< Proverbs 3 >

1 My son, don't forget my instructions. Always keep my commands in mind.
Ka ca, kai kah olkhueng he hnilh boel lamtah ka olpaek he na lungbuei loh kueinah saeh.
2 Then you will live a long time, and have a full life.
Na hingnah khohnin neh kum a sen vaengah nang hamla ngaimongnah han thap uh bitni.
3 Hold on to kindness and truth. Tie them around your neck; write them in your mind.
Sitlohnah neh uepomnah loh nang te n'hnoo boel saeh. Te te na rhawn dongah hlaengtang lamtah na lungbuei cabael dongah daek lah.
4 That way you'll gain a good reputation and be appreciated by both God and people.
Te tlam te Pathen neh hlang mikhmuh ah mikdaithen neh lungmingnah then te dang van lah.
5 Put your trust totally in the Lord—don't rely on what you think you know!
BOEIPA dongah na lungbuei boeih neh pangtung lamtah namah kah yakmingnah dongah hangdang boeh.
6 Remember him in everything you do, and he'll show you the right way.
Na longpuei boeih ah amah te ming lamtah amah loh na caehlong a dueng sak bitni.
7 Don't think you're wise—respect God and avoid evil.
Na mikhmuh dawk neh aka cueih la om boeh, BOEIPA te rhih lamtah boethae te nong tak.
8 Then you will have healed and be made strong.
Na tharhui ham sadingnah neh na rhuh ham a hliing la om ni.
9 Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all the crops you grow.
BOEIPA te na boeirhaeng neh, na cangvuei boeih khuikah a tanglue neh thangpom lah.
10 Then your barns will be filled with produce, and your vats will overflow with new wine.
Te daengah ni na khai te khobuh neh baetawt vetih misur thai khaw na va-am dongah puh ni.
11 My son, don't reject the Lord's discipline or resent it when he corrects you,
BOEIPA kah thuituennah he ka ca nang loh sawtsit boel lamtah amah kah toelthamnah te na mueipuel sak boeh.
12 for the Lord corrects those he loves, as a father corrects a son who pleases him.
BOEIPA loh a lungnah te tah a tluung dae pa bangla capa te a moeithen.
13 Happy are those who find wisdom and gain understanding,
Cueihnah aka hmu hlang neh lungcuei aka dang hlang tah a yoethen pai.
14 for wisdom is worth more than silver, and pays better than gold.
A thenpom te tangka thenpom lakah, a cangvuei khaw sui lakah then.
15 She is more valuable than rubies—everything you could ever want just doesn't compare!
Te tah lungvang lakah kuel ngai tih na ngaihnah boeih long khaw pha uh mahpawh.
16 She offers long life in one hand, and riches and honor in the other.
A bantang ah hinglung vang nah, a banvoei ah khuehtawn neh thangpomnah om.
17 She brings true happiness, and leads to peaceful prosperity.
A longpuei te omthennah longpuei la om tih a hawn te ngaimongnah la boeih om.
18 Wisdom is a tree of life to everyone who embraces her, blessing those who accept her.
Hingnah thingkung cueihnah aka kop ham neh aka tu ham tah a uem om pai.
19 It was through wisdom that the Lord created the earth, and through understanding he set the heavens in place.
BOEIPA loh cueihnah neh diklai a suen tih a lungcuei neh vaan a soepboe.
20 It was through his knowledge the waters of the deep were broken open, and the clouds sent down the dew.
A mingnah rhangneh a dung khaw ueth tih khomong khaw buemtui la pha.
21 My son, hold on to good judgment and wise decisions—don't let them out of your sight,
Ka ca na mik te khohmang boel saeh, lungming cueihnah neh thuepnah te kueinah ne.
22 for they will be life to you, and an ornament for your neck.
Na hinglu ham hingnah neh na rhawn ham mikdaithen la om ni.
23 You will be able to walk confidently on your way, and you won't trip up.
Te vaengah na longpuei te ngaikhuek la na cet vetih na kho tongtah mahpawh.
24 When you rest, you won't be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.
Na yalh vaengah na rhih voel pawt vetih na yalh thuk neh na ih khaw tui ni.
25 You won't be afraid of a sudden panic, or of disasters that hit the wicked,
Birhihnah aka pai buengrhuet neh halang rhoek aka muk khohli rhamrhael te khaw rhih boeh.
26 for the Lord will be the one you can trust in, and he will prevent you being caught in a trap.
BOEIPA tah nang ham uepnah la om vetih na kho te doong dong lamloh hang hoep bitni.
27 Don't hold back good from those who deserve it when it's something you have the power to do.
A kungmah lamkah hnothen te hloh boeh. Na kut loh a saii ham vaengah na kut te Pathen dongah om saeh.
28 Don't tell your neighbor, “Go away. Come back tomorrow and then I'll give it to you,” when you've already got it.
Namah taengah a om lalah na hui te, “Na hui taengah cet dae, thangvuen ah ha mael lamtah kam paek bitni,” ti nah boeh.
29 Don't plan to harm your neighbor who lives nearby and trusts you.
Namah taengah ngaikhuek la kho aka sa na hui te boethae neh phoh thil boeh.
30 Don't quarrel with anybody for no reason, when they haven't done anything to hurt you.
Boethae la nang aka saii pawt hlang te lungli lungla la oelh rhoe oelh boeh.
31 Don't be jealous of violent people—don't choose to follow their example!
Kuthlahnah hlang taengah thatlai boeh, anih kah longpuei te pakhat khaw tuek boeh.
32 For the Lord hates deceitful people, but he is a friend to those who do what is good.
BOEIPA kah a tueilaehkoi loh kho a hmang dae aka thuem taengah a baecenol om.
33 The houses of the wicked are cursed by the Lord, but he blesses the homes of those who live right.
Halang im ah BOEIPA kah tapvoepnah om dae hlang dueng tolkhoeng tah yoe a then sak.
34 He mocks those who mock, but he is kind to the humble.
Hmuiyoi rhoek ngawn tah amah loh a hnael vetih mangdaeng neh kodo te mikdaithen la a khueh.
35 The wise will receive honor, but fools are held up in disgrace.
Thangpomnah tah aka cueih rhoek loh a pang uh tih aka ang loh yah a ludoeng.

< Proverbs 3 >