< Psalms 118 >

1 Thank the Lord, for he is good! His trustworthy love lasts forever.
Miderà an’ i Jehovah, fa tsara Izy; Eny, mandrakizay ny famindram-pony.
2 Let all Israel say, “His trustworthy love lasts forever.”
Aoka ny Isiraely hanao hoe: Mandrakizay ny famindram-pony.
3 Let Aaron's descendants say, “His trustworthy love lasts forever.”
Aoka ny taranak’ i Arona hanao hoe: Mandrakizay ny famindram-pony.
4 Let those who honor the Lord say, “His trustworthy love lasts forever.”
Aoka izay matahotra an’ i Jehovah hanao hoe: Mandrakizay ny famindram-pony.
5 I was suffering badly, so I cried out to the Lord for help. He answered me and set me free from my pain.
Tao an-katerena no niantsoako an’ i Jehovah; Dia namaly ahy Jehovah ka nampahalalaka ahy.
6 The Lord is with me, so I have nothing to fear. No one can harm me.
Jehovah no miandany amiko, ka tsy hatahotra aho. Inona no azon’ ny olona atao amiko?
7 The Lord is with me, he will help me. I will see those who hate me defeated.
Jehovah no miandany amiko, sady mamonjy ahy; Ary izaho ho faly hahita ny amin’ izay mankahala ahy.
8 It's better to rely on the Lord than to trust in people.
Tsara ny mialoka amin’ i Jehovah Noho ny mialoka amin’ ny olona.
9 It's better to rely on the Lord than to trust in the rich and powerful.
Tsara ny matoky an’ i Jehovah Noho ny matoky ny mpanapaka.
10 Even though all the heathen nations surrounded me, I defeated them with the help of the Lord.
Ny firenena rehetra nanodidina ahy; Fa ny anaran’ i Jehovah no handringanako azy tokoa;
11 They completely surrounded me, but even so I defeated them with the help of the Lord.
Nitangorona tamiko ireny, eny, nitangorona tamiko; Fa ny anaran’ i Jehovah no handringanako azy tokoa.
12 Like a swarm of bees they attacked, but their attack died out as quickly as burning thorn twigs. I defeated them with the help of the Lord.
Nanodidina ahy tahaka ny renitantely izy; Voavono tahaka ny afon-tsilo izy; Fa ny anaran’ i Jehovah no handringanako azy tokoa.
13 They tried as hard as they could to kill me, but the Lord helped me.
Nanosika ahy mafy hahalavo ahy ianao; Fa Jehovah no namonjy ahy.
14 The Lord is my strength, and the one I sing about. He is the one who saves me.
Jehovah no heriko sy fiderako. Fa efa famonjena ahy Izy.
15 Songs of celebration and victory come from the tents of the faithful. The Lord's powerful hand has done amazing things!
Ao an-dain’ ny marina ny feo mihoby noho ny famonjena; Ny tanana ankavanan’ i Jehovah mampiseho hery;
16 The Lord raises his powerful hand in victory! The Lord's powerful hand has done amazing things!
Ny tanana ankavanan’ i Jehovah dia misandratra; Ny tanana ankavanan’ i Jehovah mampiseho hery.
17 I'm not going to die. In fact I'm going to live, and let people know what the Lord has done.
Tsy ho faty aho, fa ho velona Ka hitory ny asan’ i Jehovah.
18 Even though the Lord punished me severely, he did not let me die.
Nofaizan’ i Jehovah mafy aho, Nefa tsy natolony ho amin’ ny fahafatesana.
19 Open the gates of the faithful for me so I can go in and thank the Lord.
Vohay ny vavahadin’ ny fahamarinana aho; Hiditra eo aho ka hidera an’ i Jehovah.
20 These are the gates of the Lord where God's faithful people enter.
Ity no vavahadin’ i Jehovah; Ny marina no hiditra eo.
21 I want to thank you for answering me and for being the one who saves me.
Hidera Anao aho, fa efa namaly ahy Hianao Ka efa famonjena ahy.
22 The stone rejected by the builders has turned out to be the chief cornerstone.
Ny vato izay nolavin’ ny mpanao trano No efa tonga fehizoro Indrindra.
23 The Lord has done this, and it looks wonderful to us!
Avy tamin’ i Jehovah izany Ka mahagaga eo imasontsika.
24 The Lord made this day happen! We will celebrate and be happy for it!
Ity no andro nataon’ i Jehovah; Hifaly sy ho ravoravo amin’ izao isika.
25 Lord, please save us! Lord, please make us successful!
Mifona aminao aho, Jehovah ô, vonjeo è! Mifona aminao aho, Jehovah ô, ambino è!
26 May the one who comes in the power of the Lord by blessed! We bless you from the house of the Lord!
Hotahina anie izay avy amin’ ny anaran’ i Jehovah; Avy ao an-tranon’ i Jehovah no itsofanay rano anareo.
27 The Lord is God, and his goodness shines on us. Branches in hand, start the procession up towards the altar.
Andriamanitra Jehovah ka nampahazava antsika; Rohizo kofehy ny fanati-piravoravoana na dia hatreo amin’ ny tandroky ny alitara aza.
28 You are my God, and I will thank you! You are my God, and I will praise you!
Andriamanitro Hianao, ka hidera Anao aho; Eny, Andriamanitro, ka hanandratra Anao aho.
29 Thank the Lord, for he is good! His trustworthy love lasts forever!
Miderà an’ i Jehovah, fa tsara Izy; Eny, mandrakizay ny famindram-pony.

< Psalms 118 >