< Psalms 107 >

1 Thank the Lord, for he is good! His trustworthy love continues forever!
A sitlohnah tah kumhal hil ham a then dongah BOEIPA te uem uh lah.
2 Let those the Lord has saved say that they are saved; those he has rescued from the power of the enemy.
Rhal kut lamkah a tlan hlang loh BOEIPA kah a tlan te thui saeh.
3 He has gathered them together from distant lands, from the east and the west, the north and the south.
Te vaengah amih te khocuk, khotlak, tlangpuei, tuitunli, khohmuen lamkah a coi.
4 They wandered in the desert wilderness, unable to find a way to a city where they could live.
Khosoek khopong ah khopuei tolrhum longpuei a hmuh uh mueh la kho a hmang uh.
5 Hungry and thirsty, they became very discouraged.
Bungpong neh tuihalh la a khuiah a hinglu te rhae.
6 Then they cried out to the Lord to help them in their troubles, and he saved them from their suffering.
Kho a bing vaengah BOEIPA te a khue uh tih khobing khui lamkah amih te a huul.
7 He led them along a straight way to a city where they could live.
Te dongah amih te tolrhum khopuei la caeh ham a thuem longpuei neh a hoihaeng.
8 Let them praise the Lord for his trustworthy love, and for all the wonderful things he does for people.
Hlang koca rhoek ham a sitlohnah neh khobaerhambae aka sai BOEIPA te uem uh pai saeh.
9 For he gives drink to those who are thirsty, and food to those who are hungry.
A hinglu aka halthi te tuihalh a dip pah sak tih a hinglu aka pongnaeng te khaw hnothen a cung sak.
10 Some sat in complete darkness, prisoners of misery and bound with iron chains,
Hlangvang tah khohmuep neh dueknah hlipkhup kah thirhui neh phacipphabaem la aka ngol thongtla la coeng uh.
11 for they had rebelled against what God had said; they had rejected the guidance of the Most High.
Pathen kah olka te a koek uh tih Khohni kah cilsuep khaw a tlaitlaek uh.
12 So he humbled their pride with the troubles of life; they tripped over and no one was there to stop them falling.
Te dongah thakthaenah dongla a kunyun sak tih a lungbuei a toh uh vaengah bom pawh.
13 Then they called out to the Lord for help in their troubles, and he saved them from their suffering.
Tedae kho a bing uh vaengah BOEIPA taengla pang uh tih amih te khobing khui lamkah koep a khang.
14 He brought them out of complete darkness, he broke their chains to pieces.
Amih te khohmuep neh dueknah hlipkhup lamkah a poh tih a kuelrhui khaw a bawt pah.
15 Let them praise the Lord for his trustworthy love, and for all the wonderful things he does for people.
Hlang koca rhoek ham a sitlohnah neh khobaerhambae aka saii BOEIPA te uem uh pai saeh.
16 For he breaks down the bronze doors, and cuts through the iron bars.
Rhohum thohkhaih te a phil tih thicung thohkalh khaw a tloek.
17 They were stupid because they rebelled; they suffered for their sins.
Amih tah boekoek longpuei kah hlang ang neh amamih kah thaesainah dongah phaep uh.
18 They didn't want to eat; they were at death's door.
A hinglu loh caak boeih a tuei pah uh tih dueknah vongka te a paan uh.
19 Then they called out to the Lord for help in their troubles, and he saved them from their suffering.
Kho a bing vaengah BOEIPA taengah pang uh tih amih te khobing khui lamkah a khang.
20 He gave the command and he healed them; he saved them from the grave.
A ol a hlah phoeiah amih a hoeih sak tih amih rhomhmop te a poeng a hal sak.
21 Let them praise the Lord for his trustworthy love, and for all the wonderful things he does for people.
Hlang koca rhoek ham a sitlohnah neh khobaerhambae aka saii BOEIPA te uem uh pai saeh.
22 Let them present thank offerings and sing with joy about what he has done.
Te dongah uemonah hmueih te nawn uh saeh lamtah tamlung neh a bibi te doek uh saeh.
23 Those who set sail in ships, crossing the seas to earn their living,
Sangpho neh tuitunli ah suntla uh tih tui puei ah bitat aka saii rhoek loh,
24 they have seen the Lord's incredible power at work—the wonderful things he did in the deepest oceans.
BOEIPA kah bibi neh a laedil kah khobaerhambae te a hmuh uh.
25 He only had to speak to cause a stormy wind that stirred up towering waves,
A voek vaengah hlipuei khohli thoo tih tuilae khaw samboek.
26 lifting the ships high in the air and then plunging them down. The sailors were so terrified that their courage melted away.
Vaan la luei uh tih tuidung la a suntlak uh vaengah a hinglu tah yoethaenah neh paci uh.
27 They staggered around, falling from side to side like drunks—all their seamanship skills were useless.
Yurhui bangla lam uh tih a yoka dongah a cueihnah boeih hma uh.
28 Then they cried out to the Lord to help them in their troubles, and he saved them from their suffering.
Kho a bing vaengah BOEIPA taengla pang uh tih amih te khobing khui lamkah a poh.
29 He calmed the storm, the waves were quiet.
Hlipuei te bidip la a duem sak tih tuiphu rhoek khaw ngam uh.
30 The sailors were so happy when it all calmed down, and he brought them to the harbor they wanted.
Tuiphu a sap vaengah a kohoe uh tih amamih kah a naepnah langdai la a mawt.
31 Let them praise the Lord for his trustworthy love, and for all the wonderful things he does for people.
Hlang koca rhoek ham a sitlohnah neh khobaerhambae aka saii BOEIPA te uem uh pai saeh.
32 Let them say how wonderful he is in front of the whole congregation and the elders.
Te dongah pilnam hlangping lakliah amah te pomsang uh saeh lamtah patong rhoek kah tolrhum ah thangthen uh saeh.
33 He dries up rivers and turns the land into a desert; the water springs stop flowing and the earth turns dry and dusty.
Tuiva te khosoek la, tuiphuet tui khaw tuihang la a khueh.
34 Fruitful ground becomes a salty wasteland because of the wickedness of those living there.
Cangthen kho khaw boethae loh kho a sak thil dongah lungkaehlai la,
35 But he also turns around and makes pools of water in the desert, and makes water springs flow in a dry and dusty land.
khosoek te tuibap tui la, rhamrhae lai khaw tuiphuet tui la a khueh.
36 He brings hungry people to live there—a place they can build their cities.
Teah te bungpong rhoek kho a sak sak tih tolrhum khopuei a thong uh.
37 They sow their fields and plant their vineyards, producing a good harvest.
Te vaengah khohmuen a tawn uh tih misur a tue dongah a vuei a thaih cuen.
38 He takes care of them, and their numbers increase dramatically—their cattle too!
Amih te yoethen a paek tih muep a ping uh vaengah a rhamsa khaw polpai sak pawh.
39 When they become few, brought low by oppression, misery, and sorrow,
Tedae a polpai uh vaengah caya yoethae neh kothae dongah ngam uh sut.
40 He pours out his contempt on their leaders, making them wander, lost in the wilderness.
Hlangcong rhoek te nueihbu a hawk thil tih long mueng hinghong la kho a hmang sak.
41 But he lifts the poor out of their troubles, and makes their families as big as flocks.
Tedae khodaeng te phacipphabaem lamkah a hoeptlang tih a hui a ko te boiva bangla a khueh.
42 Those who live right will observe what is happening and be glad, but the wicked will be silenced.
Aka thuem rhoek loh a hmuh uh vaengah a kohoe uh dae dumlai boeih long tah a ka khoep a buem.
43 Those who are wise will pay attention to all this, and thoughtfully reflect on the Lord's trustworthy love.
U khaw aka cueih long tah hekah he kuem saeh lamtah BOEIPA kah sitlohnah te yakming uh saeh.

< Psalms 107 >