understand your instructions.
He pononga ahau nau; homai he mahara ki ahau, kia matau ai ki au whakaaturanga.
126 Lord, it's time for you to act, for these people have broken your laws.
Kua rite te wa hei mahinga ma Ihowa; kua whakakahoretia hoki e ratou tau ture.
127 This is why I love your commandments more than gold, more than the finest gold.
Na reira i arohaina rawatia ai e ahau au whakahau i te koura, ae, i te tino koura.
128 All of your rules are right in every way, and so I hate any way of life that's just a lie. Pe
Na reira tika tonu ki ahau au ako katoa mo nga mea katoa: kino iho ano ahau ki nga ara teka katoa.
129 Your laws are truly wonderful—that's why I keep them!
He mea whakamiharo au whakaaturanga: i mau ai toku wairua ki reira.
130 Studying your words brings light so that even the uneducated can understand.
Ko te whakapuakanga o au kupu he homai marama; na reira i homai he mahara ki nga kuware.
131 With keen desire I long for what you have to say.
I hamama toku mangai, i kihakiha: he matenui noku ki au whakahau.
132 Please pay attention to me and be kind to me, as you are with those who love you.
Tahuri mai ki ahau, tohungia hoki ahau: kia rite ki tau hanga ki te hunga e aroha ana ki tou ingoa.
133 Tell me by your word the way I should go, and don't let any kind of evil control me.
Whakatikaia oku hikoinga ki runga i tau kupu: kaua hoki tetahi he e tukua hei rangatira moku.
134 Save me from cruel people so I can follow your instructions.
Whakaorangia ahau i te tukino a te tangata: a ka puritia e ahau au ako.
135 Please look favorably on me, your servant, teach me what I should do.
Kia marama mai tou mata ki tau pononga: whakaakona hoki ahau ki au tikanga.
136 My tears stream down as I weep for those who don't keep your law. Tsadhe
Heke noa nga awa wai o oku kanohi; mo ratou kahore i pupuri i tau ture.
137 Lord, you are right, and what you decide is just!
He tika koe, e Ihowa, he tika ano au whakaritenga.
138 You have given your instructions which are fair and totally trustworthy.
He tika, he pono rawa au whakaaturanga i whakahaua mai e koe.
139 My devotion is burning me up inside because my enemies ignore your words.
Ka ngaro ahau i toku ngakau whakapuke, mo au kupu ka wareware nei i oku hoariri.
140 Your promises have been proved true, and that's why I, your servant, love them.
Hore rawa he para o tau kupu: koia i arohaina ai e tau pononga.
141 I may be unimportant and looked down on, but I don't forget your commandments.
He iti ahau, e whakahaweatia ana: heoi kahore ahau e wareware ki au ako.
142 Your goodness and justice last forever; and your law is the truth.
He tika pumau tonu tou tika; he pono hoki tau ture.
143 When I have problems and sadness, your commands make me happy.
Kua pa mai ki ahau te pouri me te mamae: ko au whakahau ia toku oranga ngakau.
144 Your laws are always right; help me to understand what they mean so I can live. Qoph
Pumau tonu te tika o au whakaaturanga: homai he mahara ki ahau, a ka ora ahau.
145 My whole being is crying out! Lord, please answer me! I will follow your instructions.
I whakapaua toku ngakau ki te karanga; whakahokia mai he kupu ki ahau, e Ihowa; ka mau i ahau au tikanga.
146 I pray to you, asking, “Please save me!” so I can do what you say.
I karanga ahau ki a koe: whakaorangia ahau, a ka puritia e ahau au whakaaturanga.
147 I get up before dawn, and call out to you for help and put my hope in your word.
Kiano te ata i puao noa, kua karanga ahau: i tumanako ahau ki au kupu.
148 During the night I stay awake, meditating on your word.
I hohoro oku kanohi i nga mataaratanga ki te whakaaroaro ki tau kupu.
149 Listen to what I have to say, Lord, because of your trustworthy love. Keep me alive, Lord, because you always do what's right.
Whakarongo ki toku reo, kia rite ki tou aroha: kia rite, e Ihowa, ki tau i whakarite ai tau whakahauora i ahau.
150 Evil people come running to attack me—they totally disregard your law.
E whakatata mai ana te hunga e whai ana i te whanoke: kei tawhiti atu ratou i tau ture.
151 But you, Lord, are close beside me; all your commandments are true.
E tata ana mai koe, e Ihowa: he pono katoa au whakahau.
152 Long ago I realized that your laws will last forever. Resh
Nonamata ahau i matau ai ki au whakaaturanga, he mea whakapumau nau no tua whakarere.
153 Please look at my suffering and save me! I have not forgotten your teachings.
Whakaaro mai ki toku mate, a whakaorangia ahau: kahore hoki ahau e wareware ki tau ture.
154 Plead my case, and save me as you promised! Let me live!
Tohea taku tohe, whakaorangia hoki ahau: kia rite ki tau kupu tau whakahauoranga i ahau.
155 Wicked people can't be saved, because they don't care about what you say.
Kei tawhiti atu i te hunga kino te whakaoranga: kahore hoki ratou e rapu ki au tikanga.
156 Lord, your mercy is so great! Because you are always fair, please let me live!
E Ihowa, he nui au mahi tohu: kia rite ki au whakaritenga tau whakahauora i ahau.
157 Despite the many people who persecute and mistreat me, I have not strayed from your laws.
He tokomaha oku kaitukino, oku hoariri: heoi kahore ahau i peka ke i au whakaaturanga.
158 Watching these unfaithful people disgusts me because they take no notice of your word.
I kite ahau i nga kaimahi i te kino, a pouri iho: no ratou kahore e pupuri i tau kupu.
159 See how much I love your commandments, Lord. Please let me live because of your trustworthy love.
Tirohia mai toku aroha ki au ako: kia rite ki tou aroha, e Ihowa, tau whakahauora i ahau.
160 Your word can be summed up in one word: truth! All of your just laws will last forever. Shin
Ko te huinga katoatanga o tau kupu he pono; pumau katoa anao au whakaritenga tika ake ake.
161 Leaders persecute me for no reason, but I am in awe only of your word.
Hore he rawa i tukinotia ai ahau e nga rangatira: otiia e wehi ana toku ngakau i tau kupu.
162 Your word makes me so happy—I'm like someone who discovers immense treasure.
E hari ana ahau ki tau kupu: ano he tangata kua whiwhi ki te taonga nui.
163 I hate and detest lies, but I love your teachings.
E kino ana ahau, e whakarihariha ana ki te korero teka: ko tau ture ia taku i aroha ai.
164 I praise you seven times a day because your laws are good.
Takiwhitu aku whakamoemiti ki a koe i te ra tahi mo au whakaritenga tika.
165 Those who love your teachings have wonderful peace and nothing trips them up.
He rangimarie nui to te hunga e aroha ana ki tau ture: e kore hoki o ratou waewae e tutuki.
166 Lord, I look forward to your salvation. I keep your commandments.
A kua tumanako ahau ki tau whakaora, e Ihowa, kua mahi ahau i au whakahau.
167 I obey your laws and love them very much.
Kua puritia e toku wairua au whakaaturanga, ae, e arohaina nuitia ana e ahau.
168 I keep your commandments and laws because you see everything I do. Taw
Kua puritia e ahau au ako me au whakaaturanga: kei tou aroaro hoki oku ara katoa.
169 Lord, please listen to my sad cry; help me to understand, as you promised.
Tukua atu taku tangi kia tata atu ki tou aroaro, e Ihowa: homai he mahara ki ahau, kia rite ki tau kupu.
170 Please hear what I have to say to you, and save me, as you promised.
Kia tae atu taku inoi ki tou aroaro: kia rite ki tau kupu whakaora i ahau.
171 Let me pour out my words of praise, for you teach me what to do.
Kia whakapuaki oku ngutu i te whakamoemiti: e whakaako ana hoki koe i ahau ki au tikanga.
172 I will sing about your word, for all your commandments are right.
Ma toku arero e korero tau kupu: he tika hoki au whakahau katoa.
173 Please be ready to help me, for I have chosen to follow your instructions.
Kia rite tou ringa ki te awhina i ahau; kua whiriwhiria hoki e ahau ko au ako.
174 I long for your salvation, Lord; your teachings make me happy.
Kua matenui ahau ki tau whakaora, e Ihowa: ko tau ture hoki toku oranga ngakau.
175 May I live my life in praise to you, and may your instructions help me.
Kia ora toku wairua, a ka whakamoemiti ia ki a koe: kia awhinatia hoki ahau e au whakaritenga.
176 I have wandered away like a lost sheep, so please come looking for me, for I have not forgotten your commandments.
Kua kotiti ke ahau me he hipi ngaro: rapua tau pononga, kahore hoki ahau e wareware ki au whakahau.