< Proverbs 6 >

1 My son, suppose you have pledged to guarantee your neighbor's debt, or you have shaken hands in agreement with a stranger,
Mutabani obanga weeyimirira muliraanwa wo, ne weeyama okuyamba omuntu gw’otomanyi, oli mu katyabaga.
2 then you've trapped yourself by what you promised, you've been caught by what you said.
Obanga weesibye n’ebigambo ggwe kennyini bye wayogera, ng’ebigambo by’omu kamwa ko bikusibye,
3 So this is what you have to do. You need to get out of it, because you've put yourself in that person's power. Go to your neighbor in all humility and ask him to release you from the commitment.
kino mwana wange ky’oba okola okusobola okwewonya, kubanga kaakano oli mu buyinza bwa muliraanwa wo: Yanguwa, ogende weetoowaze, weegayirire muliraanwa wo.
4 Don't delay, saying that you'll sleep on it. Don't rest until you've done it.
Amaaso go togaganya kwebaka, wadde ebikowe byo okubongoota.
5 Get out of it like a gazelle escaping from a trap, like a bird from a bird-catcher's net.
Onunule obulamu bwo ng’empeewo bw’edduka okuva mu ngalo z’omuyizzi, era ng’ekinyonyi, bwe kiva mu mutego gw’omutezi.
6 Go and observe the ants, you slacker! Learn from what they do and become wise.
Yigira ku biwuka, mugayaavu ggwe; fumiitiriza engeri gye bikolamu obiyigireko.
7 They don't have a leader, an officer, or a ruler,
Tebirina mukulembeze, mukungu oba mufuzi yenna abikulembera,
8 yet they work hard during the summer getting their food, gathering what they need during the harvest.
kyokka byekuŋŋaanyiza emmere mu biseera eby’amakungula, ne bitereka emmere mu biseera ebituufu mu mwaka.
9 So how long are you going to lie there, you slacker? When are you going to get up from your sleep?
Olituusa ddi okwebaka mugayaavu ggwe? Oligolokoka ddi n’ova mu tulo two?
10 You may say, “Please, just a little more sleep, a little longer snooze, a little more folding of the arms to rest”—
Otulo otutonotono, n’okusumagira akatono, n’okufunya emikono okuwummulako,
11 and poverty will attack you like a robber, destitution like an armed warrior.
obwavu bulikutuukako ng’omutemu, era n’obwetaavu ng’omutemu.
12 Rebellious and wicked people go around telling lies,
Omuntu ataliiko ky’agasa, omusajja omubi agenda ayogera ebigambo ebitabulatabula,
13 winking slyly, giving sneaky foot gestures, rudely pointing with their fingers.
agenda atemyatemya ku liiso, nga bw’akuba ebigere ate nga bw’asongasonga olunwe,
14 Their warped minds plot evil schemes; they're always causing trouble.
olw’omutima omukyamu, ateekateeka okukola ebibi, bulijjo aleeta obutakkaanya mu bantu!
15 As a result, disaster falls suddenly on such people; in just a moment they're destroyed without hope of healing.
Noolwekyo okuzikirira kulimujjira mbagirawo, mu kaseera buseera alibetentebwa awatali kuwona.
16 There are six things that the Lord hates, seven things that he absolutely detests:
Waliwo ebintu mukaaga Mukama by’akyawa, weewaawo musanvu eby’omuzizo gy’ali.
17 arrogant eyes, a lying tongue, hands that murder the innocent,
Amaaso ag’amalala, emimwa egirimba, okuttira abantu obwereere;
18 a mind that plots evil schemes, feet that hurriedly run to do wrong,
omutima ogutegeka okukola ebibi, ebigere ebyanguwa okukola ebibi,
19 a false witness that speaks lies, those who caused arguments in families.
obujulizi obw’obulimba, n’omuntu aleeta obutakkaanya mu booluganda.
20 My son, pay attention to your father's instruction, and don't reject your mother's teaching.
Mwana wange nyweza ebiragiro bya kitaawo, era togayaalirira kuyigiriza kwa maama wo.
21 Keep them always in mind. Tie them around your neck.
Bisibenga ku mutima gwo ennaku zonna era obisibe binywerere mu bulago bwo.
22 They will lead you as you walk along; they will watch over you as you sleep; when you wake up they will talk with you.
Bijja kukuluŋŋamyanga buli gy’onoolaganga, ne bw’onoobanga weebase binaakukuumanga, ate ng’ozuukuse binaabanga naawe.
23 For the instruction is a lamp, and the teaching is a light. The correction that comes from discipline is the way to life.
Kubanga amateeka ttabaaza, era n’okuyigiriza kitangaala, okukulabula olw’okukuluŋŋamya, ly’ekkubo ery’obulamu,
24 It will protect you from an evil woman and the seductive words of a prostitute.
okukuwonya omukazi ow’ebibi, okukuggya mu kunyumiikiriza kw’omukazi omwenzi.
25 Don't let your mind lust after her beauty, or let her hypnotize you with her fluttering eyelashes.
Teweegombanga bulungi bwe mu mutima gwo, wadde okumukkiriza okukuwamba n’amaaso ge,
26 You can buy a prostitute for the price of a loaf of bread, but adultery with another man's wife can cost you your life.
kubanga malaaya akussa ku muwendo ogugula omugaati, era omukazi omwenzi anoonya kuzikiririza ddala bulamu bwo.
27 Can you put fire in your lap and not burn your clothes?
Omuntu ayinza okuwambaatira omuliro mu kifuba kye, ebyambalo bye ne bitaggya?
28 Can you walk on hot coals and not scorch your feet?
Oba omuntu ayinza okutambulira ku manda agookya, ebigere bye ne bitasiriira?
29 It's the same for anyone who sleeps with another man's wife. No one who touches her will remain unpunished.
Bwe kityo bwe kiri eri omusajja agenda ne muka muliraanwa we, buli akwata ku mukazi ng’oyo talirema kubonerezebwa olw’ekibi kye.
30 People don't condemn a thief if he steals to satisfy himself when he's hungry.
Abantu tebasekerera muntu bw’abba, olw’okwewonya enjala.
31 But if he's caught, he has to pay back seven times what he stole, even if it means handing over everything he has in his house.
Naye bwe bamukwata aba alina okuwa engassi ya mirundi musanvu; ne bwe kiba nga kimumalako ebintu bye byonna eby’omu nju ye.
32 Any man who commits adultery with a woman has no sense; he who does so destroys himself.
Naye buli ayenda ku mukazi talina magezi; kubanga azikiririza ddala emmeeme ye ye.
33 He will be wounded and dishonored. His disgrace will never be removed.
Alifuna ebiwundu n’okunyoomebwa; n’obuswavu tebulimusangulibwako.
34 For jealousy makes a husband furious, and he won't hold back when he takes revenge.
Kubanga obuggya buleetera omusajja okuswakira, era taliba na kisa n’akatono nga yeesasuza.
35 He refuses any compensation, and won't be paid off, however big the amount.
Talikkiriza mutango gwonna, wadde okuwooyawooyezebwa enguzi ennene.

< Proverbs 6 >