< Psalms 10 >

1 Lord, why are you so distant? Why do you hide from me in times of trouble?
Onyenwe anyị, gịnị mere i ji na-eguzoro onwe gị nʼebe dị anya? Gịnị mere ị na-ezo onwe gị nʼoge nsogbu?
2 The wicked chase down the poor with impunity. May they be trapped by the evil schemes they themselves invented.
Site na mpako, onye ajọ omume na-emegbu ndị na-adịghị ike, ndị mpịa mpịa aghụghọ ya mara dịka ọnya.
3 For the wicked boast about what they want to do. They praise the greedy, but treat the Lord with contempt.
Ọ na-anya isi banyere ọchịchọ niile nke obi ya, ọ na-elelị Onyenwe anyị anya ma na-agọzi ndị oke ọchịchọ.
4 The wicked are too proud to come to God. In all their thinking they never consider God.
Nʼọnọdụ mpako ya, onye ajọ omume anaghị achọ Chineke, nʼechiche ya niile, ọ naghị eche banyere ya.
5 What they do always seems to go well. They're unaware of God's judgments. They ridicule all their enemies.
Ma ihe niile ọ na-eme na-agara ya nke ọma; ọ bụ onye na-ebuli onwe ya elu, iwu gị niile dịkwa anya site nʼebe ọ nọ; ọ na-elelị ndị iro ya niile.
6 They tell themselves, “Nothing bad is going to happen to me. I'll never be in trouble!”
Nʼime obi ya, ọ na-asị, “Ọ dịghị ihe ga-emetụta m. Aga m anọ nʼọnọdụ ọṅụ mgbe niile. Nsogbu ọbụla agaghị adakwasị m.”
7 Their speech is full of cursing, lies, and threats; their tongues are always ready to spread trouble and cause evil.
Ọnụ ya jupụtara nʼokwu ụgha na ịba mba ime ihe ọjọọ, nʼokpuru ire ya ka nsogbu na ajọ ihe dịkwa.
8 They hide out in ambush in the villages, ready to kill innocent passers-by. They are always on the lookout for their next victim.
Ha na-ezo onwe ha nʼobodo nta dị iche iche, nʼebe zooro ezo ka ha na-anọ, na-eche itigbu ndị aka ha dị ọcha.
9 They lie in ambush like a lion ready to attack, ready to leap out from their hiding place to seize their victim. They capture the helpless, throwing a net over them.
Dịka ọdụm, ha anaghị eme mkpọtụ ọbụla, ọ na-eche ịdakwasị ụmụ ogbenye. Dịka ndị bụ dinta si ejide ụmụ anụmanụ nʼọnya ha siri, otu a ka ha si ejide ụmụ ogbenye.
10 Their victims are knocked down, laid low. They fall under the strength of the wicked.
Ụmụ ogbenye ndị a na-ada nʼala nʼihi ịdị ike ya, ọ na-azọpịakwa ha.
11 They tell themselves, “God won't notice. He's looking the other way. He won't ever see anything.”
Nʼime obi ya, ọ na-asị, “Chineke echefuola. O zofuola ihu ya, ọ dịghị mgbe ọ hụrụ ya.”
12 Take a stand, Lord! Raise your hand to strike! Don't forget those who can't defend themselves.
Bilie O Onyenwe anyị! O Chineke welie aka gị, echefukwala ndị na-enweghị onye inyeaka.
13 Why do the wicked think they can treat God with such contempt? Why do they think that God won't make them accountable?
Gịnị mere onye ajọ omume ji na-eleda Chineke anya? Gịnị mere o ji na-asị nʼime obi ya, “Ọ gaghị akpọ m ka m zaa ajụjụ banyere omume m”?
14 But you do see the trouble and grief they cause. Take it into your own hands. The helpless trust in you; you defend the orphans.
Ma gị, O Chineke, ị na-ahụ nsogbu na ihe mwute, ị na-atule ihe ị ga-eme banyere ha. Ndị a na-emegbu na-atụkwasị gị obi, nʼihi na ị bụ onye inyeaka ndị na-enweghị nna.
15 Destroy the power of the wicked, those evil people! Call each of them to account until there are none left!
Gbajie aka onye ajọ omume a na-eme ihe ọjọọ, kpọọ ya ka ọ zaa ajụjụ banyere ajọ omume ya niile nke a na-apụghị ịchọpụta.
16 Lord, you are King forever and ever! The nations will vanish from their lands.
Onyenwe anyị bụ eze ruo mgbe ebighị ebi. Ọ ga-esite nʼala ya kpochapụ mba niile.
17 Lord, you have heard the longing cries of those who are suffering. You will encourage them, for you will listen to them.
O Onyenwe anyị, ị maara ọchịchọ obi ndị niile a na-akpagbu; ị na-ege ntị na mkpu akwa ha ma kasịekwa ha obi,
18 You will defend the rights of orphans and the oppressed so that those who are mere human beings here on earth will never terrorize them again.
Ị na-echedo ndị na-enweghị nna na ndị niile a na-emegbu emegbu, ka mmadụ efu, onye e kere eke, ghara imenye ha egwu ọzọ.

< Psalms 10 >