< Psalms 105 >

1 Give the Lord thanks, worship his wonderful nature, let people know what he's done!
KAPINA leowa, likwir won mar a, kapakaparoki on kainok kan duen a wiawia kan.
2 Sing to him, sing his praises; tell everyone the great things he's done!
Kauli on i, kauliki on i pjalm akan, kajokajoi duen a manaman akan karoj;
3 Be proud of his holy character; be happy, all who come to the Lord!
Peren kida mar a jaraui; monion en me rapaki leowa, en popol.
4 Look for the Lord, and his strength; always look to be in his presence.
Komail inon ion leowa o a manaman; rapaki jilan i anjau karoj.
5 Remember all the wonderful things he's done, the miracles he's performed, and the judgments he's carried out,
Tamatamanda japwilim a dodok kapuriamui, me a kotin wiadar, o a manaman akan o majan en kadeik jan nan jilan i.
6 descendants of Abraham, children of Israel, his chosen people.
Kadaudok en Apraam koe japwilim a ladu, o nain Ijrael komail, me a kotin piladar!
7 He is the Lord, our God, his judgments cover the whole earth.
I leowa atail Kot; a kotin kaunda nan jap karoj.
8 He remembers his agreement forever, the promise he made lasts for a thousand generations;
A kin kotin tamanda japwilim a inau kokolata, majan o me a kotin inauki oner di kid.
9 the agreement he made with Abraham, the vow he gave to Isaac.
Inau me a kotin wiadan Apraam, o a kaula, me a kotin kauki on Ijaak.
10 The Lord legally confirmed it with Jacob, he made this binding agreement with Israel:
O a kotiki on Iakop kujoned eu, o on Ijrael inau joutuk,
11 saying to you, “I will give the land of Canaan for you to possess.”
Ni a kotin majanier: I pan ki on uk Kanaan, iei me I kileledier, en pwaij omail jojo;
12 He said this when they were only a few, just a small group of foreigners in the land.
I anjau, me irail pwin tikitik eu, o men kairu nan jap o.
13 They wandered from country to country, from one kingdom to the next.
Ni ar kokola jan eu kainok lel eu, o jan eu wei lel eu.
14 He didn't let anyone one treat them badly; warning kings to leave them alone:
A jota kotin mueid on amen aramaj, en katoutou irail, o a kotin kaloke nanmarki kai pweki irail.
15 “Don't touch my chosen people; don't harm my prophets!”
Komail der jair nai me keidier akan, o der wiai on ai jaukop akan me jued kot!
16 He caused a famine in the Land of Canaan so that there was no food.
A lao kotiki on jap o anjaun lek; o kotin kawelar wajan kaporopor en mana,
17 Before that he sent a man, Joseph, who was sold as a slave.
A kotin poronelar ol amen mo’rail; Iojep, me netilar, pwen wiala ladu men.
18 They hurt his feet by placing them in shackles, and they put an iron collar around his neck,
Na a kan kalokolokki jal mata, o pali war a wonon nan mata,
19 until the time predicted came when the Lord tested him.
Lao anjau me japwilim a majan pwarado; majan en Ieowa kamakelekeleda i.
20 The king sent for him and released him; the king of the people set him free.
Nanmarki ap ilakila, pwen lapwada i, iei kaun en wei kan, me kotin kamaioda i.
21 He put Joseph in charge of the royal household, manager of everything he had,
A kajapwiladan i pein im a, o kaun en a dipijou karoj.
22 to teach the king's officials whatever he wanted, to make the king's advisors wise.
Pwen jaliedi a jaupeidi kan duen me a mauki, o padaki on japwilim a lapalap akan lolekon.
23 Then Israel entered Egypt—Jacob settled as a foreigner in the land of Ham.
O Ijrael lipalan Akipten, o Iakop wiala men kairu nan jap en Am.
24 The Lord made his people more fertile and more powerful than their enemies.
I anjau Kot kotin kapara irail ada madan, o kotin kakelail ir ada jan a imwintiti kan.
25 He made the Egyptians change their minds and hate his people and act deceptively towards them.
A kotin kawukila kupur a, pwen kailonki japwilim a aramaj akan, o widiwidin on japwilim a ladu kan.
26 He sent his servant Moses, together with Aaron, whom he had chosen.
A ap kotin poronela Mojej, japwilim a ladu, o Aron, me a kotin piladar.
27 They carried out his miraculous signs among the Egyptians, his wonders in the land of Ham.
Ira wiadar manaman akai nan pun ar, o dodok kapuriamui nan jap en Am.
28 He plunged the country into darkness—for hadn't they defied what the Lord had said?
A kotin kadarado rotorot, ap pon pena, o re jota injenoki a majan kan.
29 He turned their water into blood, killing all the fish.
A kotin kawuk on nta ar pil akan, o kamelar ar man akan.
30 Then he sent a plague of frogs across the land that even entered the bedrooms of their rulers.
Jap arail me direki proj lao lel on nan pera en ar nanmarki kan.
31 He gave the command, and flies spread throughout their land; mosquitoes were everywhere.
A kotin majanier, Ion jued ap rokilar, o amuje nan jap karoj.
32 He rained down hail on them, and lightning flashed across their land.
A kotiki on ir akel wiliandi katau, umpul en kijiniai nan jap ar.
33 He struck down their grape vines, and tore down their trees.
A kotin kawelar ar tuka en wain akan o tuka en paiken, o kotin katip pajan tuka en jap ar akan.
34 He gave the command, and swarms of locusts came—countless locusts:
A kotin majanier, manjiok o Ion ap pwarada, rap pwaradar o re jota kak wadawad.
35 they ate up all the vegetation in their land; they consumed all the growing crops.
Rap kanala tuka kan karoj nan jap o, o kanala wan tuka kan nan matuel o.
36 He killed all the firstborn in Egypt, the first to be produced in their vigor and strength.
O a kotin kamelar mejeni karoj nan jap arail, mejeni karoj en ar kelail.
37 Then he led his people out of Egypt, carrying silver and gold—not one among the tribes was stumbling along.
O a kotin kalua irail jan nan jap o ianaki jilper o kohl, o jota me luet nan pun en ar kainok kan.
38 The Egyptians were delighted to see them go, for they were frightened of the Israelites.
Akipten peren kida ar jamalar, pwe re majapwekadar.
39 He spread a cloud above them as a covering, and at night a fire to give them light.
A kotin wiada tapok en kadupal irail edi, o kijiniai en jereda irail ni pon.
40 He gave them quails to eat when they asked him; he fed them with the bread of heaven until they were full.
Irail poekipoeki, i ap kotin kadarado manpir akan; o a kotin kamana kin ir prot en nanlan.
41 He split the rock open, and water gushed out—a river flowing through the desert.
A kotin palan pajan paip o, pil akan ap kujkuj wei jan, re pwilipwile wei nan jap tan dueta pilap pot.
42 For he remembered his holy promise to his servant Abraham.
Pwe a kotin tamanda majan jaraui, o japwilim a ladu Apraam.
43 So he led his people out, his chosen ones, as they sang for joy.
A kotin kaluaki peren japwilim a aramaj akan jan nan jap o, o nijinij japwilim a pilipildar akan!
44 He gave them the lands of the heathen nations, and they inherited what other people had worked for.
A ap kotiki on ir jap en men liki kan, o re aleer dipijou en kainok kan.
45 The Lord did this so they could follow his instructions and keep his laws. Praise the Lord!
Pwe ren peiki on japwilim a majan kan o kolekol a kujoned akan. Aleluia!

< Psalms 105 >