< Proverbs 8 >

1 Isn't wisdom calling? Isn't understanding raising her voice?
Whether wisdom crieth not ofte; and prudence yyueth his vois?
2 On the top of the hill by the road, she stands up at the crossroads.
In souereyneste and hiy coppis, aboue the weie, in the myddis of pathis,
3 Beside the gates of the town, right there at the entrance, she cries out:
and it stondith bisidis the yate of the citee, in thilke closyngis, and spekith, and seith, A!
4 “I'm calling out to you, everyone! My call is to everyone in the whole world!
ye men, Y crie ofte to you; and my vois is to the sones of men.
5 If you're immature, learn how to grow up. If you're stupid, learn what makes good sense.
Litle children, vndirstonde ye wisdom; and ye vnwise men, `perseyue wisdom.
6 Listen to me because I have valuable things to explain to you.
Here ye, for Y schal speke of grete thingis; and my lippis schulen be openyd, to preche riytful thingis.
7 I say what's right, because I tell the truth and I hate wickedness in all its forms.
My throte schal bithenke treuthe; and my lippis schulen curse a wickid man.
8 All the words I say are true; none are false or misleading.
My wordis ben iust; no schrewid thing, nether weiward is in tho.
9 My words are straightforward to anyone with understanding; they are correct to those who have knowledge.
`My wordis ben riytful to hem that vndurstonden; and ben euene to hem that fynden kunnyng.
10 Choose my instruction over silver; choose knowledge over pure gold.
Take ye my chastisyng, and not money; chese ye teching more than tresour.
11 For wisdom is more valuable than rubies; everything you could ever want just doesn't compare!
For wisdom is betere than alle richessis moost preciouse; and al desirable thing mai not be comparisound therto.
12 I, wisdom, am at home with good decisions. I know how to find knowledge and discernment.
Y, wisdom, dwelle in counsel; and Y am among lernyd thouytis.
13 Honoring the Lord means hating evil. So I hate pride and arrogance, wicked behavior and telling lies.
The drede of the Lord hatith yuel; Y curse boost, and pride, and a schrewid weie, and a double tungid mouth.
14 I have advice and good judgment; I know what makes sense, and I have power.
Counseil is myn, and equyte `is myn; prudence is myn, and strengthe `is myn.
15 It's because of me that kings reign, and rulers issue fair decrees.
Kyngis regnen bi me; and the makeris of lawis demen iust thingis bi me.
16 It's because of me that leaders and nobles govern—all who rule justly.
Princis comaunden bi me; and myyti men demen riytfulnesse bi me.
17 I love those who love me, and those who really look for me will find me.
I loue hem that louen me; and thei that waken eerli to me, schulen fynde me.
18 With me go riches and honor, lasting wealth and prosperity.
With me ben rychessis, and glorie; souereyn richessis, and riytfulnesse.
19 The fruit I produce is better than gold, even pure gold, and my harvest is better than even the best silver.
My fruyt is betere than gold, and precyouse stoon; and my seedis ben betere than chosun siluer.
20 I live in a way that's right; I follow the paths of justice.
Y go in the weies of riytfulnesse, in the myddis of pathis of doom;
21 I grant wealth to those who love me; I fill their treasure storehouses.
that Y make riche hem that louen me, and that Y fille her tresouris.
22 The Lord created me first of all; I was made before anything else.
The Lord weldide me in the bigynnyng of hise weies; bifore that he made ony thing, at the bigynnyng.
23 I was formed a long time ago, at the first, before the world began.
Fro with out bigynnyng Y was ordeined; and fro elde tymes, bifor that the erthe was maad.
24 I was born when there were no ocean depths, when there were no springs pouring out water.
Depthis of watris weren not yit; and Y was conseyued thanne. The wellis of watris hadden not brokun out yit,
25 I was born before the mountains or the hills had been formed,
and hillis stoden not togidere yit bi sad heuynesse; bifor litil hillis Y was born.
26 when he hadn't made the earth and its fields or any of the earth's dust.
Yit he hadde not maad erthe; and floodis, and the herris of the world.
27 I was there when he placed the heavens in position, when he drew the horizon over the ocean,
Whanne he made redi heuenes, Y was present; whanne he cumpasside the depthis of watris bi certeyn lawe and cumpas.
28 when he made the clouds in the sky above, when he created the springs of the oceans,
Whanne he made stidfast the eir aboue; and weiede the wellis of watris.
29 when he set limits on the sea so that the waters would not go farther than he ordered, and when he laid out the foundations of the earth.
Whanne he cumpasside to the see his marke; and settide lawe to watris, that tho schulden not passe her coostis. Whanne he peiside the foundementis of erthe;
30 Then I was beside him as a master craftsman. I made him happy every day, and I was always full of joy in his presence.
Y was making alle thingis with him. And Y delitide bi alle daies, and pleiede bifore hym in al tyme,
31 I was so happy in the world he created, celebrating together with human beings.
and Y pleiede in the world; and my delices ben to be with the sones of men.
32 And now, my sons, listen to me, for happy are those who follow my ways.
Now therfor, sones, here ye me; blessid ben thei that kepen my weies.
33 Listen to my instruction and be wise—do not reject it.
Here ye teching, and be ye wise men; and nile ye caste it awei.
34 Happy are those who listen to me, watching for me every day at my doors, waiting at my entrance way.
Blessid is the man that herith me, and that wakith at my yatis al dai; and kepith at the postis of my dore.
35 For those who find me, find life, and are accepted by the Lord.
He that fyndith me, schal fynde lijf; and schal drawe helthe of the Lord.
36 But those who don't find me hurt themselves; everyone who hates me loves death.”
But he that synneth ayens me, schal hurte his soule; alle that haten me, louen deeth.

< Proverbs 8 >