< Proverbs 7 >

1 My son, accept what I say and value my instructions.
I oƣlum, sɵzlirimgǝ ǝmǝl ⱪil, Tapxuruⱪlirimni yürikingdǝ saⱪla.
2 Do what I tell you and you will live. Observe my teachings, valuing them as your main focus in life.
Tapxuruⱪlirimƣa ǝmǝl ⱪilsang, yaxnaysǝn; Tǝlimlirimni kɵz ⱪariquⱪungni asriƣandǝk asra.
3 Tie them to your fingers; write them in your mind.
Ularni barmaⱪliringƣa tengip ⱪoy, Ⱪǝlb tahtangƣa yeziwal.
4 Tell wisdom, “You're my sister,” and call insight your best friend.
Danaliⱪni, sǝn ⱨǝdǝ-singlim, degin, Pǝm-parasǝtni «tuƣⱪinim» dǝp qaⱪir.
5 They will protect you from the immoral woman, from the prostitute with her seductive words.
Xundaⱪ ⱪilsang, ular seni yat hotundin yiraⱪlaxturidu, Aƣzidin siliⱪ sɵz qiⱪidiƣan yoqun ayaldin neri ⱪilidu.
6 One time I looked through the lattice of the window in my house,
[Bir ⱪetim] ɵyning derizǝ kɵznǝkliridin taxⱪiriƣa ⱪariƣinimda,
7 and I saw among the immature young men one who had no sense at all.
Birnǝqqǝ yax, sadda yigitlǝrni kɵrdüm, Ularning iqidin bir ǝⱪilsizni kɵrüp ⱪaldim,
8 He was walking down the street near the corner where she lived and took the road passing her house.
U koqa boylap buzuⱪ [hotun turuxluⱪ] doⱪmuxtin ɵtüp, Andin uning ɵyi tǝrǝpkǝ ⱪarap mangdi.
9 It was at dusk in the evening, as the light was fading and the dark night closed in.
Kǝqⱪurun ⱪarangƣu qüxkǝndǝ, Zulmǝt keqǝ, ay ⱪarangƣusida [ixiki aldidin ɵtti].
10 Then out came a woman came to meet him. She was dressed as a prostitute and had deceptive intentions.
Mana, ɵydin bir hotun qiⱪip uni kütüwaldi; Kiyimi paⱨixǝ ayallarningkidǝk bolup, Niyiti ⱨiylǝ-mikir idi.
11 (She was loud and provocative, never wanting to stay at home.
Aƣzi bixǝm-ⱨayasiz, naⱨayiti jaⱨil bir hotun, U ɵyidǝ turmaydu,
12 One moment she'd be walking the streets, the next she'd be there in the town squares, loitering at every corner.)
Birdǝ mǝⱨǝllidǝ, birdǝ mǝydanlarda, U koqilardiki ⱨǝr doⱪmuxta paylap yüridu.
13 She grabbed hold of him and kissed him, and with a bold face she told him,
Ⱨeliⱪi yax yigitni tartip, uni sɵyüp, Nomussizlarqǝ uningƣa: —
14 “I sacrificed my peace offering today, and paid my vows.
«Ɵyümdǝ «inaⱪliⱪ ⱪurbanliⱪi» gɵxi bar, Mǝn bügün Hudaƣa ⱪǝsǝm ⱪilƣan ⱪurbanliⱪni ⱪildim,
15 That's why I came out to meet you. I was looking for you and now I've found you!
Xunga mǝn sizni qaⱪirƣili qiⱪtim, Didaringizƣa tǝlpünüp izdidim. Əmdi sizni tepiwaldim!
16 My bed is made, covered with colorful linens from Egypt.
Karwitimƣa Misirning kǝxtilik, yolluⱪ libas yapⱪuqlirini yaptim.
17 I've sprinkled perfume on my bed—myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.
Orun-kɵrpilirimgǝ hux puraⱪ murmǝkki, muǝttǝr wǝ ⱪowzaⱪ darqinlarni qaqtim.
18 Come with me, let's make love until the morning. Let's enjoy one another in our love-making!
Keling, tang atⱪuqǝ muⱨǝbbǝtlixǝyli, oynap ⱨuzurlinayli, Kɵnglimiz ⱪanƣuqǝ ɵzara ǝyx-ixrǝt ⱪilayli,
19 My husband isn't home; he's gone on a long trip.
Erim ɵydǝ yoⱪ, yiraⱪ sǝpǝrgǝ qiⱪip kǝtti.
20 He took a bag of money with him, and he won't be coming back until the full moon.”
U bir ⱨǝmyan pul elip kǝtti, Ay tolƣuqǝ u ɵygǝ kǝlmǝydu» — dedi.
21 She convinced him with all that she said; she seduced him with her smooth talking.
Ayal kɵp xerin sɵzliri bilǝn rasa ⱪiziⱪturdi, Qirayliⱪ gǝpliri bilǝn uni ǝsir ⱪiliwaldi.
22 He followed her right away, like an ox to the slaughter. Like a stag that's caught in a snare
Soyuxⱪa elip mangƣan ɵküzdǝk, Ⱨamaⱪǝt kixi kixǝn bilǝn jazaƣa mangƣandǝk, Ⱪiltaⱪⱪa qüxkǝn ⱪuxtǝk, Yigit uning kǝynidin mangdi. Jigirini oⱪ texip ɵtmiguqǝ, U bu ixning ⱨayatiƣa zamin bolidiƣanliⱪini ⱨeq bilmǝydu.
23 until an arrow pierces its liver, like a bird flying into a trap, he's unaware he will pay with his life.
24 So now listen to me, my sons, and pay attention to what I'm saying.
I oƣullirim, sɵzlirimni kɵngül ⱪoyup anglanglar, Degǝnlirimgǝ ⱪulaⱪ selinglar,
25 Don't even think about following her. Don't stray down her road.
Ⱪǝlbinglarni bundaⱪ hotunning yoliƣa kǝtküzmǝnglar, Uning aldam haltisiƣa qüxüp kǝtmǝnglar.
26 For she has brought down and destroyed a lot of men; she's killed so many.
Bundaⱪ ayal nurƣun kixilǝrni yiⱪitip yarilandurƣan, Uning boƣuzliƣan adǝmliri tolimu kɵptur,
27 Her house leads to the grave—it goes down to the rooms of death. (Sheol h7585)
Uning ɵyi bolsa tǝⱨtisaraning kirix eƣizidur, Adǝmni «ⱨalakǝt meⱨmanhanisi»ƣa qüxürüx yolidur. (Sheol h7585)

< Proverbs 7 >